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Posts posted by Sheepshooter

  1. 18 hours ago, George of the jungle said:

    Come on man, pvp is empty as well. Pve people left because they got rid of the frost pve cluster to begin with. Pvp servers are just as dead. And nah, I have seen plenty of pvp people complaining. Deny it all you want but I have seen plenty of it.

    PVE was always dead, the moment you have done all the PVE content over and over again... when your game ends PVP begins...
    PVP is dead because they changed significant PVP rules AND because we are waiting for the wipe...
    You see PVE players don't like wipes, because all their beauty will get wiped and they have to do it all over again - which just proofs that PVE has so limited content that you guys do not want to do it all over again... hence the "tames don't want a wipe" meme going on right now...
    PVPers get wiped all the time on a personal level, rebuilding is part of the game... a general wipe gives us the option to do it better next time... you know 'competition', not just playing with yourself with spectators...

    and again, you are here talking about giving PVE more content, because you want more to do without playing the full game... why are you complaining when you say that it is PVP that is dead...?!?!

  2. 19 hours ago, George of the jungle said:

    ...but I just hear a lot of whining on the pvp side that they want us forced to go over there. ...

    ... Unfortunately the devs have made it to where it is just a bunch of golden rocks weighing down a ship.

    hey I am fine with letting pvp servers be empty man. ... Pve people really don’t get bored, but if you are on the pvp side and can’t find people you will get bored really quick, because let’s be honest if you are just building a base and there is nobody to attack it you are really just playing pve yourself lmao.

    - whining in this forum is under the /pve/... PVPer take the game as is or quit, but as you say PVEer are too invested in it (and got lots of empty time thinking about what would make their empty time more empty)...
    PVEer play the PVE and complain that there is not much to do... PVPer play the PVE as a means to an end called PVP... all you do in PVE server is there to be used for PVP...
    which you not have = no purpose... therefore PVE complains...
    hell it is always so funny when you guys come complain "wahahaha, some baddy spammed my base !"... well there is a in-game solution for that since release... but you switch PVP off... that is why the worst griefers and complainers are the dwindling PVE crowd...

    - well hello, a survival game... where everything is a resource... used for something... call it survival... (ps: "survival" not available on the PVE servers)

    - "I'm coming down fast but I'm miles above you"...
    Funny how you say that with only one server less full than each of the PVPs... seems like you people have ruin out of things to do faster...
    And yeah, you hit the nail on the head... with less PVP player playing there is not much else to do than PVE, ergo people leave... QED see the empty PVE server...

  3. And what would the PVPer give the PVEer for the resources/services rendered?
    Like will the PVPer pay in resources - thereby showing that he does not need any resources from the PVEer, because he already got them...?

    Who needs those farming PVEer anyway anymore...? It is not like the is a problem getting "unlimited" resources already and with farms by basically doing nothing...

    Even if that concept with resource exchange with PVEer would be a goal to achieve, you first have to figure out what the PVPer gives the PVEer in exchange that the PVEer needs...

    And guess what, the only thing a PVPer can give to a PVEer is PVP-related services i.e. protection... but oh no, you want the PVEer protected by default... so no need for the PVEer to buy protection with his resources...

    so... yeah... PVPer don't need PVEer anyway for anything... because the PVPer has to play the same PVE game anyway...

    your problem is, that you exhausted the PVE content of a game that was never by a PVE game... and now you are looking for more content and ask for PVP-adjacent content... getting in the PVP action without the PVP risks...

    you need that PVP resources sink that PVE does not have, and how much more resources can you farm when you already have too much and cannot lose it in order to need more...?!?!

    PVE is dying because there is nothing more for you to do...

    and by the way, stealing anything in PVP with active player defense is not happening (see "Popcorning")... no one is stealing anything... it is all about having something to do after PVE and not getting richer, but the other guy getting poorer...

  4. so... You live in lawless and can get wiped at any time with ease losing everything in less then 45mins anyway...
    And now the world ends because they not just have to bring in a cannon cart, but likely shit tons of resources to build the tower before you do...?!?!
    In the end you lose your shit anyway... if you are stupid enough to leave your important stuff in lawless in the first place...
    Yeah the 'claiming ships' (and the docks) thing is no good... they should not start that feature on patch day... introduce it a week later, so everyone can rearrange their setup... to protect against it...

    BUT... this is a patch day problem... because if it not happens to you on patch drop ( maybe because you get your shit out for the day to hidden base or FP) you will build your own tower and hopefully will be WAY MORE protected in lawless as before the patch...

    The real question on which I have not seen an answer yet (link?) is what happens on day two after the patch?
    How does the claim tower work?
    How do you 'unclaim' it?
    Will it be a time thing with contesting like the normal flags?
    Or will it be a million HP that have to be destroyed (like the docks)?
    How long is peace time in the claim?
    Is there enemy build protection in it (so we save on the shitty turf spam)?
    Will your claim area get smaller when someone places his tower outside your claim (like it did in S1) and nibbles on our claim and stuff in it?
    Maybe there is a bigger area around it where you cannot place another tower (like with warehouses and farms right now)?

    That are the more important questions... because if you get claim wiped on patch day in your till now always wipe-able lawless base or not...
    You will have to change / rebuild your setup in lawless to get same/way better protection IN THE LONG RUN...

    • Confused 1

  5. 18 minutes ago, George Catcher said:

    challenging and fun

    =/= meta...

    more power to you, we do the same thing with our PVP ships vs SOTD, but dedicated SOTD-ships uses the back cannon meta... for obvious survival min/max reasons... we all hate it... the problem is the dumb design of the SOTDs...

    and again the gold ships are not the modular ships... they just play around with the same intended section repair system... have not seen the modular ships yet...
    but if the actual modules have buff/debuffs the combination of modules makes 'thousands' of combinations for unique ship designs... not that BS structure spam we have right now and not use because of the weight meta...

    • Like 1

  6. - obviously not a PVE ship... no back cannon for SOTD farming...
    - damage system is still not equal to the old ships... still has to be tuned and the old ship system be removed... but we will have to wait for the new modular ship system... (these are gold ships = different)
    - Majestic Kraken max speed is 21kts... old ships are 24-26kts... not a PVP ship... but sign of the things to come: slower ships in grid, but wind highways for sector travel...

    • Like 1

  7. 2 hours ago, Stewy12 said:

    - I’m assuming the first thing you said was trying to tell me to make my own explosive barrel ( kind of hard to understand what you said). It’s hard to get enough gold for them when brigs sink my ship with them every other time I leave my harbor 

    so you like your anchored ship sinking while you are offline more than your ship sinking while you are online, on it, in control of it... to each his own...

    BTW you get docks for free right now... get them before the fix the loot tables...

  8. - Just make death from your own barrel a min. 10min respawn timer... no 72 virgins for you, pirate... #InItForTheGoldInThisLife...!

    - so back to offline sinking ships? Was so much fun that we now lose more ships while actually out at sea with it... away from all the spam = lag needed for protection, just so maybe it not get sunk in a minute when no one is looking...

  9. 13 hours ago, chukiki said:

    Sea fights are no fun anymore, u just needs a little sloop and drive in front of a galleon and paralyze it.

    you mean compared to the fun game of one running away from the other... there is always one that will run... even if it means he drops all cargo to get speed up...

    You want fun naval combat? Reduce speed to realistic values (but muh travel time?). Remove all weapon free placement - allow only gunports (but muh fantasy Disney ship design?). Remove suicide pirates - they do it for the money, not the promise of an afterlife (but muh barrel bombers?).

    And maybe, just maybe make ships not so easy sinkable from above water line holes in the ship - the cannons are there to kill/wound the enemy crew into submission, not outright sink them (which is hard with cannons)... fire kills such ships fast (powder meets spark), not so hole where only air gets in...

    • Like 2

  10. 7 hours ago, Spicy_Churros_Ttv said:

    How come they dont add modular building to the current ship system? where is the Galleon with Oars, the sloops with oars? Again just seems lazy what happened did they lose the rights to the IP on the current ship building system why the sudden change of direction?

    Because they have NO IDEA how those old ships are made = programmed... that guy is long gone and no one asked him how to do it...
    And with the problems that the game has with the old ships they thankfully decided to do new ship mechanics...

    And by the way the current Gold ships are not the new modular ships that are coming later...

  11. guess you are all PVE players...
    in PVP speed is everything...

    40 structure limit? he who uses less wins... or at least gets away not sinking...
    you might see a armored ship... on PVP it looks like a slow moving easy target... not even need to bar shot it... just run circles around it outside its cannon arcs...

    and the other thing is in fleet battle: less individual structures = less lag = less turn-based combat feeling...

    the module system might bring real customized ships back to Atlas... where the modules give specific buffs with real usefulness for your play style... not what we have now, where the main stat for a combat ship is it's weight ratio...

    • Like 1

  12. 22 hours ago, Dev Crusher said:

    I tried with defence towers. Unfortunately they are outranged by player cannons, thus they are a complete waste, players take them out without efforts.

    Yes, i just replace the destroyed warehouse. But it is stupid, i would prefer either beeing able to defend it or more HP for the warehouse. Or destruction of the loot when it is shot down.

    all automated defense in Atlas is useless (or highly reliant on terrain features)... only solution available: MOAR defenses -> MOAR structures -> MOAR lag + less time at sea...

    More HP will not help - unless it is armored dock level HP, so only real effort can destroy it... anything less and it is just a matter of time you need to react in defense or your are offline... Dropping less or no loot would defeat the 'pirate' theme...

    Would say (especially to save structures and time) that a system of full claim protection in conjunction with a unclaim/claim destruction (like a high HP fort) is an option...
    Destroy the claim structure before you can do anything in the claim... make it upgrade-able (more resources invested = more HP/Defenses...) put it on the beach (or in set position on each island, so we can have proper ship to shore battles) and yeah a coastal fort should we hard to kill by ship (= loss of ships is expected)...

  13. solutions...
    a) build Stonegates turned 90° as you do now and build more...
    b) use Woodgates and build even more...
    c) just don't build in Lawless and expect 'nothing' to happen...
    d) maybe don't build obvious defenses that attract interest and obviously do not work in this game...
    e) just replace the warehouse and don't care if you have to replace it... it is cheaper and faster than build and rebuild defenses...
    f) why build this stuff, when you can just blow other peoples stuff up and take their stuff...?

  14. So... 5k for a schooner every day (because it is sunk tomorrow)...
    or 15k for a schooner that lives longer than 3 days...
    What will you do with the 5k on the fourth day...? or the fifth...? save up for a second schooner and dock as an (almost) unsinkable base...?

    Are the trade islands even working...?
    And who builds the towers anyway, when a naked Bob can just run in between and the shoot each other...
    At least when you not build the towers the attacker has to bring his own cannon balls to destroy it...

  15. 21 hours ago, cidran said:

    He didn't account for the time it takes to unlock those skills either. 

    Totally, options are always good. I'm at a point where i'd rather just pay 100.000 gold or more for a mythical brig than go farm all the materials. 

    yeah takes forever to tame ANY bear...

    sounds like we can make that work... you bring the gold AND the BLUEPRINTS...
    or you steal the woods from a trading warehouse, so you just need to get the light stuff...
    Shit, we throw the woods away... it is too much...

  16. 22 hours ago, Johnsworth Assessment said:

    I’m solo at the moment and boy oh boy you make it sound like I knew what I should put lvls into from the beginning. Instead of realising most newer players don’t know about farms etc. What they mostly spec is boats or even weapons because the game says no where how to make gold other than maybe floatsums. 

    So thank your G.O.D. that there is this forum, where you find the answers, given freely...

    So you know how this game will go from now on:
    - either get a swivel bear going for maps
    - or build/steal gold from warehouses/markets

    - then FIRST get a small dock for your ships before you have anything bigger than a sloop
    (if you go the maps route you should also already have level 50+, so no problem learning the rest - also remember the respecs per level up)

    - then either get a schooner for use and/or base

    - next step would be second ship+dockj , so you a base ship and a use ship...

    - this obvious is easier to do, when you live peacefully and rent free (please refuel the farmhouses, thank you) on someones claim...

    At this point you lose your stuff if someone wants to invest the 56000 cannonballs to sink one of your ships...

    If you get just one warehouse+farm+market down and connect just one route in sector it is 500gold/day minimum. If you trade with non-ally it is 1000gold. If the open up server wide trade routes it will go up to 5000gold min (shortest distance for a route). Taxation may take half... combined with maps (because no base building and resources farming) you can crank out a schooner and dock every 3-4 days easy...
    Brig will be a bit harder goal, because of the dock cost, but do you "need" a brig as a solo...?!?!

    If you get a claim (old island or new area) get it as close to the dock as possible so your base ship NPC contest unclaiming it = 56000 balls per ship...

  17. See the search bar in the upper right corner...?
    Search for "game is dying"...
    "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated"

    funny enough that it is not the player numbers that make the game dead...
    but the game mechanics that you have problems with and which you want to change to your liking 'or the Atlas gets it!'


  18. On 12/16/2020 at 2:14 PM, SeroJ said:

    the new (old) island claim system just seems stupid though. The end of season 3 had tons of islands up for cap.

    I hope they don't get rid of lawless?

    There is the problem again...
    The current claim system allows for owning a whole island (getting rid of the earlier flag spam).
    The plan was that smaller people live under bigger company that own an island and give protection (timer at least) for some taxed resources (which now are worthless due to farms).
    Because the complainers did what they do best - "I DONT WANT TO PAY TAXES!!!" - they got no protection (which they then again complained about...) with no claim system in Lawless...
    When they found out that Lawless is, well, lawless, they wanted to have claim protection as well, when all claimable islands where already claimed (and "I DONT WANT TO PAY TAXES!!!") and HALF of all islands in the game where unclaimable because of being Lawless...

    Cutting off their nose to spite their face...
    That is why it is so much fun to raid the people in Lawless... they deserve it... they cried to get it... hard...

    I mean WTH... right now you can live FOR FREE on most claimed islands, likely get full active protection and great base locations, just for being there and refueling the farms you can empty freely... but no no no, "I DONT WANT TO PAY TAXES!!!" and like to complain here, because they play the game the wrong way and lose...

    Now with the new flag system, your tiny little claims will be prime targets for everyone else... like in Lawless before... because you being small and totally unwilling to cooperate... you stay "game content" for everyone else... thank you... 🙄

  19. 3 hours ago, Bio said:

    I made an account literally just to say that.

    your bile smells like CIDs alt account... 😷

    funny thing is, that if the gold cost was there from the beginning these complain would not be there... if you fear change, you should not buy EA... it is a work in progress and subject to change...

    lets see...
    - first we had rate:1 resources farming - complain was that ships are too hard (long time farming) to make...
    - so rate was set to 2 permanently (pick up a one rock and see for yourself) and tames where made super harvesters - then complain was that ships now are just spam and too easy to get, there is no meaning in sinking one and no meaning in not sinking everyone.

    - at same time it became obvious that ships are not safe just standing around, so people started to build giant defenses (that ultimately not help) costing more time on land (not sea) and cause lag. Tames became even more important, because of needed resources farming - complain was we are stuck on land, can't have ships save and have to tame stupid tames all the time
    - so introduce the farms, making tons of resources, by doing noting. Not only for the owner, but for everyone coming by (they are unlocked) - complain was "but I cannot have farms myself because they are blocked!"

    - over the same time we at first had a small claim system so everyone could get a piece of land - complain was that someone already spammed his flags everywhere
    - so it became the island claim system, also with protection times, so your ships are save - complain was "I don't want to pay taxes for protection!", "I want my own island!" and "All Islands are claimed already!"
    - so we also got Lawless for the guys that just cannot live with others and use the game mechanic to their advantage - complain was "wahahah! my stuff gets raided daily by my neighbors (which I just raided) and by the claim islanders that we cannot attack, because they have peace timers!"
    - we got docks (not working yet) which practically not destroy-able for a small amount of gold/day. no need for giant defense bases, finally living on our ships. less spam, no need for claims - complains to be determined, but they will come... as always...
    - next up new claim system, same as the old system... because of the complains...

    - also, since resources are worthless, tames (other than PVP) are worthless, bases were always worthless and everyone complaining not sailing enough in a sailing game, we now get ships for gold, and gold comes for free by trading and maps by SAILING!!! It also makes it the one perfect number to regulate inflation of everything else to make the game better...  - "wahahah, I don't want to sail, I don't want to raid warehouses! If you force me to I don't want it anymore!"

    - old ship system allows for unrealistic ships and sea combat, also too many structures make lag - complains are we want more and better ships
    - new ship system comes in - complains "wahahah, I want my unrealistic LARPing ships with stupid metas! and I want them for free!!!"

    - next up, admin cheat for everyone, so we can just spawn command everything to "survive"... - "nah, I don't like to play anymore, if everything I asked for before is just given to me so I stop my tantrum... you broke the game!!!"

    - meanwhile on PVE - "wahahah I got blocked in by spam by some griefers and I cannot do anything about it, because I cannot just shoot there stuff...!!!" also, "there is nothing else to do... wahahah more CONTENT!!!"

    W  T  F  !!!!!11111  ?

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