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Padre Kayn

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Everything posted by Padre Kayn

  1. Yesterday we went on another server trying to tame some animals missing in our current island, we came back with 2 rhynos, one ostrich, and some others. We came back to our server, put the animal in our eclosure, built on water but raised on the ground, and today some of them are gone. It has happened before, we didn't close the walls, so an alpha entered and killed all the animals and it was of course noted in the guild log. We had the suspect that someone attracted him there, don't know how because it was pretty much difficult for a random animal to get there but there are proven cheaters on our island, or maybe just some asshole, but ok, it was our fault to not have been careful enough. This time on the log it shows just "was killed!" so we don't know how and why (they had a lot to eat, but they don't just die from starving in one day, and in every case is noted in the log). WTF is happening?
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