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About freakingxarf

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  1. I have some good and some bad news. After a few hours travelling the dimensions betrween to Grid, i wwere able to get back on mya ship and sailed my way further. i left the grid from N11 to N10 and everything was fine. So i did my farming Job on N10 and started my way back. And guess what? The moment io tried to switch to N11, my wonderfulll Ship decided to get stuck in strange dimensions between the grids agian. Is it possible that there are just a few grids infected with this bug?
  2. It looks like we have the exact same Problem. I feel with you. Is this the error Message your mates had while trying to connect?
  3. I would if i would be able to join the Game. After my try to switch the region, i will always get a connection error when i try to connect.
  4. We have the same Problem. Does anybody know a way to save the boat? Maybe pushing it out with another?
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