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Posts posted by Rains

  1. Me and my buddies will be renting our own server PVE/PVP for the boys, 2 companies.
    But i have no idea where to set the difficulty i have experienced with the normal difficulty and it's challenging when starting and very easy mid-game also tried Max Difficulty which was horribly unbalanced the wild-animals are okay actually good but the Treasure Hunting, Ships of the Damned and Ruins are nightmare +400 Levels, if my eyes did not deceive me i got slapped by a level +800 Damned while i was in Mythical plate so yea it's not ideal so i want to find something inbetween not too easy and not too hard.

  2. 9 hours ago, MrJoeBarbarian said:

    You are right, even people like you are entitled to their opinion even if it is wrong.

    What is it with INIGO that makes you want to go after them? It's looking to be personal at this point, you are going after someone that you say yourself is entitled to an opinion but you feel it's necessary to insult them to feel better about yourself?

    You attack another game release and comparing it to a game that had similar issues (I'm talking about Last Oasis v Atlas btw) The difference begin that Last Oasis Developers this is their first rodeo so giving them a little slack to sort their shit out should be given. However "Grapeshot" We'll just say Wildcard because we're not b/s'ing anyone. Has 9 official maps, Admittedly 3 were player created. But the point is they have experience, or should do, even if they don't behave like they have. Here you are being a hypocrite slurping on some of that Atlas slushy.

    I'm going to unfollow this thread so it's unlikely i'll read your reply as I know exactly what you are doing.

    Did i break a nerve here? chill dude no need to get heated up, cheers.

  3. 11 minutes ago, MrJoeBarbarian said:

    So you've resorted to attacking people personally to try and drive home whatever point you are trying to make. INIGO isn't a clown, he, just like you, is allowed to share their unfiltered thoughts and opinions as long as they aren't breaking the rules.

    I'm less inclined to listen to someone like you at this point because you haven't even noticed how hard you are trying to defend a game in an extremely poor state while attempting to say "At least it's better than X because my friends and I ended up getting a refund and coming back" 

    Resort to my previous comments and tell me where did i defend the game? and is that a bad thing? i have said the game has potential but the devs are blind and i don't think that's defending it, i have checked INGO's history and he just outright hates on the game on every corner so why does he stick around? everyone is entitled to their opinion even if it is wrong.

    you don't have to answer on behalf of him.

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  4. 3 hours ago, MrJoeBarbarian said:

    The irony of this comment is people can (and do) say the exact same about Atlas.

    Honestly people hated on ATLAS the moment the Trailer released and just wanted to have everything the moment they open the game that's their biggest complain from most reviews i watched they hate the farming part but they forgot it's a survival game.

    My post is literally towards people like INIGO who contribute nothing but spread hate, look at the other comments who actually discuss the topic and look his comment neglecting facts and responding with cringy videos "let it die" while recommending another broken Early Access game that he likes on another Early Access games forum, tell me he isn't a full blown clown at this rate.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Inigo said:

    At this rate and their general lack of experience outside of ARK, they had a 1 hit wonder(ARK), and tried to replicate that success, and realistically failed.

    If you want games like ATLUS, well Last Oasis is out, it's very similar. except that it actually works and is fun, and has a playerbase. Also it has more than 4 ship types.

    8/10 would recommend. 

    Don't even mention that trash game, our squad refunded the game and went back to Atlas, clunky and bad animations, empty and dead world, literally doing the same thing it's just boring as hell, 0/10 worst survival game i have played.

  6. 1 hour ago, Inigo said:

    1. No it didnt, ARKs 2015 EA launch was alright despite a lot of bugs that were mostly worked out over time, except some deep seeded core issues that allowed undermeshing that exist entirely to this day as well as the core mechanics behind duping. The launch itself was fine, the severs were pretty stable. ARKs 2017 September Full release was an absolute shitshow because they were trying to shut down a large portion of the low population official servers that were not being wiped and kept in their own network, and migrate them over to the wiped network for launch day, and the script they setup to do all of it and launch everything blew up launch day and bricked most of their servers. Either way, its 2015 launch and its 2017 launch, were AMAZING compared to ATLAS's launch.

    2. No, they dont. Asset flipping generally occurs in games owned by companies that like to put out a NEW version of that game every year or two. Like Battle Field, Call of Duty, madden, NBA. And it is generally knocked on by those respective gaming communities because it's incredibly lazy and you generally end up with subpar game tweaks at full retail prices. Wildcard IS NOT Grapeshot, Grapeshot is NOT Wildcard, they are not the same studio despite having overlapping developers and Grapeshot technically and legally didnt own or have any rights to any of those asset flips that occurred unless they were properly licenced through Wildcard/Snail Games(And looking at the main devs history of shady developement, anti-competition contract breaches and staff poaching that resulted in them forked out over 40mil in lawsuits, it's a fair bet they didnt licence anything). It was a burner studio made to push a product that had dubious chances of success away from their overlords Snail Games and Wildcard to avoid tarnishing what reputation they had.

    3. Yeah no, no voices are being heard.... Because theyre not here.. Discussions dont work with this Dev crew or its core community. You have to remember you have the Die hard white knights who's logic consists of "Well its EA and that excuses it from all of its sins" and the famous "If you dont like it, just leave, we dont want you here". The game has no support staff. The Devs are absent. The Mods, bless their sad little hearts, are wasting their time. Progress in games like this doesnt really happen when you only listen to the fans that suck your D and take part in the great circle jerk. You get stuck in an echo chamber of "It's fine! you guys are doing a great job! We love it! It's amazing! yall are the best, dont listen to those other guys theyre just haters! it's probably their fault their boat is stuck 100 feet in the air. Theyre cheaters or something, just ban them"

    4. In the end I just hope to see them actually work on the game I paid for. But we all know thats not gonna happen.

    5. It deserves to die like Dark and Light. It deserves it. They deserve it, they are lazy as fuck and want to put the least amount of effort into it, and somehow have a successful product? Well that's what happened with Dark and Light, so stands to reason, that's what is going to happen with ATLAS. Good Riddance

    1- Yes it did, going back to older versions ARK was worse compared to ATLAS's launch.

    2- Oh boy, you will be surprised how many games actually re-use assets just because it's not as obvious as Atlas and Ark it doesn't mean they don't it's there they even admit it, it's not a bad thing it's just what devs do, i'm not saying every asset should be re-used but if you are going to make a bear and you already have a bear asset ready, what you gonna do? it's a bear the new asset will probably be like the current one.

    3- Voices are not being heard i agree, if i'm not wrong one of the devs quit and i people say wildcard pulled devs from Atlas team to work on genesis which makes things worse for Atlas and its development, it's really the same studio no matter what name they work under.

    4- not gonna happen? this part is on us not them.

    5- no it doesn't, you can't just say it deserves to die, the are lazy i agree but we need to try not just say let it die, that never works nor worked for any game, i have seen so many people send mixed messages and saying "stick to ARK wildcard" like that's a bad freaking message to send and you are here saying let it die! that's not how you do it.

  7. 6 hours ago, moozoo said:

    Things Atlas has over Ark

    1) realistic ocean with waves, foam, spray etc
    2) Large ships (compared to ARK) that are full base sized
    3) huge multiple zone map with many biomes
    4) AI Ship to ship combat (pirate & ship of the dammed)

    Adding those to Ark would be a major piece of work.

    And 5) it doesn't have the scifi fantasy crap including flying whales. My favorite Ark map is the island and I hate they added tek dinos to it.


    You can't really add that to ARK,
    i mean ARK maps are very limited there is Tek and overpowered weapons and creatures which will make Ship battling useless this was never going to work as a DLC the devs stated themselves that's why they liked the idea so much they made it into its own game which i like, it is bigger than ARK and has a better building system, better graphic, more balanced, skills and character customization.

    Sci-fi will ruin it no matter what ARK is a sci-fi game so it's not gonna work, i'd like them to work on ATLAS, add more content and improve as they did with ARK.

  8. On 4/8/2020 at 4:01 PM, Sydhart said:

    From my many years of gaming and experience in the real world, it's the Developer and Moderators that create and sustain the culture of a gaming community. See lots of negativity, unanswered questions that lead to angry posts, well, where's the response from the devs and moderators? I just leave it at that.



    I agree with you completely to be honest but there no reason to neglect new players and bash people who like the game or ask questions that need answers, let us be better than the devs and i hope they are doing something otherwise i'm gonna be eating my own words very soon.

  9. 27 minutes ago, DannyUK said:

    People have the right to give their views of the game whether you like it or not.

    Some of us have been around since day 1 and with 1800hrs in game I think I'm entitled to it but its no different to someone with few hours in game they still have the right to post.

    The devs don't care about the community because there was no apology for a start for the way they have treated the community.

    Shame the devs of New World didn't have this game, they would have made it how we all thought it was going to be. At least I have New World to look forward to in few weeks.


    I understand what you saying, i feel the same i'm talking about people that just purely hate on the game like literally hate it and ARK it gets annoying because the game has a really good potential but sadly it's in the wrong hands, the they told us it's a sister studio but it was all bullcrap what is that sister studio doing now? working on Genesis for ARK that's a big slap to the ATLAS community so i do understand where you coming from i just feel sad for the state of the game.

    as for New World they had their fair share of drama the devs have literally no idea what to do with the game it was supposed to be a full PVP game but near launch they decided it's a PVE game with PVP as an option to turn it on and off people got mad because the game literally has no PVE content the world is empty just a playground for PVP yet they wanted to make it PVE so they tried to revert it so i heard but that does not look like a good sign for the game.

  10. So this has to be one of the most depressing communities i have ever been part of, literally most of people who comment on posts here are just whining and complaining, every Positive post about the game gets bashed, every New comer gets neglected and told to not buy the game, every update patch notes gets a meh and more whining like seriously what the hell is wrong with these people?

    the game had a rough launch we get it but if you don't like it then no one is forcing you to stick to it and if you don't play it no need to sh!t on it and move on go play something else, why would you waste your time here if you just gonna be a negative c*nt who does nothing but put new players off?
    and my god let's just not talk about r/PlayAtlas everyone there is a d!ickhead they literally do nothing but whine and sh!t on everyone who says anything good about the game like they do nothing else with their time.

    ARK launched in worse state compared to ATLAS back then and it manged to pull though and now it's one of the most played Steam game of all time, but we are not giving ATLAS any chance other than complaining, i know the devs have been slacking due to Genesis DLC but there is no reason to put off new comers nor whine about it,

    The most complain i heard was "it's ARK 2.0"
    like is that even an insult? what is wrong with ARK? i love ARK i have over 2k hours and i have and still enjoy every moment of it, yes i have ran into bugs but it's not common at all and every patch has a lot of bug fixes in it, most people who complain have potato PC.

    Every Developer Re-uses their Assets in their future games i mean literally every game does this it's nothing new, Path of Exile devs had an entire Hour dev talk about how Devs should save time by re-using Assets in order to focus on making the game better than just re-create everything which will take years and years! why create a new asset when you have already made one which took you years and ready to go with some tweaks?
    ATLAS has a better foundation than ARK had in Early Access.

    if you want your voice heard DISCUSS not complain, if you want bugs fixed report them, send a ticket but keep in mind it's an EARLY ACCESS game and you know what that means it means it's in its testing phase it's not complete and it needs a lot of work i agree but not when there is a lot of negativity that may destroy the wills of the devs, Jesus even the community mangers gets bashed to oblivion.

    in the end i just hope to see less negativity and more positivity in this community, less whining more helping new players instead of telling them to go away, i have seen people ask for help on certain topics and never got any response for weeks heck even months but when there is a whining post everyone jumps in.

    i really want this game to evolve as ARK did, i want them to work on the Road Map, add more content fix the bugs, optimize the game yet i don't whine i just discuss them instead but at this rate i don't think it would come out of Early Access with that much Negativity surrounding the game and it's community.

    So please i don't want ATLAS to die as Dark and Light did, let us discuss and have fun i'm tired of seeing negativity in on every, comment, post, video, if you don't like it go play something else and let us enjoy it, hope you all have a nice day/night.

    PS: this is mostly targeted towards the community and not the game or the devs, i know the game has not seen any major updates for a while now and most people think the devs have abandoned the game but that's whole different topic and i will not touch on that here.

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