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Everything posted by Sumtingwong

  1. To Grapeshot. I understand that this is Early Access and I am well aware that delays can and will happen, but what I do not understand is the lack of any integrity that this company has shown so far In updating its community when the time frames set forth have been exceeded. We are understanding and just want simply honesty for a game we have funded by participating in its Early Access release. The delays are not the issue and we as the community expect them along with the integrity that this company seems to lack. Perhaps going forward your community liaison can simply address us and let us know where we stand, even if it is to inform us of another delay, at least then we know and not left wondering.
  2. That works for the passive whale but not the aggressive one, I had done the carbine pull and pulled by proximity and nothing worked it would take damage from one or two bolts but the whales hit box is broken. I can kill the passive all days with under 30 bolts per, but the aggressive one I spent over 300 bolts on it manual firing it within kissing distance of the back of my ship with about a 1% of the bolts registering.
  3. Could the hitbox on the Aggressive Monstrous Whales be fixed currently they are sketchy at best with 90 plus bolts sticking from it's head like a parody of "PinHead from Hellraiser"with zero damage being done.
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