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Will Parrot

Sailing speed

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As of now I don't know any way to know at what speed I am currently sailing. That is kind of disappointing because we can't really estimate benefits of different types of rigging in different situations of wind direction and freight...

An addition that I would find very nice and that would fit the style of Atlas very well would be a craftable item "knotted rope" or something like that, that you would be able to drop behind your ship to well, count the knots at which it drifts away behind to get your actual speed in knots as it used to be done... That would allow us to get some kind of measure of our speed and adjust riggings to our needs.

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I agree but instead of manually reading the knots i think a little number should show up. However id love this so we can test different sails.

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Haha yes of course no manual counting of the knots ! x) There could be an animation of the player doing it but a number should show up at the end to indicate the speed :). I was just describing that to show that it would fit the style of the game just like so many other elements, compass, spyglass, sextant... 🙂

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