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Everything posted by U_R_Kidding

  1. Thank you for asking this question, saved me from asking. Thank you, as this was doing my brain cells in. Now have one repaired sub!
  2. Even in PVE we have crashing issues going through servers into SOTD, bye bye ships. It isn't just PVP but understand that there is a greater risk with barrel bomb and such, so do feel for you guys too.
  3. The pricing of ships is ridiculous, we were a small company and getting that much money was a struggle and took a long time to get. Those prices are set for any common, fine, etc. We won't get to the mystical at all within the time frame. This is taking the fun out of the game. The suggested prices I can understand for a mythical ship but seriously for a common ship!?!?!?! The pricing is just for building the ships ourselves but yet we got the resources and everything but if it was buying a ship from another company even, now then the prices would be more realistic. I believe all of this pricing has ruined the game straight off! Can't see me enjoying the game for one, I did like the sailing to go and gather other resources. On a sloop isn't going to happen. I am a PVE. PVP doesn't interest me at all. Bye bye.
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