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Ships of the Damned concept

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So Ships of the Damned are actually epic looking and get the blood pumping, but they are OP and if your sailing a sloop alone with two speed sails you still die to them.


I'd like to propose some changes to them.

A) Make it so that they are neutral unless fired upon ( I know this doesn't make sense for what they are, they are crazy skeletal pirates)

B) Make it so they fire on you, but it does like 30 damage a salvo UNLESS your return fire, then their damage can go back to 500 per salvo like normal.


As it stands they just sit on your proverbial bumper and shell you to death.

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I think OK for them to fire if you get within range, but only follow and chase you if you return fire. I know there is no type of animal that does this, but they could do this I would think.

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I would also liek to see ANY changes to Ghost ships, so that a sloop can avoid them. We tried just to sail from L11 to L12 today and FOUR ghost ship blocked our way and sunk the sloop. Ghost ships should be rare and deadly spawns.

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After grinding all day fighting the snow, bugged wolves and a alpha (why the fuck are alphas even in this game) snake we lost our sloop in under 5 minutes due to 3 Dammed ships spawning and circling any potential exit point.

A) 1 ship of dammed per square at this point of the games life is more than enough.

B) Why do they spin in circles with perfect precision no matter where the wind is?

C) Way too much damage and almost perfect accuracy

D) Shouldn't be targetting small ships unless fired upon

E) Unrelated but remove damn alphas, this isn't ARK they simply have no place in this game, the islands are too small so they just wander around demolishing everything and fix predators like wolves and lions, we spent an hour trying to get rid of a pack of wolves that were attacking the base walls for no reason.

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