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Everything posted by Blackdog1996

  1. Well first off, (And not in a jokingly way) thank you for your service of 20. That's some serious commitment and dedication. Respect. Well Might just be me, but I've only ever heard that phrase being used in severely negative ways. Meaning to have had to use drugs to obtain those hours but in fact I just have no life. Sorry if I misinterpreted your phrase, I just only expect negative things from these forums.
  2. Like I have mentioned multiple times, not here to argue and say who's right and wrong. All experiences are different and I respect all valid opinions. For me I came from Console to PC a little over a year ago, for me and all my die hard ARK console friends we were ecstatic that ARK had released on console period. We read all the shitty press about it on PC, but I mean hey we had a EA PC game on console, we were stoked! Even with how horrid the bugs, crashes and glitches were, we were still enjoying that fact that this game made it's way to console. From my own experiences I feel that console players are way more gracious then PC gamers. They dont have nearly the options and choices we do. As PC gamers must of us have rigs that can handle any game. I mean hell think about simulators? Console has FS and maybe a few more decent ones. PC has a insane amount of beautifully large open world simulators. I feel like what will happen to ATLAS when it hits console will be the same as when ARK did, it'll make like a plane and take the fuck off.
  3. Excuse me? If your referring to drug use, I do not use them. Actually, I'm in the military so have a full work week and most times longer, drugs are a definite no-go bud.
  4. I definitely understand the frustrations of a wipe, loosing everything and having to start over with levels ect. As I mentioned I'm at 3,104 hrs, I've played alot and had to start over alot to. But I never said to my myself "If they wipe and I loose all my stuff, I'm not coming back" because when I first started playing ATLAS I knew it was a Early Access game. And EA games (especially ATLAS with its history) are going to wipe, they are going to crash, you are going to loose everything over some really dumb BS. I'm okay with that because I knew what I was getting into. Again, not saying who's right or wrong, but I just dont understand how or why people get so upset about wipes when you payed to play a EA game, you literally have got to know they would happen. But hey to each their own. I guess it's the way I look at ATLAS during this point in time that alot dont. "Before I spend hundreds of hours building/farming/getting levels/taming would I be cool if it all gets wiped? Especially sense there was already one?"
  5. Yeah definitely have to agree with you. I'm not saying anyone's opinions are incorrect or wrong, but I have been and still am on ATLAS from day 1. I've done it all from company leader/base bitch/megas/solo/pve/pvp/EU/NA and after 3,000 hours and playing with so many different people, hearing what they wanted or why they were quiting was 90% the low players. You can have the most badass fleet and a towering fortress, but what's the point if all it does is just sit? I remember when atlas was so packed, on lawless you couldn't even get a parking spot from so many ships and shipyards, you'd travel across the island and see people everywhere farming and building. When you sailed through a grid, any grid, youd better expect a fight because there was always ships moving across the water. Once Xbox releases and they flood the servers, the PC PVPers will be thirsty for new naval battles and land wars and most will return. http://imgur.com/gallery/yiUH4bw
  6. Yes it's still going! I feel like the reason for the long run is becasue of the map layout change or, and I could be super wrong lol they are going to be doing some very big changes/additions to the game. Honestly though the PTR is probably the most fun I've had on ATLAS! Building a huge bustling town with harbours all over one of the new bigger islands!
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