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A request for larger alliances

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Dear team,

A substantial portion of your PvE customer base consists of small groups, such as my own, that contain less than 10 active players. Frequently, a tribe will consist of only 2-4 active players. As a result, we have a rich and vibrant tapestry of disparate groups that have their own dreams and goals, yet socialise and work together for trade and adventure, which is a wonderful thing.

What's not so wonderful is the limitations of the current alliance system. The 5x5 restrictions on alliances results in fragmentation of this tapestry. The ally chat is very confusing as we're frequently only hearing one half of a conversation between an ally and someone in a different alliance. As a land holder, we have 3 alliances of which we're admin and we're a member of 2 in which we're not. Our 3 are full. So when I had a new settler arrive this evening, and we found a pillar under the mesh, i was unable to ally with him and he can't build due to an unremovable pillar.


1. Raise the number of alliances per tribe to a more reasonable number like 20.

2. Raise the number of tribes in any given alliance to a more reasonable number like 50.

3. (Longer term) Re-work the chat system to allow the creation of custom chat channels and whatnot. Compare the offerings of the various other MMOs and create a best-of-breed that incorporates ideas that were done right.


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