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About HansGrub3r

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  1. Oh yea I'm still living in the Ark folder it seems.. lol I've now tried it within the ServerGrid.json and did DestroyWildDinos when started up. But I've now flown around all the islands I set the SpawnerOverrides on but no Elephants. This is how I did it, not sure if I'm doing it right or not. { "Name": "Elephant", "NPCSpawnEntries": "((AnEntryName=\"Elephant\",NPCsToSpawn=(BlueprintGeneratedClass'/Game/Atlas/Creatures/Elephant/Elephant_Character_BP.Elephant_Character_BP_C'),NPCsSpawnOffsets=((X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=0.000000)),NPCsToSpawnPercentageChance=(1.000000)))", "NPCSpawnLimits": "", "MaxDesiredNumEnemiesMultiplier": 1.2 } And these are the island I want them to spawn on: { "name": "Mnt_I_CH", "id": 1153, "spawnerOverrides": { "Elephant": "Elephant" }, "minTreasureQuality": -1.0, "maxTreasureQuality": -1.0, "useNpcVolumesForTreasures": false, "useLevelBoundsForTreasures": true, "prioritizeVolumesForTreasures": false, "islandTreasureBottleSupplyCrateOverrides": "", "instanceTreasureQualityAddition": 1.0, "worldX": 1194073.5, "worldY": 1194568.0, "rotation": 0.0 }, { "name": "Mnt_Z_CH", "id": 1154, "spawnerOverrides": { "Elephant": "Elephant" }, "minTreasureQuality": -1.0, "maxTreasureQuality": -1.0, "useNpcVolumesForTreasures": false, "useLevelBoundsForTreasures": true, "prioritizeVolumesForTreasures": false, "islandTreasureBottleSupplyCrateOverrides": "", "instanceTreasureQualityAddition": 1.0, "worldX": 176296.422, "worldY": 1189629.63, "rotation": 0.0 }, { "name": "Mnt_Q_ER", "id": 1156, "spawnerOverrides": { "Elephant": "Elephant" }, "minTreasureQuality": -1.0, "maxTreasureQuality": -1.0, "useNpcVolumesForTreasures": false, "useLevelBoundsForTreasures": true, "prioritizeVolumesForTreasures": false, "islandTreasureBottleSupplyCrateOverrides": "", "instanceTreasureQualityAddition": 1.0, "worldX": 717037.2, "worldY": 1197036.88, "rotation": 0.0 }, In the lower code window it is pointing to the code above which I think should make elephants spawn in ? "spawnerOverrides": { "Elephant": "Elephant" } <- First Elephant is the name of the spawnerOverride and the second is the actual animal. Should I just try increasing this to 100% to see if it makes any difference ? NPCsToSpawnPercentageChance=(1.000000)
  2. Hi! I setup a 1x1 server for me and me mates last weekend, didn't spend to much attention to what islands I did add in. But now after a week we seem to be lacking spawns of elephants, not a single island got them. So I've been trying to figure out how to use "spawnerOverrideTemplates" in the serverGrid.json. But from my understanding ATLAS is reusing alot of shit from ARK.. I can't understand how I am supposed to create a spawn override with Elephants onto an island while it's using the Mammoths files from Ark.. If I look at the "SpawnerAlloOrSarco" it's not making much sense, I haven't implemented that one so I got no clue what that is spawning. { "Name": "SpawnerAlloOrSarco", "NPCSpawnEntries": "((AnEntryName=\"Sarco\",NPCsToSpawn=(BlueprintGeneratedClass'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Sarco/Sarco_Character_BP.Sarco_Character_BP_C'),NPCsSpawnOffsets=((X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=0.000000)),NPCsToSpawnPercentageChance=(1.000000)),(AnEntryName=\"Allo\",NPCsToSpawn=(BlueprintGeneratedClass'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Allosaurus/Allo_Character_BP.Allo_Character_BP_C'),NPCsSpawnOffsets=((X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=0.000000)),NPCsToSpawnPercentageChance=(1.000000),EntryWeight=0.200000))", "NPCSpawnLimits": "((NPCClass=BlueprintGeneratedClass'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Sarco/Sarco_Character_BP.Sarco_Character_BP_C',MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow=0.800000),(NPCClass=BlueprintGeneratedClass'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Allosaurus/Allo_Character_BP.Allo_Character_BP_C',MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow=0.200000))", "MaxDesiredNumEnemiesMultiplier": 1.2 } But if I were to remodel this for spawning elephants would I just need to replace the path to /Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Mammoth/Mammoth_Character_BP.Mammoth_Charachter_BP_C ? Or is there more to it than that ? Those reused ARK files would not let me spawn in anything beeing used in those SpawnerOverrideTemplates but I did however manage to spawn in doedicurus and Rexes, so hence my long post on here now being all confused. Picture of the doedi just to get some attention:
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