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Everything posted by FadedWiz3rd

  1. Very true and a valid point but battlefield does not have the same antagonism between east and west. It is a step away from what is currently being done. However there was the navy. It's easy to come up with a scene or scenario for this. I'm just tired of the hostility
  2. Hey Grapeshot I know what Im about to suggest may be a little unorthodox or controversial but please hear me out. For years there has been an ever growing rivalry between the east and west in the gaming industry. And Grapeshot and Wildcard have heard every complaint and every insult. Here is my suggestion Grapeshot. Facilitate this. Organize and create the first world war in gaming. As opposed to all the trolling/griefing and nasty human behavior rather create a server and split it in half, east vs west. Lets have a friendly and fair competition for bragging rights and perhaps it will lay rest to all the rage and hate. But just imagine it. The gaming heaven your clients will be in? Also great way to keep your PR guys on their toes. PLEASE consider this.
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