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Posts posted by Sleepinator2000

  1. I predict that latecomers will need to practice placing claim query signs, with "We plan to build a small base between here and the other three signs, cool?"

    If the signs survive the timer they can start spending resources with at least a bit of confidence. If they don't, move on.

    I would never risk blowing out a full build project if I couldn't at least get a reading on whether the island owner was a patron or jackhole through some means.

  2. While I agree that bigger pieces (at least 3x3) would be greatly appreciated by everyone here, myself included, and most of us will use them tastefully, you have to admit that it would remove a significant difficulty barrier to psychopath builders who will just be making their Death Star bases 3x as big. There needs to be some kind of limit based on vertices, texture memory, attach points, or all 3.

    I have been to bases that simple math says are using more than a million pieces. If they could blot out the sun, they would. That is mental illness-level of dedication. We need to help ourselves with logical limits.

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  3. Hate the system because it is too distracting from the interesting gameplay at the worst times. If they have to keep it, I would at least be tolerable it if your character would auto-eat from foods that would best balance your vitamins from your inventory (like tames).

    I don't hold a lot of hope they will do this, of course, so I guess if they want to make it even worse, they could force players to manually have to take a dump every few minutes like tames. That would probably push me over the edge to quit.

  4. 1 hour ago, George Catcher said:

    I see it now. But I thought if you place resource or food box into a ship it will spread it radius to whole ship. I was mistaken (I anyway probably wont build one after a wipe).

    I have never had a problem with my Galleon resource box pulling gold or resources for crew payment or auto repair, and it is placed as far toward the stern as is possible.

    Larders and ammunition boxes are another story. I had to place 2 of them. The ammo box is frustratingly close to covering the whole ship. within a couple feet, one set of cannons on the front or back don't get covered.

  5. 2 hours ago, George Catcher said:

    2) - Repair dock, where you can park your ship and then it tells you how much resources and paint you need to restore all missing pieces and to repair anything else according to your master design of ship.

    Another great take on a full ship repair idea. At this point, my Galleon is driving me mad trying to find all the nooks and crannies. Also, never get hit by a whale. They REALLY hate bookshelves.

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  6. Love the idea, and would love some larger pieces, but without looking at the game with diagnostic tools, it is pretty hard to tell whether it would make any difference since we don't know the source of the the 'lag'. For a 9x or 16x ceiling piece to remain at the same resolution, it would require a 9x or 16x texture, even if the 3d model has less surfaces overall.

    Some of the things that could be contributing could be related to the density of attach points or 'bones' within the models. A million here, a million there, and pretty soon you are talking about some serious numbers. I wouldn't be as excited about having larger pieces if I couldn't attach another piece in the middle of them.

    The biggest hitches I see are while streaming things in. I don't know how good their instancing is, but creative players and psychopaths seriously stress their system out. If they can't solve it in the software, they need to seriously consider limiting the density of objects buildable within a rendering distance, much like they have a limit on ships. I would hate that, but I hate the slideshow coming into some bases worse, especially when I have a tornado at my back, and I am just trying to get an anchor down without plowing into a turbolaser on some player's Death Star.

    The bottleneck always comes down to how much is loading and unloading in 1/30th of a second. Thank God I have a high end video card and decent motherboard. I can't imagine what this game would look like on a typical laptop.

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  7. PSA on a related tangent - I found out last night that whales go right through anchored ships and structures built over water.

    I don't know if this was changed when they made SOTDs not aggro last month, but we had one swimming and tail slapping right in the middle of our base for about 5 minutes.

    I took a fluke to the face, and never felt a thing *flex*.

    • Sad 1

  8. To reduce the size of the header on these Forums?

    I view them in 1080p, which I presume is still relatively commonplace. Every time I navigate anywhere here, I have to start by scrolling down an entire page to see anything that isn't a boilerplate ad.

    "Set Sail Here" is a portal for people who haven't played the game yet, which judging by some posts is actually a frightening number of our fellow forumgoers, but that's for another topic...

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  9. They seem to have figured out how to link water resources to various buildable objects like cisterns and farm plots with plumbing, perhaps the same system could be used to connect resource boxes with specific crafting stations, or crafting stations with each other? A side benefit would be solving the inventory problem associated with crafting high level mythics.

  10. Although I am loathe to distract the developers from fixing critical gameplay issues with suggestions, I see so much low-hanging fruit to make shipboard life more enjoyable and realistic for us, as well as give even more depth to the skill trees and customization options. Shout out to the Reddit r/playatlas community who helped trim and tune this list.

    1. Boatswain or Bosun - An NPC assigned to the Ship's Resource Box, who will act as a standard repairman/sweeper (when anchored) until all the planks are fixed, and will then switch to repairing EVERYTHING ELSE. Unlocked via the Captaineering tree.

    2. Wheel Lanyard - A hotkey to lock/unlock the wheel/rudder at its current angle, even if the pilot leaves the wheel (for one-man shows, shifting sails, and large ship maneuvering). No skill requirement (this isn't rocket science from a RL perspective, we used a 3 foot rope with a loop on my boat).

    3. Chock or Bitts - A player-mountable fixture on a ship that would allow a thrown grapnel to apply force to the ship rather than the player when anchored to a solid object (like the shore or another ship). This could be used to assist dock maneuvering of larger ships, helping tow stuck ships, and boarding actions. Unlocked via the Seamanship or perhaps Piracy tree.

    4. Ship's Compass - A heavy, placeable fixture mounted on a ship that provides a permanent heading tape to the pilot (just like sextant buff, but without the minimap). Unlocked via an advanced Sextant skill.

    5. Wind Pennant - Placeable flag, counts as .1 sail for placement purposes (to avoid spam abuse, and overtaxing the animation system). Visual indicator of wind direction when stationary. Unlocked via the Seamanship tree.

    6. Thole - Snap point oar only mountable at bottom gunports (instead of a cannon) can assign an NPC to improve turn and reverse maneuvering at low speeds. Unlocked via Seamanship or Captaineering.

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  11. Thanks to all the hosts from the Red Maces. We would never have been able to pull off that level of coordination on our own, but it felt like we dropped our fair share of iron on tentacles and SoDs.

    It does sound like there was a fair amount of distaste for Galleons in the fight due to lack of maneuverability, and there were a huge number of Brigs. I am curious, what balance of Cannon/Heavy Cannon/Ballista is considered optimum for a Brig if we bring one next time?

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