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So far I have noticed that reservoirs only fill up over a long cycle and all at once.  Be it what seems 24 hour period or at some point early in the am on the server.  This is not a bad thing in itself.  The issue is many things to follow this.  

1) I feel the reservoirs should hold more than 200 water.  This amount is way too small to sustain any type of player drinking without making a HUGE farm of them.  And even then at the refill rate players would still be suffering from lack of water.  I think they should be at least 500 capacity reservoirs.

2) The reservoir inventory seems to be broken? or intended to do nothing without a pipe and tap coming from it? 

3) Placing water sacks, or pitchers in the tap inventory while the tanks fill up DO NOT fill up the items in the tap's inventory.  It wasn't until i moved 1 item out of the inventory or back in that the containers started filling up.  Which led to the reservoirs being empty for the entire day.  I believe it should fill the containers up and still fill the reservoir up during the refill cycle.  But in order for this to happen, seems the inventory hiccup needs fixed first. Feel like that wasn't intentional. 

4) Recipes that take water/milk use the ENTIRE container worth of water to craft a single recipe.  For instance: the first berry tea i made i had 52 water in a jar.  It made the tea with all 52 water.  Yesterday I made berry tea with a jar of 200 water and it used all 200 water to craft the berry tea.  This is really wrong.  There should be a limit set on the water for crafting purposes.  1 water per craft equals 25 or 50 water units from a source for example.  Please fix this!

5) Have not seen a way to irrigate the reservoirs within just the crafting components.  Not sure if there is something you can buy from vendors to make water a more feasible thing to harvest or if the game is intended to just wait for the water to fill your reservoirs over time.  I feel like you should be able to pump water and filter it from the ocean somehow using the reservoirs inventory with items or ingredients. 

Will post more as I find it.  If anyone has anything to correct me on here please do so as I do not know or have found everything with water and irrigation yet i'm sure. 

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It seems that farming is really not worth it, You only get 1-4 ingredients from a fruitling. This is insanely low.

Use water barrels to  store water.
Use water reservoirs to store water for irrigation.
It seems that you cannot transfer water with pipes correctly. As of now, you can only reach a certain height


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Yeah the yield from farming is way way low...it needs to be a multiplier not a set amount.

Can only use 4 pipes from a reservoir before it won't let you.  That is insanely ridiculous. So far though i have attached multiple reservoirs to pipes and haven't had any problems. 

But farming still plays a slight role due to having to travel to multiple regions to get the proper plant seeds to grow in your base of operations. Can't speak intelligently on better ways because still haven't got enough sap to make preservation sacks yet to see how those work and amount you can store.  

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