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Respawning instantly at the other end of the Globe.

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I see re spawning where ever you like on the globe as long as there's a bed there a massive flaw. 

This is part of the reason the big Zergs are able to control such vast areas of the map whilst not actually having the players filling those zones. It's already been shown that not having gear is an issue to these groups as it's all down to attrition. Yeah, you can kill them 20/30 times but eventually the swarms deplete your ammo/armor/durability whilst building tens of beds at multiple locations around the land mass to spawn in more members 5 or 6 grids away. Additionally, it doesn't make for particularly entertaining or dynamic pvp when the force your having to deal with brings nothing but fists/clubs/spears. Then once they've got a structure down with beds inside, you need to hope they've got it in vision of a spot you own so you can place a cannon to hit the walls whilst they continue to spurge out. 

My suggestion is to limit distance of these teleports to a grid or two with a cd of 48 hours. Force some sort of travel time to the front line of these zergs. Create some sort of need for them to plan instead. The majority of the swarms log on and spawn in naked at the next island. There does need to be some sort of action or options available to companies other than joining a Zerg in able to survive longer than a few days. I say this after our group being on the receiving end of this for the 3rd time now.

Having the Island we've dwelled on previously added to the collection they own. We went back to try and take some territory a week later, as in EU prime time it only had around 10 occupants on the grid. But by the next day the base was again getting swarmed by nakeds whilst cannons were plopped down to start knocking down the sub 12 hour base. 

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