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Everything posted by quadbits

  1. we have the same problem with a bridge in the water,,,,,lots of foundation are added extra to try and stop it. but it just keeps disappering now and then....1 to 5 ceilings at a time. official server pve EU
  2. server nodes take forever to start after patch 19.3 same thing with todays 19.4 and 19.5 it takes 20 mins plus and there are maybe 10k objects on the grid. Seems the server optimizations cause massive startup tasks or? the servers also lags out every 5mins and every 2 hours they restart. perhaps its the deserialization of construction objects i dont know. but i noticed starting in the water after a restart, then the island came after 2-5 mins , then the objects deserialized very very slowly like one object at a time. watched my ship take in water due to planks not deserialized yet lol. i noted this in the changelog: Significantly improved server performance when unstasising structures (50%+). comment: somehow this has broken performance by a factor -20 instead. pls advice.
  3. same problem,,,, npc sailors cant be interacted with. you can still use them however in their current position = handle the sails etc. the animal npc are no problem. but i cant place a occupy order with comma, pls fix asap.....:-) unofficial server all updated
  4. ok thx for the reply.... it works now again i finished the gallion. U can read about the waiting fix in the steam thread i linked. its not the cost at my end. instead of placing a large order i just build one at a time it seems to work alot better. The server is always updated btw.
  5. i cant craft large gun ports after i crafted like 15, and fast travel or death wont fix it. Death fixes broken stats on crash. which is another bug but not so critical we cant live without it for a while.i can craft all other items i checked. it still says 66* at the large gunport item. i have all the skills needed, the item is highlightedissue started today.... maybe its a database issue serverside... no clue. its a normal gunport! not a blueprint. tried building new smithy and swapping materials to other stacks. (read about bugged mats) it didnt help any info: private server. if developers have any tips pls advice. ino the admin and im a software engineer. alternately i can maybe get another player to craft the items for me. ive found another posts about the same issue, dated january 5th. https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742230617610713840/ pls advice. update; something is clearly wrong with the pricing also on the gunport it states 24 metal (se pic below)... its the same amount of metal as the normal plank it uses the correct amount however....alot more metal. maybe that will lead you to the culprit. update 2: i could actually build about 8-10 gun ports when the day passed midnight, then it happened again. Perhaps some cleanup thread fixes the issue. sadly it lasts only 10 planks or so... make it run hourly at least pls until u fix it.
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