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An editorial concerning flag timers

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To begin let me preface this by saying that I understand this is early in the process and things will be tried and tweaked and adjusted. Having said that I have some thoughts about the recent change to claim flag decay timers from 3 days to 21 days.

It is my understanding that this change was made largely to accommodate EU players, who complained of 3 days not leaving enough time to account for vacations, which can be up to 2 weeks. I will note that this really only applies to EU players who are either playing solo, or are so close with their company mates that they all go on rl vacations together (I would never do this. I enjoy my gaming friends as much as the next gamer, but frankly you all smell funny. There. I said it. Don't hate, just keeping it real.)  Either way, the complaint boiled down to, as I understand it "3 days isn't enough, we need 3 weeks."

The first half of this I agree with, the second half I do not. As a player, I am willing to meet EU players halfway and say "okay, I don't like it, but I can agree that you need to be able to put rl first and take vacation without losing all your claims." That's reasonable, even if it does mean bumping claim flag decay timers to two weeks. Here's where you lose me: two weeks I don't like, but I can tolerate as a necessary evil. 3 weeks is absurd.

If EU players want to be able to go on vacation and not lose their claims, they need to be willing to make it a priority to log in and refresh claim flags shortly after getting home. Going on vacation, then coming home, then easing back into work for a few days, maybe going to the store, going to see a play, taking the family to dinner, getting a haircut, having your lawyer draft a new will, going to the museum, taking a walk, calling your lawyer to change the will, having an espresso at a Cafe while you talk about what fat slobs americans are, and THEN going home and maybe logging in to check your claim flags....well....

lemme just put it this way

That !@#$ ain't gonna fly.



15 days.


That is MORE than reasonable to change the entire system to accommodate a small minority of players. 3 weeks is absurd.

If there are other factors at work here, by all means, let me know, but so far this is all I have heard as the reason for the change.

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