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Two legged Joe Nine Finger

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Posts posted by Two legged Joe Nine Finger

  1. 7 hours ago, Artist said:

    Again, learn the facts about what youre talking about. You have no founded idea about ingame economy in an online game. At all. That makes pretty much everything you state futile. Sry for being frank, no offense intended.

    I can not see your problem, if everything I say is futile, be so kind and explain it to me

    Tell me how an ingame economy in an online game has to work

    I'm sure this is the right place for such statements 

  2. 20 hours ago, Artist said:

    Sorry, but thats nonsense and I dont know where to start to explain.

    Maybe with the overall working of an "ingame economy" and the super important factor of "value influx vs. value outflow", inflation and deflation. Theres some good sources on the interwebz.

    If you have no understanding of those fundamentals there is no way you can make any substancial suggestion about the games economy. Problem is your suggestions would just ride the ingame economy into super inflation in no time. No offense intended.



    It's true what you say about inflation, but that doesn't mean atlas isn't lacking of economy.. 

    It's absolutely necessary to improve the current system of resources and the crafting, there are a lot of opportunities for this that would supply an economy system

    And I already mentioned that harvesting events would have to find their way out of the game to not overflood the market with resources, that's just one poinz

    Another would be to improve the areas where certain resources spawn and what resources are necessary to craft certain things, to create a more different need of resources, for example you need fleece or fur for fur armor and not any hide 

    Another possibility is to give resources special traits, a gun or cannon made of tin got slightly more durability and with copper it makes a little more damage, something like this could also rize the need for trading

    But an inflation at all wouldn't be that worse, because we have a resource inflation already, they are just not shareable in large scale because of no economy.. And prices would not sink endless because you still have the time and the risk you have to invest for this share

    Furthermore you have the greater resource need because more ships will be used and get sunk

    And one thing will not be affected by inflation because it's the only resource that is not unlimited and that's time, if you can buy prebuild ships and tames you can spare time if you are willing to pay the prize for it

    Inflation will not be the biggest problem, and one could still try to regulate the amount of resources later on if it reaches a level of inflation that is not acceptable 

  3. True, but imagine you just came back from Freeport with a lot of stuff, you will be excited! Because there will be pirates that are waiting for your loot and you have to be prepared, maybe have a small ship driving to explore the way

    There will be a reason to keep an eye open because people know you have something on board, and maybe someone saw you leave to the West ;D

    (and there will finally be a reason to use that piracy skill to look into a box!!!) 

  4. All the necessary logistics for trading came already with the last mega update, which was very nice! 

     Cargo racks and saddles are the perfect prerequirement for a good trading 

    Bigger Freeport structures (especially the market must be big and acessable from a wide place, NOT ONLY A SINGLE NPC) will probably be necessary and bigger docks, maybe even fix anchor places? 

    And ramps for easy loading Into cargo racks xD


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  5. 17 hours ago, reflecingx said:

    Linking player shops placed on claimed land (owner or non) to auction houses in the correct located freeport would net the most return I think. Giving another reason to build/live on claimed land even if it is not yours, pushing those in lawless to move on (PvE issues).  This would also boost economy overall.

    I hope they take this feedback and implement it. Giving us an eco system that pushes players to both play and travel would be ideal.

    Yes, information about the closest Freeport via an item shop is a good idea, but transaction must be done in Freeport so you have the need to go there 😉

    All in all more information must be accesable, like crewstatistics, how much gold consumed per island etc


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  6. Economy is the key to success for atlas:
    -marketplaces on freeports to sell resources, items, ships and tames

    And serverwide connection of those stores (ex: all 4 stores in a Freeport server share the same goods etc) 

    So people have more acces points and blocking is not that easy

    If this results in massive server overpopulation you can split freeports servers into 4 own server (triangles) 

    -storehouse on freeports for companies (and private) where people can bring their stuff and store gold and from which transactions are calculated

    -gold generation! More ways for gold to get into the game

    -gold consumption! (maybe companies have to pay for the amount of crewmembers, a big safe (structure) to store money for company <= only one per comp) great for smaller ones and big company size is expensive, need for more interactions 

    -blackboard in freeports for comps to recruit new players and new players find comps for joining or renting) 

    This is important, finding a safe place to life should not be a long and frustrating procedure

    -private message ability: pigeons maybe + pigeon house where messages can be read

    Comes with the blackboard, people must have a way to contact those companies who offer recruitment or renting 

    -and a tavern on freeports where you can buy Crewmember that spawn ON your ship, there is no need at all that they spawn in the middle of the island and have to follow us, especially if the freeports get more crowded. Crewmember selling guy asking on which ship you want to have them and if you buy them they will be there

    -if above is implemented QUIT farming events like x4 to not f**k up economy!
    Why? Because this is not ark, even it feels like it it got special needs to work, it's an MMO(Interaction) where the first M stands for Massive what means 'a lot' and so there needs to be a lot of interactions available (especially some not completely frustrating ones)

    And why economy in a pirate game? Because there is no piracy without economy.. Think about history ^^

    Atm people have no reason to drive with a ship other than discovering or treasure maps, travels are long and not even exciting, encounters are rare and if then totally random. With economy you can calculate an encounter of you wish to have one, you can set traps or patrol routes of trading ships. And if lucky you will also get a reward for being a pirate! And you also have a reason to use ships which rizes the traffic on the seas because people want to get their peace of the trading cake and sell their resources or maybe they want to buy a super nice blueprint ship? Or a bred tiger! This economy change forces people to get out there for a reason, and make some money with what they have on their own island, perfect 😄

    I tried to think about all the content to fit into the game as it already is so that there is no need of another wipe

    With those things implemented there are a lot of new opportunities even for new players and for smaller comps

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  7. Great new stuff! I like it a lot, especially the cargo containers 

    But the torpedoes are a dangerous thing to implement.. It doesn't really fit into the pirate age, it does maybe fit with the golden age lore or something but this stuff is HOT! If it is not balanced you will only cause frustration.. And till now the game can already be very frustrating.. But losing ships every night due to torpedoes will end any motivation for those who are weaker. I would recommend to make PUCKLES able to shoot torpedoes, so you can build a solid defence against it and the cost for offense is still higher than for defense. And if some people want the offline raid they have to either invest a whole bunch of resources or come close to fuck with the crew on the cannons HARR! 

    So this would be a solid balance for the torpedoes, and as you already balanced the base defense (crew members mounting turrets) we will be able to handle the coming 🙂


    But still... We are still waiting for parrot stands! I can't wait to put polly on a little stand to feed her with crackers instead of throwing her into a corner xD (like all other shoulder mounts) 


    And what you guys think about statistics? Would be VERY VERY HELPFUL to have statistics about the crew, gold consume (by Crewmembers) , mounts, etc 


    Thanks for the attention and reading and keep on making this a great game! 



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