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Everything posted by savitron9001

  1. My biggest concern regarding the animals is them falling through the ceilings and foundations in buildings. I have also experienced a problem with them floating away into the nether and never returning or dying. Anything thing that would be cool concerning tames is the ability to create some other type of cart (or updating the current cart) to allow the animals to carry more. Also making the cart available to attach to other tames other than tier 2. I would love to have a tiger carrying a cart around. Another issue I have seen regarding mostly tigers and lions (might regard other animals, but I have only seen it in tigers and lions) is their behavior when wild. Sometimes they will aggro on you instantly, and other times they will run away. This makes it very difficult to trap them when you want to tame them. There needs to be a reason for them running away, otherwise it's just really annoying. A few improvements I would like to see with individual animals just has to do with having a reason to tame them. Most of them have something they can gather, or they give a buff. But the ones that are suppose to be good in battle, are not good at all. I can't even bring my tamed tigers or lions out, because I know they will just get killed. I saw some really good ideas for other things the small animals could do above such as: the seagull giving a warning for a storm or being able to see more in the fog, and the vulture allowing the player to see health bars of every creature and person around them. I would also love to see the parrots be able to learn phrases from the players and also a perch that we can put them on. Breeding is another issue all together that needs work. I think it's fine to have to babysit the babies, but there needs to be some major improvements on how to keep the temperature stable (a new object that can be created late game?). Also could be knock them out as well? Bola is fine for beginning tames, but I think it would be nice if in late game we could create something to knock the animals out to tame them. That's all I can think of for now, I hope some of these suggestions are implemented into the game. :)
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