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Everything posted by Filala

  1. i know ur fustration... feels like they dont care about breeders... btw on my screenshot u can see i am on C4 , there is no freeport on C4 i was happy to find somthing out to have a chance to breed the bears and wanted to share this , didnt tought there is so much difference in each grid, we used like 72 elevator pieces to reach that mountain top >_< (might edit later a screenshot from it if i get a good angle + no defence reveal)
  2. Aery i use this method on my breeding station like i said we got on ground 16+ temprature and on the mountain i had 6+ , will just jump ingame quick to give u some prove screenshots nr 1 on the edge of the temprature jump https://prnt.sc/mcqzxg and nr2 after the edge of temprature jump https://prnt.sc/mcr003 fact is that im not trolling and on a certain level the temprature jumps down but keep in mind they constantly patching and im living on an mountain not sure if they made it as an indicator Feels like they changed the temprature calculation, because on different day /temp the jump goes smaller or bigger!
  3. Drogith i got a quick question about ur cooling in the water method, someone tested yesterday to cool some baby bears at the beach and it didnt effected them and i tested it aswell once with a baby horse few weeks ago and he still had the palm icon over his head... SO the question is: is the water where u use to cool the babys down fresh water? Aery no problem! hope it will help u
  4. since one of my breeding survived and i did this 48hour torture with just fireplaces i want to share my experience, maybe someone can find some usefull information in this http://prntscr.com/mc1jbo TDLR: for cooling down i found out that on a certain level of high, the temprature jumps 5°C down, so if u dont want to leave ur island and it has kinda hotish weather, u have to build a lift /tower far up. :x On the mountain i was breeding, it was normaly around 6-12°C, meanwhile on ground 16-22°C , on a heatwave the temprature even went up on the mountain to over 20°C, wich was death sentance on one of my cubs :c so i will build a tower on this mountain to have another 5°C less temprature. PS: i know my english is horrible xD
  5. hi ! do u mind to share the way to cool them down? i tryed to get water bucket them but didnt worked :c i was able to get 1 baby bear successfully to the end of the breeding but sadly from 2 bears only the lowlevel survived aka lvl 19 the maturation >_< we getting some hard heatwaves on a island that has normaly 15-18°C goes up to 33 ...
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