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Everything posted by red98devil

  1. i find that the problem happened only after digging by pair hand
  2. After I updated my game to the last version, I joined my friend in the non-dedicated session that he created (he also running the last version) but the problem is when I tried to dig for water and finishing the mini-game (completed 3 times in the white bar) nothing is happening after that. my friend can dig for water without any problem. I tried to host the non-dedicated session and let my friend joined me, the reverse thing happened (nothing happened after digging) any help!!!!!!!!!
  3. I think they can figure this out Ark map was big enough to sail ,but from what I saw this game has different michanicim like every grid is server alone but I think the dev can solve that if they want to. I tried to setup dedicated server I spent around 10 hours trying to figure this out but no luck I didn't find my server in the unofficial list so I just give up.
  4. first of all ark is mmo that has single player don't telling me that the game is mmo so it shouldn't have single player mode it is not even an excuse. what if they just return back single player option just like ark without doing dedicated server crap and get rid of running Cmds that raise your ram/cpu usage ,if you want to play mmo like you said just join any server that you want but if you want to play single player and just by clicking on one button tell me what is the negative outcome that prevent adding that.
  5. i think the url is wrong cuz nothing happening when i click it
  6. I honestly have many reasons that pushed me to do this topic I bought the game last week - the ping is very high here in middle east it's around (68-110) - I enjoyed playing single player for more than 200 hours in ark and there are no obstacle that prevent you from playing solo in atlas like you can hire a crew in your ship and continue your journey for example. - I have only few hours in my day since I am a university student - The single player mode will not affect the multiplayer experience or reduce the players playing there.On the contrary, it will give you more choice to select the game mode that suits you .
  7. since many people want to play solo without distribution and complaining about pve claiming system , I still don't understand why the dev team not consider just to put single player mode like ark and the option to host this server if you wants to play with a small group of people and get rid from the lag and having better experience and freedome.
  8. hope they add it in the next update
  9. But even so it is not like if you are playing in a single player mode i mean without dealing with the servers and ISP, router staff.
  10. please add single player mode .Not everyone enjoy playing multiplayer some prefer play alone explore alone taming and fighting alone .However,it is also a better way to experience the game since it is in the early access stage and discover bugs and play without lag or delay. I hope you read my suggestion because i really want to buy this game and support the game.
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