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Everything posted by Greyskull

  1. The player population was already going down before they announced the wipe, i dont mind playing with Asians and NA people as long as they contributes with more heads I can chop off. LIFEDRAGN - You are right, most NA players just want to build fancy houses and submarines to explore the world. I let them explore the inside of a Shark after they met me on open water. I just hope they will make it in PvP after PTR, they should really had taken the oppertunity to practise now when they had it becasue any Beach BoB form EU gonna whooop theire asses the way they play.
  2. Yeah i was only reffering to the PVP servers, the rest servers they can make into PVE. Shutting down Empires PVP might be even better but atleast dont make 4 PVP servers 2 is enought, hopefully the Empire players gonna end up in Colonials anyway
  3. Suggestion make 1 pvp Empires and 1 pvp Colonials for all players, EU, NA and Asia to keep a decent player population on the servers. Its no fun with PvP if there aint anyone to kill Note: Its been fun playing with the NA people, they are so bad at this game so would like to be able to keep wiping theire asses
  4. Basicly the trees respawns iside our base everyday so we sometimes gets trapped. Rescources shoudnt respawn on built landblocks
  5. They fall into the water if the ship gets hit by SOTD unless they are assigned somewhere. Lost Crewmember this way.
  6. This needs to be implented or cut down or its gonna turn out similar as Empire with Mega companys taking over and just making several companys instead. Consider maybe make some kind of island alliance only for settlers?
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