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Everything posted by Camularity

  1. If its just a removal of the character existing as a sleeping entity in the world no problems.. Company owned assets so not an issue. I just dont want the character removed and progress lost.
  2. Would be nice to have access to the Autopilot Radial menu from the LT's Podium. In fact this seems like a logical progression. Perhaps a Hotkey in the RIGHT UI List to access autopilot.
  3. Dear Devs, I am a member of the military and whilst I understand that removal of characters that are offline to clean up the servers, I will never be able to play this game as I am routinely taken away for 4-6 weeks every 8-12 weeks. Whilst work arounds like company owned assets is great, map discovery will reset too I assume on new char creation. Perhaps a requested AFK option that allows players to ask for an extension?? Not sure what it is like now with University / College but there was plenty of exam periods in which I would pack all games away for at least 4 weeks for study period then exam weeks. Please rethink this going forward.
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