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Henry Featherstone

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Everything posted by Henry Featherstone

  1. When you look at the animals, there should be a timer in a light blue color (sorry if other color, I'm partly colorblind) - only once that timer reach 0 you can claim the animals.
  2. G'd day all, If you are looking for tames, blueprints, ships or even if just want to build your ship in a mythical shipyard (200% ship quality), feel free to come on by. We are located in O9 (PVE-EU) on the island called Kindercour Island - for location feel free to join our discord server (https://discord.gg/aEeZqSt) where you will also be able to see the stock we have available.
  3. Must have missed something - what the did they make to the crafting bonus system? On a semi sidenote, was intelligence removed as a buff for armour blueprints? Haven’t seen a single on till now, but also didn’t see it in the patch notes, but could easily have overlooked it.
  4. I can only tell you about how it works in PVE, as I’ve never played PVP in Atlas. As a company you have a certain amount of Island Points, which can be used to claim islands. The larger the company, the more Island Points. We are 4 in our company and have 81 Island Points. If you are on an unclaimed island, you can press F1 (PC) to bring up the claim flag and provided you have enough gold in your inventory and have enough Island Points to claim the island in question you can place the flag voila, you have claimed an island. It costs gold every 12 hours to maintain your claim, so make sure there are enough gold in you flag at all times as otherwise you will lose the island. You cannot claim an already clsimed island, and you cannot steal a claim in PVE. Provided that you have set the taxation rate on the island (by default it is set at 0%) then you will start getting resources when others farm on your island. If you have 20% taxation, and I go farm 100 wood on your island, you will get 20 wood placed into your flag (happens automatically. In PVE I still get 100 wood, it is not deducted from my farming hence no negative for me to farm on the island. If you claim annisland for readurce purposes, make sure you claim one which have something people will want to farm. If there is nothing really valuable on the island, it’s just as likely that people will go elsewhere to farm and you get little benefit from resources. Pre-wipe, when building in lawless, trees would grow back through foundations, which was annoying. Not sure if that was changed, but can say that they will not do so on a claimed island after the wipe. Whether it was always like that and still is, I do not know, we claimed an island this time so haven’t checked if lawless still have trees come through your foundations, but at least it does not happen now on a claimed island. You as landlord can control who gets to build on yoyr island, and can set it so only conpany, allies or everyone can build there. If someone place structures on key resources, you have to option to demolish them up to 24 hours after being placed. I like to have a claimed island, but I do not really see much benefit in it unless you have key resources on it. Like Ironwood/Twigs which can only be obtained in 3 regions - people are forved to come farm there (for better quality blueprints). I just like to have an island, as we tend to help others, and have people settling down as we are rarher friendly, even though it is not the best island. Think that’s about it really, but if others have added info, feel free to jump in.
  5. I used to ask the same question(s), and have searched high and low, for the optimal ‘design’ in terms of sails. Cannot find all the data anymore, but essentially for day to day use I concluded that speed sails all the way was the key. Below should be understood as personal opinion, however it is based on all the tests done, and reading up extensively on the topic earlier on. Furthermore, below is purely based on day to day travels/farming, not taking into account ship battles, as there personal preference and fighting style of course plays some role. Turning radius is poor regardless of which sails you put on a galleon, and if you use it to farm in other regions, you will simply want to get there as fast as possible and back again. The optimal setup as the game is now, is 6 large speed sails, with max (but preferably only 2) cargo racks. It’s the optimal speed vs carry weight setup - just only fill the ship up to max 68% of its max weight. If you put on further cargo racks on or further weight on, the speed debuff will be too much and you can possibly be too slow to outsail SotD if you are carrying large quantities of cargo. Faster runs means more cargo end of the day. Weight sails will do nothing for you as the speed debuffs will be larger than the above setup and you will just take a lot longer time to move back and forth although perhaps carrying a TINY bit more cargo. As the speed decrease with handling sails are what it is, you gain nothing from moving slower, which certainly apply to a cargo galleon as the handling sails will do close to nothing for its turning radius. That you catch wind better is still not a plus, as speed sails will still get you there faster but you just will not go in a straight line but rather zig zag. Cannot provide much more info on handling sails, aside from simply saing that they are useless on ships which is used for farming, but offers movability on battleships (not on a galleon though). Other info and perhaps useful tips on ships in general: Sloops are seightseeing ships essentially, they cannot carry much and is the slowest ship in the game. Suggest you just make one and be done with it. We use ours to jump between islands simply gathering discovery points. Could be done with a schooner as well, but the sloop is cheap and easy to repair. If it is purely a seightseeing ship for discovery points, use the sloop and do a region per day, then anchor up and sail on to the next region the next day. Schooners which are the second fastest ship makes for great whaling/hydra killers, and will get you around fast (faster than brig as well). But as the weight is not that great and cargo racks and weight sails will do nothing positive for it (galleon should be the go to for farming always) you have little other use for it. Brigs, being the third fastest, with decent weight, but nothing useful for farming if you can build a galleon, are of little use on the day to day runs. Best battle ship in my opinion though, there the galleon cannot even hold its dirty underwear. I like the brig with 2 speed sails and 1 handling sail, but it is the way I fight that makes such work for me (and no, I do not go for the ugly shotgun build where you kite SotD, I like the old look and exhanging beoadsides, although it carry greater risk - if you want the optimal battlebrig, go for a shotgun build and take a nap while fighting). Look us up in K6, we are on the top right island (for now). If I’m there, I tend to answer if asked for, and have no issue with helping out when possible.
  6. I was told that this is a bug rather than a new feature, hence reporting it as such. We are on the PVE EU server, Region K6 on the island called Camto Archipelago. We have Army of the Damned spawn on the island - when killed, they just spawn another place on the island. We did NOT have a treasure map on us, that is not the explanation. Was told to tell this to @Jatheish so will put this here as well.
  7. We are on the PVE EU server, region K6, on the island called Camto Archipelago. But thanks for clarifying that, thought it was on purpose and me just missing something which was implemented, but if it's a bug it will be reported as such. Thanks.
  8. I did a search but could not see anyone asking about this nor mentioning it, but if I've overlooked something, kindly point me in the right direction. Perhaps I overlooked something in the patch notes - but we have Army of the Damned spawn randomly on our island in K6. Is this some new feature or? Random places around the island they just pop up, and when killed they will spawn elsewhere on the island. In case someone was to suggest that we had a treasure map on us, then that was NOT the case, hence rather confused. For a while I thought it was perhaps this new 'wild pirate encampments' but when I read the description of those it cannot be that - rather confused, which hopefully someone can assist with explaining.
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