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Inteligence buff

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Inteligence currently sucks. Few days ago respeced from 63 extra hp and reduced fortitude from 60 to 50 to put into inteligence. Tammed a crow for over 30% inteligence and went swimming with dolphins for 50%. With almost 300% inteligence the laughable bonuses were ranging from 0,4% on grappling hook (did no difference, seems inteligence doesn't affect durability from blueprints) to 7,1% on our journeyman fur chest armor. Armor on those increased maybe by like 1-2 points per piece of fine/journeyman/masterwork armor. The bonuses they had were increased in extreme laughable values, let's say something gives 0,3 health... or no, let's be generous and it gives 2 health, with so much inteligence gonna get like 2,1 insteed of 2...unimaginable, meta-breaking values! Inteligence also doesn't increase all damage, only the b lueprint bonus dmg, so if something says 120% dmg, it won't multiply that 120% but only that 20%... which with let's say 5% crafter bonus gonna equal to 1% more dmg, so much worth lossing 63 hp. Yes, know that upgrades are also boosted, but upgrades give very tiny amounts so that 5% doesn't boost them enough.


What want to see is inteligence actualy having any impact, dealing 1 more dmg or lossing 1 less health per hit is realy not worth it to not invest into... well, having double health than basic, with 200% inteligence could imagine having atleast 30-50% better gear but insteed we are just a squish that is 1% more tanky insteed of 2x more if just invested into health insteed.

Also would like the crafter bonus to not be randomized, blueprints already need alot of different kinds of materials, upgrades too. And would like it to affect blueprint durability, otherwise it doesn't matter to blueprints that just give more dura... like grappling hook for example, or what about planks, inteligent player should give more hp to planks... bu they are better going into weight or hp.

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