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Posts posted by bigfishrob

  1. 11 hours ago, Tinschn said:

    Sorry, I wasn't clear - i mean a 9x9 grid server.

    Yeah, you may have to expect wipes, but in this case only because of some devs who want to have feedback, ignore it and geting things in a complete mess after so much time.
    They had more than enough time to change the game in the way the players want it to play. There are enough feedback threads in this forum.

    Now dropping a nuclear bomb is simply not right and not necessary, especially if so many players - who obviously playing the game more than the devs do - disagree with those changes.

    If u think a wipe is unnecessary u been under a rock. There is nothing they can do to realign distributions of land ect without creating more of a confusing mess.right now there is almost no incentive for new players, new players pay the bills. They need turnover to generate more income. 

  2. 9 hours ago, TyGeR_STD said:

    For PvE there needs to be a way for company to claim an area of land to build what they want/need.  From the sounds of this current system a company could start building a town area and joe douche can start building right in the middle of them and there is nothing they can do to stop it.  Or a company can setup at a certain location due to good resources and someone can build on top of those resources to block or troll them.  Have more smaller islands per grid and give companys the ability to claim the island in PvE just like PvP.  Or limited building to X close to the shore line so resources inside the island are protected from people blocking them to troll other players.

    Maybe they will have the larger no build radius. I could see them doing something like make a resource box show the protected build radius like a flag, of course then there would be a billion resource boxes. maybe a very  large radius around the bank or something.

  3. 8 hours ago, Clochard said:

    EARLY ACCESS. not intended to be a jump start on progression. We are all test subjects and should expect wipes, expect bugs, ect. however as an offset and under the guise of expecting more future wipes i think rates should be turned up so ppl can rebuild after faster.


  4. blame the top companies, hackers, and greedy land grabbers. It was so bad at this point for new players it had to be done. The land grab was sick, and new players had little to no chance of getting land. and to those saying.... oh land ez quit being lazy ect..... for one i searched a LOT and had just gotten land by one nice player giving it to me. secondly new players have even less idea how to deal with claiming and how or when to do it to succeed.

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  5. 1 hour ago, FX Sergio said:

    The problem will be the companies with 1000 claims will be there with Npc crew to claim or contest.   If they do not get the flag you will be subject to them griefing you in some way..  I saw paragon dino gate someone boat while they could build.

    Current claim i tried to get. I had the water claim almost to shore put a few boats to start a dock the land claim came up and guy who already has good claim down the shore spammed everything in between with rafts and put an npc on the raft. This claiming is toxic af and fosters more and more griefing that they wont define or fix

  6. 25 minutes ago, =MGC=Ranger said:

    I have found more than 1, infact I have found MANY in my travels in several areas including desert and temperate.  I have not one, but THREE new neighbors within the last 3 weeks. One of the island inhabitants walked away from the game and 3 separate companies moved in (one which we allied with). As I said, there is claimable land out there, get on a boat and find it like everyone else. If I were to find claimable land, I wont claim it (I believe I have land and leave some for the other explorers who are to find it), but I am also not advertising it. Part of the game is the exploration of land. FYI, my new neighbors came all the way from O to H to claim their new land.

    I travel 8 plus blocks per evening acquiring mats for bps and mythos ect. I have not found one claimable area of value for several weeks. The claims i see avail are ocean and tiny spots land locked by other claims. 

  7. They need to types of flags. Primary which is limited to say 5 per account and secondary which is spam. The primary can have the 21 day protection but the secondary should be one day timers. Meaning they should either end up part of a permanent claim or change hands bc nobody will daily refresh unnecessary claims. IF these greedy land hoarders "need" the land bc of size then somebody will always be keeping it refreshed.

  8. They need to types of flags. Primary which is limited to say 5 per account and secondary which is spam. The primary can have the 21 day protection but the secondary should be one day timers. Meaning they should either end up part of a permanent claim or change hands bc nobody will daily refresh unnecessary claims. IF these greedy land hoarders "need" the land bc of size then somebody will always be keeping it refreshed.

  9. 5 hours ago, Kidori said:

    I feel like it's worth pointing out that top companies are not solely ranked on number of claims. Even my old relatively small company with 30 claims made it onto the top ten just by having 11 people online late at night, even with us not having increased the number of flags we owned. We were even ranked higher than a company with four times as many flags.

    The ranking seems to be more based on number of players online than anything, and you can see that happening throughout the day where the top companies are trading positions on an hourly basis. After a patch, if you're the first person on the game even your company can be ranked number one briefly.

    If that were actually true then some companies need to start tossing some land free, but i think u are wrong.

  10. 1 hour ago, Kveldulf said:

    An interesting theory but then it would no longer be PvE.  I don't think that kind of interpersonal drama and incessant stress is something a vast majority of PvE players want, or they'd be on PvP servers where it makes more sense.

    Finance talks though.  I'd be curious if the business model can survive on PvP alone.  In my experience, that has not remotely been the case in other games I've played.  In fact, ignoring PvE while focusing of PvP has largely led to irreparable financial damage.  Maybe this game is different, but still a serious consideration.

    On the bright side, some unofficial servers have found viable solutions.  For example, one has a limit of 5 flags per company per sector.  I only spend time in one sector, but it does seem to have helped.  We no longer have as many Tax Flags put down purely to steal materials from people as they gather.  This limit includes both sea and land flags, btw, and frankly seems to work just fine.

    Question though:

    What in the world is the point of being a "Top Company?"  Who cares?  Are there perks?  Can't say I've ever seen any value in such leaderboards.  Granted I'm a little old to brag in the school cafeteria, but surely there's actually a point?

    If it were not the intent then grape would appropriately limit flags, not promote top company and actually do something about griefing. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Daemon Cross said:

    I’d say your close to being right, not 100% sure but the ranking system has really messed the pve side of the game up because companies who have the most claims get acknowledged as being one of the top companies in the game. In pvp taking land and holding titles means something but in PVE it only causes problems because there is no way to take another persons claim unless they quit and wait for the timer to run down and even then it’s who can make the claim first.

    Since we all have different schedules, some of us work and don’t have access to use a computer until we get home afterwards and some people work away from home but play during the weekends, so how does one take a claim that’s about to expire when your not able to be in game. Join a company is a option but like myself not everyone wants to be in a company and for people like me it’s a struggle, there is no easy solution to the claim system, I’ve seen empires that have been built on island that may take up 10 claims,  at my base I hold 5 and standing on my galleon it looks about the size of a runic cube, which 3 of my claims are sea claims so no one can build stuff to block my ships in aside from using another ship.

      Limited claims may help the issue but it won’t solve it, I’d buy another account if needed to have more land in other regions if that was the case, land claims only available to subscription based players limiting them to 25 to 50 claims per account and non subscription based players limited to 5 to 10 claims. Then your going to have people say it’s a pay to win game. There is no single good answer for the issue atm without affecting the current player base

    Just limit claims max like 5-7 per paid account. Then "giant comps" still have plenty of claims but not what they have now for this bs top comp crap.

  12. Talked to one of the top ten comps yesterday....top ten rank and has 8 active players. 8.....i imagine it takes a 1000 claims to make top ten and they have 8 players so basically less than say .5 % of the playerbase owns probably 50 -75% of the land....not because they earned it or bc they are better players but for two reasons....they have lots of time on their hands and they got into the game early. New players are screwed right now. Needs to be a cap on claims like 5-7 per player so comps have to strategically hold things not bulk hold tons. Give em a week to reset their main claim flags. After that drop the timer down to 1 day and claimable in a couple of hours so if they wanna be greedy and hold everything they can spend all their in game time refreshing crap. I imagine in pve there are prob almost no comps with over 100 ppl. Most are in the 5-10 ppl range with a handful of those active. 

  13. Maybe the rest of us are missing the hints. They are not doing anything now about ppl blocking boats in, griefing with foundation spam, kiting sotd or blocking access. Maybe the real intent is that pve is actually still a ruthless pirate game and means fighting on pve anyhow. So maybe the real intent is if somebody like these "top comps" have what you want then you are supposed to use whatever means is neccessary to take it. I mean blocking ports is a real pirate method. Maybe the top comps list is actually intended as a target list instead for those that have nothing to go after and take something. If this is not the intent then top company and taxation have no business being in the pve version of the game.

  14. 5 hours ago, SirRedHawk said:

    I find your response to be pretty toxic and ignorant.  To me its the small 1 person companies with claims on an entire island not large companies with many active members that are a problem.  You do realize that to declaim and claim land it takes our company over 4 hours?  At the vary least upkeep isn't an issue due to how we are set up and our active member base.  So we have a lot of land we have a lot of members to use that land.  As far as taxes are concerned if you don't own the land then why not pay a tax for taking resources the owners could have used for their own purposes.  I only see people living in lawless regions complaining of this mechanic.   You talk about ego but you're the one berating top companies without being provoked.  Clearly you lack something and wish to have what you don't.  

    There is no way even those large companies could utilize all that land. And there are soo many living in lawless bc there are those who started playing the game and flagged up, or exploited ppl off ect and amassed way more land than is neccessary leaving scraps for the remaining player base. In pvp sure thats fine you can go to war and take it. In pve it just promotes greedy land grab. Im sure top companies have designate bed hopping routes ect just o keep all of it refreshed and make it impossible for others to get that land. We have about 5 claims on one section of land. It has little resources and a high pred spawn. So at best ot is good for leaving ships where they dont decay as fast, and we were lucky to get that. Then we go over places like i7 and i8 and see one or two comps with massive entire islands with tons of locations ppl could build a seaport base. And yall keep saying just rent an area....really as toxic as ppl are in this game you expect ppl to want to one pay in game taxes when we already paid for the game, two u want us to trust that these greedy ppl wont decide hey i think i will take that area and use it myself now and simply turn the flag to company only....there is no protection for ppl to trust even renting. Id like to see some numbers. How many claims and how many members those top companies have. If it is anywhere close to over 5-10 per member it just proves the point that it is just greed to feed "top company"  egos

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  15. On 2/6/2019 at 1:18 PM, Notorious said:

    As an honest player....sometimes I just want to say fk it and go to all these places where these types of things happen to honest players and do the same thing back to these low life gamers but at an extreme lvl. And if i get banned so be it because  at this point im just starting to not give a fk anymore.

    U recruiting...lol 

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