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About Mudd2.0

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  1. I really am not trying to offend, but It IS in game preview stage. Its all too common to see people like yourself loosing sight of that and investing way too much time and effort. You have to go in knowing that everything will be wiped at some point from either bugs you encounter or just being scheduled. That's all part of being what essentially amounts to "free for hire" beta tester. If people would go in with that paradigm I think they would be a lot more productive in helping the devs instead of just b*tching at them (not directing that at you but just people on the forum in general). However as I've said, these are not just isolated bugs and hiccups, but are because of obvious structural flaws that are not going to be addressed with a few lines of code. I'm sure the developers on the ground are doing the best with what they got, but they're just not getting much. You have to solve hardware issues first, software issues second, and then go in and tweak the game to dial in optimal user experiences. The cost of ships is problem #2047... and the company still hasn't addressed problems #1-5
  2. + at least for the first time builds of each type considering that the reason for placing these outrageous prices on ships Is simply to stop people from ship spamming. The devs seem to be trying to address a much bigger problem by treating one of its symptoms. Recent wipes have shown the game has a much bigger fundamental problem to deal with... INFRASTRUCTURE! You can cap the amount of ships per player, ships per company, or de-incentivize by making ships more expensive for each type already possessed but they are all bandaid solutions on a wound that is festering and I fear will be the cause of this game loosing both of its legs to stand on. I truly believe that those on the ground floor are doing the best they can, but without more money being invested into better infrastructure by the powers that be, and a more coherent prioritization of those problems by leadership, I'm afraid that it will never be the game it should have been and Its a damn shame. If a car has a blown transmission you can't just put a governor on the engine and expect it to run better. Just like you can't keep fidgeting with the perimeters of a game running on servers that clearly can't handle that volume of data and expect a better experience for the player. I'm afraid I'm putting this one to bed on my hard drive until those problems I've mentioned are dealt with. gold is the least of this games problems.
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