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Upcoming bounty system - suggestions to make it work best

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With the upcoming bounty system that is said to net you a bounty for turning in some ones head after killing them, how would that prevent companies from having one account and character that does not join the company to kill off every member for a save instant respawn to loose the bounty and sack the money for said company?

It would make the people that get a bounty set on their head profit or not care for it as it does not have any penalty with it. Doesnt work like in reallife when you can instant respawn with no penalties.

If it should be working in any way it needs to include one or both of the following:

1. To get the bounty you need to capture the player and turn them in alive or imprison them in cages so they will have to sit in jail/cages for a while which will make their bounty decline with the time they are imprisoned. Of course their company can attempt to free them or they can attempt to escape but retain the rest of the bounty this way.
2. If the player is killed and their bounty claimed they will get a debuff for xp, skills or a tax deducted when harvesting which will make the bounty decline with time and amount. Bounty cannot be claimed again but the debuff stays until you worked of the bounty. If bounties go away from respawning with no other effect they are pointless if not harmful.

The jail time and debuff/tax time should be significantly more harmful than what the bounty is worth to prevent players claiming their own bounty with a second account or unallied helper.

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