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All my animals and i killed by a alpha lion IN MY STONE BASE -.- WTF

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Alle meine Tiere und ich wurden letzte Nacht/heute Morgen in meiner Base aus Stein von einem Alpha Löwe gekillt. (Lawless Region O10) Was ist das bitte für eine Scheiße ? Wieso kann ein Alpha Löwe IN meiner Base spawnen ? Meine Base ist nach wie vor geschlossen, nur ich als Crew Admin hatte Zugriff auf die Türen. Es hat also auch keiner meiner Crew Mitglieder das Viech rein gelassen. Als ich mich gerade eingeloggt habe, bekam ich nur noch die Todesmeldung. Als ich in meine Base geschaut hab, waren alle Tiere tot, aber auch kein Alpha Löwe mehr zu sehen. WTF?? 

*google translate*

All my animals and I were killed last night / this morning in my stone base by an Alpha Lion. (Lawless Region O10) What kind of shit is that? Why can an alpha lion spawn IN my base? My base is still closed, only me as a crew admin had access to the doors. So none of my crew members let the critter in. When I just logged in, I only got the death message. When I looked into my base, all the animals were dead, but no alpha lion could be seen anymore. WTF ??


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I have had the same issue, though I was more "lucky". Logged in on the first floor and this is what I saw:


It basically had spawned in stuck between boxes. Directly below me were 3 AI crew members sitting which he luckily couldn't get to. I remember this was a thing way back when on Ark. It's a shame this is now again a thing here as they did fix it there.

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Giant snake got me on the second floor of my stone house and broke my cooking pot.

Each floor is two walls high so I put my guy on the 3rd floor this morning...  Will see if that makes a difference.

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a fix will be nice. I had a lion spawn in my stone base and killed all of us.  Someone could have claimed our base because at that point we had no sleepers in it. 

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