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I understand everything with early access...but still this...

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Hi Folks,

I've been playing ATLAS since launch, and I have to say it looks like  beautiful game with many promises on the way. When I signed up, I TOTALLY understand the implication and expectations of an early access game. However, there is one thing I feel like has not been addressed fully or the curators have paid LITTLE attention to. Its the idea that there is absolutely NO NO NO NO NO NO safe place to put a finished ship, unless you have a large clan or group that cycles in non-stop throughout the day. AKA you HAVE to play for 24hrs a day otherwise your ship is bye bye by the next time you log on. I am level 31 and have built about 5 ships at this point and every single ship has been destroyed, taken over or lost due to a glitch after I finish it and sign off. I feel like I can't leave the game without knowing I just sacrificed this ship that I spent REAL days and days building. So pretty much this entire pirate experience has been a cool Sims game where ALL you do is build ships. Its a ship building simulator, because you cant actually save your ship to go off and do actually pirate fun things. Which I think is super lame for a pirate game...

I also understand that this is a pirate game and pirate things are bound to happen (such as losing a ship in a fight or having someone claim it), but there should be at least one spot on the entire atlas map where a ship can be safe and you can log off without feeling like you wasted days of your time. This is my first complaint, and I have high hopes for ATLAS, but at this point it feels worthless for me to continue playing until the curators fix this issue. It's time I wont get back, and Im am a level 31 back at square one with nothing to my name. I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way.

Please comment and let me know if there is anything happening to address this issue. It seems like me and my bud I play with do everything in our power to stay up late just to find a safe place to put our ship and loot, and frankly we've figured out there is ZERO safe places seeing as freeports destroy your ship if you sign off. Every time I log on, I simply tell myself, "well fuck me again, why am I going to try and build another ship that's going to get fucked." (sorry for the language)


Happy Sailing...or sinking.


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I agree to an extent. So our company built a beautiful fortress and schooner thinking we were well fortified. Guess again...a hacker used a mortar that shot 10 mortars at a time from across the map and this one person single handedly wiped out everthing and sent us to start with nothing. I feel your pain but even more so. I can handle losing to fair play but losing everything to a cheater in 2mins without any effort is comeplete BS.

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that's what I mean. Im not trying to shroud the fact that shit can happen to your ship, that's fine and it's apart of the game, but at this point it is so unregulated that most ships lost by people are not due to fair play its due to something stupid like the freeport destroying your ship or a hacker coming in and ruining your stuff. And like you said, for the days of effort you put into the ship, it only takes someone 20 minutes and your back to the beginning. I don't know, its mostly massive frustration because I can't actually play any of the game content that's supposedly out there. They need SOMETHING where people can log off safely or without going through an absurd procedure to save your stuff (like having a crew on shifts and duties, wtf? is this a full time job or a game?).

I'm very patient and don't mind all the bugs and fixes that go on and will continue to go on, but so far for the time I've put into the game, I'm just sitting back at the beginning...



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