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Various gameplay questions

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I've been playing for a couple of days, and have accumulated a bunch of questions:

1. When we start out, we can only craft Cloth Armor. What's the next armor tier, and are all other armors unlocked via the Armory skill tree?

2. Let's say I collect 70 Fish Meat. It'll instantly start decaying, but only 1 unit at a time (unless I'm mistaken). Does this mean that my Fish Meat would decay twice as fast if I split the stack in half (2x35)?

3. Yesterday I logged out standing in my fully repaired raft. When I logged in today, everything seemed to be in order. But 5 seconds after I left my raft, it sank. What could the explanation be? Quick gradual offline decay which coincidentally finished destroying the raft just as I logged in?

4. Let's say a ship has many storage boxes in it, then sinks. What happens to the storage boxes -- do they sink to the ocean floor, and can they still be accessed there?

5. When a storage box decays, do the contents decay as well? Or will the contents spill out once the storage box is removed from the game?

6. Is the heavy plate armor superior to all other armors, or are there good arguments for using light armor instead? In example, will you sink if you're wearing plate armor in the water? Or will you run slower, or spend your stamina more quickly?

7. I logged out for 15 minutes earlier today. When I logged back in, a wolf had already killed me. Does this mean that any hostile animal can kill me if it comes across my sleeping body while I'm logged out? So if I don't have a base yet, I should probably sail out on the ocean with my raft before logging off?

8. Can my corpse be looted on PvE server?

I appreciate answers to any of these, thanks!

Edited by Erikkolai

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3 - Good question, happened to me too (same thing). Got one question here, was your raft overweight? 

4- Storage turns into bags (like it happens when you demolish a campfire for example) and you can access it, but if its that deep i doubt u can get down/up fast enough.

7- Never happened to me, but based on ARK -> sleeping bodies can be killed.

8 - Probably since other players can get into anything as long as its not pin protected.

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1. Yes

2. Yes.

3. I think it's a bug unless you were still in a Free port. rafts decay fast unattended in Freeports.

4. They sink then all contents are destroyed upon spoil.

5. ^

6. Idk the specifics in ATLAS yet.

7. Yes, when you log your body stays and any wild animal that can will eat you. Log out in a safe place with food in your inventory.

8. No. Unless you are dead.

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Thanks to both of you!

@Taerarenai In regards to point 3, no it was far from being overweight. But it was located in a freeport (I was ready to set sail when I logged in today), and according to Nari, rafts decay very quickly there. Perhaps it waited until I logged on before being destroyed, because I was standing on it.

New question: Does meat decay at the same speed regardless of being raw, cooked, or stored in a container?

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