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Everything posted by Laserdragon23

  1. Description of issue: You can't climb the ladder from open water and have to resort to jumping from land or using a grappling hook Any screenshots or video demonstrating the bug: https://imgur.com/615J59D Repro steps if available/applicable: Spawn a new small ship from boat salesman(third Boat) and Try to climb the ladder in the back while swimming. i've found that it will glitch out and not allow you to climb. The character will reset his head to origin and you'll most likely die to a shark in open water. If it help my character was the tallest possible by means of extending legs and torso to full height.
  2. Is there a way to wipe map and players data using this program. If not do you know where those are stored so I can wipe my server. Also I don’t know if it’s been fully implemented yet but the grid editor won’t let you drag islands in just so you know. Other than that it’s really cool and very helpful.
  3. Have you tried your internal IP address? Atlas server is weird so if on windows type in cmd and grab the one that says ipv4. Your port forwards also need to use this. My internal is something like but depending on router and internet company it could be different. But it’s usually a variation of you default gateway. Oh and I’ve had it before where if your friends are on lan they need to input your internal ip not external so here’s a easy way for them to find the server. Steam://connect/(ip address delete brackets) one last thing check to make sure your pc didn’t hope internal ips from last time you port forwarded. if you lost power or restarted the router your up may have changed. If that’s the problem set up a static ip
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