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About Vegeta7Senpai

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  1. how Many of us will be on Genenis and trying to keep crew alive and render our bases.... I love to see new ship types come out... but might be a huge drop in player base in folks.... most my tribe mates feel atlas is boring and have quit or gone back to ark... like grind on ark is what they miss and feel atlas little too easy?
  2. I like to see a better method for bolas like u bola the animal and then when trying to feed it enrages... miss knock out taming on ark...
  3. Must be a PvP issue? I know on pve these create lag massive Lag and mega bases
  4. Seem like they changed somthing in food on those because everyone I talk to lost elephants
  5. Can we get a rollback or up it to 4x to savage our lost tames and ships thanks to the new update..?
  6. Taming elephant is hard to do we need a rollback
  7. I decided to log off and hope I don’t lose more and on Xbox so who knows when we get the update... they should test these updates before they roll them out? Didn’t we learn anything from Ark?
  8. I lost about the same too it bs... devs do a rollback!
  9. And then it kill my bears.... we need a rollback
  10. I would love to thank the devs for killing my elephant with new update.... like thank god it 3x taming because I just lost two nice perfect tames I did for those.... rip lv26/28 aleast I didn’t loose no other tames I have like army of bears at moment.... too bad they can’t just do a rollback before said update.
  11. I know they been very silent on their news of stuff... how about hiring more folks to work on the bugs but try to keep the community happy... why you support just grief folks.. that will kill the population....
  12. True that would be nice.... like when was last time Devs posted a. CC note like ark does...
  13. Will we ever get thise cool ark christmas event stuff onto atlas? Like Christmas color dinos? Skins? 2X all for next 2 weeks?
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