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Everything posted by Laquatus

  1. It doesn't work, still has a lot of crashes no matter if I'm on a low med or high setting. Error: 0x887A0007 - reset I even reinstalled Windows 10 at the beginning with old graphics drivers and tested it, but I still received that error download the latest drivers and is even worst I got I7-6700 gtx 1060 32 GB RAM
  2. It doesn't work, still has a lot of crashes no matter if I'm on a low med or high setting. Error: 0x887A0007 - reset I even reinstalled Windows 10 at the beginning with old graphics drivers and tested it, but I still received that error download the latest drivers and is even worst I got I7-6700 gtx 1060 32 GB RAM
  3. But all data should be keep on Atlas server not on my computer this is isue on official server
  4. Hello At firs I was trying to jump between beds but game didn't alow me but leater i died and can't respown and now after reset game every time when I try to resume game it want me to create new character
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