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Posts posted by PeglegTheAngry

  1. 46 minutes ago, Realist said:

    Ok, I almost completely dismissed your previous statement. Because you gave a borderline(couldn’t find an emote)  claim about ark and console that you seemed to be very very very uh, summer school? OMG!  Even with alcohol I had to delete a paragraph lol. 

    Why are you trying to segregate people? Because of their views? Pvp? Pve? Wow dude. 

    What next? Console vs. pc? Maybe men vs. women?

    you do sound pretty domineering. 

    Dude, you don't even make sense at this point. Chill.

    I'm not domineering, I'm right.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Realist said:

    i am sorry if they forced you into a Stockholm syndrome situation with this tax crap.

    What the hell are you talking about? Claiming a full island is great. Even better that I can pay a little extra gold to disallow anyone to build there, should griefing become a problem. I really don't see the problem with tax either, its way of letting the island owner have what they miss out on from other people farming.

    The trouble with the claim system is that it's a PvE system; it doesn't work for PvP; in the least.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Realist said:

    I would be fine with sharing it as long as you put a zero percent tax(yes I know it doesn’t affect pve). Doesn’t matter. If the wipe didn’t happen you need to put a zero percent tax. 

    Seriously, why does this feature even exist. It should just... like auto pay the island owner instead of showing the +tax on map lol.

  4. 27 minutes ago, Realist said:

    You will not take the island I want and if you have if I will make sure it is wiped.

    I swear to god if I dont get M4 big island myself, I will grief who ever lives there EVERY DAY.



    (but its got five natrual harbors, and its pretty big so we can share tho)

  5. You aren't finding what you want all the time, you just don't know it yet. Yellow glowing maps are chump change.
    You want the purple glowing ones. You want the ones that say 14+ quality. The same goes for SoDs, and floatsams.

    As another example, unless its a special color, you really don't want to tame an animal that's below level 26. (This is especially important when you consider wilds all have the same stats until you tame them, taming a level 30 is the same as a level 1.) Even then, when you do tame it, there is no guarantee it will have the stats you need.  You still have to tame a few more and breed them after that!


  6. 22 minutes ago, Realist said:

    They already made the announcement for it so it is definitely time to talk about it. 

    The main reason for talking about it is because “you will get wiped” if console is crossplay. Some people don’t want that so this is actually the perfect time to talk about it.

    So did Face Punch reguarding rust, like... 3 years ago.

    Ark didn't get console until after the buy out. That was like a two year timeframe. Too early to talk about a crossplay wipe. SMH


  7. 4 minutes ago, Winter Thorne said:

    The only other thing that I think will bring large numbers of players to the game (or back to the game) is a real "mega" release.  New game mechanics, deeper skill trees with bigger impacts, a fix to the small remaining number of bugs annoying enough to make someone QQ - like disappearing ships and structures. If they kicked up the skill trees and added a whole structure to enable people to group together and accomplish some things as a town, that would be big.

    Pretty much. If player numbers are any indication, people prefer Atlas for its MMO like qualities, more than it's  Ark/Rust like qualities. The team should focus on  bringing the actual game structure up to snuff.

    • Like 2

  8. Rust has "Zerg" clans like DMG that run 30-80 strong... on 275 person servers.

    But yeah, I get what you are saying now and I agree.... we really need some sort of stash system. Nothing dumb like cryo or ships in a bottle though.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Captain Jack Shadow said:

    Clearly Rust is doing something right, and Atlas is doing something wrong.

    I suspect that Rust has more balance in that while you can wipe somebody, it's not nearly as difficult for them to get back on their feet.  You don't tame and breed creatures, right?  I haven't actually played Rust, but I have watched some of HOD's videos, and I did see huge differences.  For one, single players are able to find success...huge success.  The videos I watched, there weren't huge megas.  Small groups of 3 or 4 max.  I do not know whether there is a clan member limit. 



    Nope. Rust is even less balanced to wipe someone than Atlas. Rust is SUPER easy to wipe someone, Atlas actually has some time commitment and a HELL of a lot more risk.

    Single players can find big success in Atlas too, there's nothing like piggy backing off a huge company that has no idea you have been stealing their stuff for DAYS.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Captain Jack Shadow said:

    People cry about being retaliated against.  Well boo hoo..that's what's supposed to happen in games.  So what...if you wipe somebody and a week later, they wipe you, so what.  It's a game.  That's actually healthy for games, because nobody sticks around to be somebody else's punching bag.  The best games have the average player experiencing a 1 to 1 success to failure ratio.  This keeps the majority logging in...coming back for more.


  11. 12 minutes ago, Captain Jack Shadow said:

    I think your ideas, combined with mine, would make the game thrive.  Simple fact...people want to fight with their ships, not worry about their bases.  I will never understand why they don't create a footprint, like with the old claim flags, that limit the area that a company can build in.

    Like I said in my Nations post; we need a place to store our personal belongings to keep them safe from company wars.

    I'd be on PvP instead of PvE if I knew my tames and my trading ships would be okay. I could care less about anything else I have in this game even my land is not that  important.

  12. 18 hours ago, boomervoncannon said:

    You mean like your design or build? Decks, cabins and any other structures you put on it? Not at the present time but that wouldn’t be a bad suggestion for a QoL feature down the road.

    Oh my god...

    What if instead...

    You put the BP for the planks and decks you want in the ship yard.... and it built the ship without having to stick them all on yourself.

  13.  DayZ and Rust both hit VERY simmilar low points. Rust went as low as five thousand, and they had similar numbers to what we had before wipe. DayZ got into the hundreds at one point, but is now one of the most popular survival games.  Atlas only has a few flaws:

    Torpedos killed the game. Take out stupid shit like torpedos and quit adding stupid shit like torpedos and people will come back.

    Do something about player toxicity (ban negative nancies on reddit and here) and the mind-virus that causes a cascade of player disillusion to spread. Lots of people want to log in and see the game but stop short because Reddit told them to.

    NEED a PvP-PvE grid.

    Megas need to be un-nerfed. Huge groups drive the economy and keep people playing.

    PvE players can no longer destroy abandoned bases.. which sucks, thats good loot.


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