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3am (f) lame arrow meta

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I think we’ve seen now what happens when you make it way easier to drop naked flame arrow guys offshore to wipe a harbor than it is to just take on the cannon emplacements……….  I mean it’s right there in the trailer.  Boats sail up to a base and broadside it while defenders are shooting off mortars.  You advertised it.  We saw it.  We wanted that.

Unfortunately the game has degenerated into making a super speed brig, loading it up with cheap grief gear, sailing it near someone’s harbor, drop off a couple of trolls, and then move onto the next island/tile.  Rinse repeat.  I’m not blaming people for doing it, it’s really effective.  WE DO IT!  But it’s shit meta, and shit boring……. And it must be driving people off in droves, especially small companies that are offline for 12 hours at a time.

So I have a few suggestions.  A lot of people aren’t going to like them but I think you really need to do something to make this game work as advertised.

Just delete flame arrows and oil jars.  They’re too effective at sinking boats and they don’t really add anything else to the game.  You’ve already nerfed their affect against wilds/players.  Seriously, no-one will miss them.  At the very least make them not effective against boats or boat planks  I mean they’re waterlogged ffs….  I’m probably more ok with a troll spending an hour getting into 2 boats to popcorm the boxes than I am them spending that same hour sinking 20 boats.

Nerf grenades against structures.  They seemed to be in a good place previously with being good at destroying cannons.  I’d revert them to that and maybe make them effective at anti-personnel possibly.


Reduce the cost of NPCs.  Don’t get me wrong, gold isn’t that hard to get, but it’s kind of boring and a constant chore.  What’s worse is the weight of it and distributing it around your base and boats.

Give us some sort of mechanic to feed/pay NPCs across a region or a larger area.  Can we get like a vault and a market, give them a fairly large radius so that I can have one in the middle of my base and have it reach gun  emplacements on the other side of my harbor?  Would be great if it had some permission system too, like only feed/pay boat NPCs on some kind of white list?  Maybe I can give the NPC like a payslip to allow him to get paid from it?  (trust me, big companies need this) You wouldn’t even need to make stuff cheaper then.  You could just dump all your gold in one spot and monitor the levels much more easily.

Buff puckles a bit.  Not much.  Like 25% more range/damage would probably make them work as intended.

Edited by Smash

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