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For as of the first stage where hackers obtained access to a dev/admins steam account and access to be able to spawn stuff in game on official servers, this was somewhat some as of the 5-6hour rollback. As for the recent thing that has happened again, I suggest a hidden admin logging that tracks everything that happens with admins or people with access to menus to spawn stuff. Using this you would have to keep track of what and who is spawning stuff in, anything that shouldn't be being spawned in or is suspicious should be checked out immediately. It should consist of the character the spawned it in, tribe he's in, cords to tp, region/server, and time/date so if rollback has to happen. It was said that you guys had taken measures to prevent future incidences, well so much for that.  Dedicating people to take a few mins out of every couple hours or so wouldn't hurt and would benefit your game as well as the community. If you can't do this or some other way to lock down hackers/stuff being spawned in prepare for the game to die for a bit until it is fixed. Some people may prevail through this bs though, that is why I recommend you get something done fast that works. This may not be the best solution but it seems like it would be effective until you can do something better, and would be very easy to implement.

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