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Spry_one DeRonin

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Everything posted by Spry_one DeRonin

  1. So I guess the way to try out the new "claim system" for PvE is for everyone to build some foundations and pillars and see if that will get across our point of how it will ruin PvE for everyone. Do we dare think they will listen to us then? Or have they spent too much time on the new "Claim System" to take a step back and think maybe there is a better way. I think everyone understood that Early Access means player wipes. Some do it monthly so "testers" can try out content from the starter levels on up and find out how gameplay flows as characters are fleshed out. I just hope that the test servers they will put up are going to simulate both styles of play PvE and PvP.
  2. The Flag claim system was why I was willing to play Atlas instead of what they are going to try now. I have been in 2 small companies and we have been able to claim land and enjoy the game. This is beginning to sound like everything is going to make a 180 and return to the system that was in Ark which isnt on my favorite list. Up the rate your building deteriates? How is a solo player or small company going to be able to do anything besides gather resources to keep what they have? I will enjoy whats left of my time with the claims I can afford to build and create on or redesign if I dont like what my home or structure looks like while its possible. Need those 3 or 4 different types of that one certain resource for a blueprint? I guess a freeport is our only hope because we cant afford to explore to find them. I have enjoyed this game and have been able to build things at my own pace as long as I kept loggin in every so often to upkeep my claim. Just limiting claims per character would go a long way to opening up land, maybe make claims on the shore or near a lake count as 2 or 3 claims based off of thier desirability that may help. But to turn to a system that has already proven that a select group of players will be able to enjoy it and basically drive others out. Is that the product you want to promote even in Early access that alone will drive players/customers/testers away. Anyhow I will enjoy Atlas for a least another month until the foundation brigade starts invading your space you thought you could claim as your own.
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