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The D Legacy

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Posts posted by The D Legacy

  1. 20 hours ago, Caine said:

    I can feel you but it's a fine mechanic for PvP. Atleast you should not be able to capture a player for the whole time, so he needs to delete his character but it's fine to be captured atleast 24 hours. I'm not sure if force feeding is still possible. 

    But where is the fun tho? i mean i dont even play the game anymore so i dont rly care, but being raided is already a kick in the balls, now imagine you cannot even rebuild because you were kidnapped and handcuffed... ATLAS is not exactly overcrowded with people wanting to play it you kno? how is that feature gonna help bring more people to the game, i mean this game is already a low graphic quality game with poor performance that is not even finished, if they dont make it at least fun... well...

  2. 2 hours ago, eeeceee said:

    What server are you on? Full loot, losing inventory when you die, in a persistent world is just about as hardcore as it gets in gaming.

    How can you argue that dropping your stuff when u die does not make the game more difficult? Because there is no feature to avoid naked runs?

    Why don't you go in the cave and farm some xp?

    You can just run in, it's faster. You shouldn't die 50 times now that they nerfed the crap outta golden age.

    i stopped playing long ago, but honestly if you can craft it is not that punishing, i mean how long can you take to craft a new full set of armors? 30 min? in "Tibia" (25 years old mmo) if you die without your blessing active you lose your whole Backpack + 1 piece of  your gear that might be worth maybe 2 full weeks of grinding all day long, and  thats semi hardcore, the real definition of a hardcore game is Ogame, in wich if you get raided you could lose EVERYTHING, i have seen people lose 5 years worth of effort in a single day.

    about the powerstones: as mentioned above i died 3 times the first 2 to figure out the safe spots and the last one when i discovered i could just crawl undetected in the cave


  3. 13 hours ago, Caine said:

    Edit: I'm not sure if it works but you can also try sneaking lvl 3 in Beastmaster skill tree and then you can press x and crawl to the machine. 

    thats exactly what i discovered the first day i tried to do the powerstones, some people i know tried 50 runs and died all of them, and there i was crawling my way to the machine in my 3rd attempt xD

  4. 17 hours ago, wildbill said:

    He asked for opinions. That was mine. I think it is just fine.

    I know a lot of people like that Atlas is hard core and the devs have made a lot of it very hard core.

    Personally I think that is a dumb strategy. If a boss is really hard, people just find a way to cheat the kill. I don't know what you guys are doing that makes it so easy other than just having as many players as possible. I've watched several videos, no video shows a way to not have any of the lightning. If you've found a way, your just cheating the mechanic of the boss fight. If you want a challenge, just fight the boss the way it was designed to be fought, instead of gaming it like so many do. It is all your choice.

    Like the powerstone caves. I've yet to do those too. Seems kind of dumb also. People just run in there naked with 10 other players. Half of them die, but half make it. They just repeat the process until everyone has made it. Few actually try and kill all of the threats on the way in or in the cave, they are just way too hard core (high level) for that to be a valid strategy. So why do they make it so hard core if everyone is just going to game it? I guess if I played PvP I might understand.

    i respect your opinion, i simply dont share it, also i am trying to understand what you mean by ATLAS being difficult (or even hardcore) but the only thing that comes to min is that you are playing a different version of ATLAS since the official servers are actually pretty easy.

    also i am having  problems understanding your definition of chating, according to you if a boss throws a punch at you evading it is cheating? that sounds more like masochism than cheating to be honest, the kraken is as easy as to simple have each brigg take out the tentacles and what that is done make the galleons damage the core, you talk about the lightning...i guess you refer to the lightning balls that he shoots at you? you can snipe those with a carbine, or is that cheating too?

    powerstones: well you dont have to fight every single thing you find you know? i mean you are free to do it and waste lots of time and resources for it but that is called being inefficient not hardcore, also thats poor game design, as you mentioned people do naked runs simply because the game developers think that if you drop your stuff when you die the game is harder, but at the same time they implement no feature to avoid people doing naked runs, wich makes no sense.

  5. 12 hours ago, wildbill said:

    Any game that has dungeons, etc., like Atlas can easily be defeated with a large number of players, assuming the game doesn't limit the number in some way.

    Don't rely on the game to force you to play in a way that makes the game difficult. Challenge yourself. If you are playing with 20 people to defeat the kraken, try it with 10 instead. It is all up to you. This is a sandbox game after all. You can play easy mode or hard mode, Atlas is not going to tell you which mode is the most fun for you. 

    So far I've done none of the above that you mention, but I play solo. I do plan to team up with some people on the server I play on and do some of the above, probably the Kraken will be the first. I imagine about 10 to 15 of us will take it on. Some of us will die and not complete it. It don't think it will be "pretty easy" as you describe. The server does it as a weekend event and I watched one of the first in a video, looked pretty challenging.

    sorry but that is only avoiding the problem and pretending it doesnt exist.

    kraken is not challenging at all, there are already strategies to complete it 100% of the times, you wont die as long as you know and follow those strategies

  6. 1 hour ago, Tezcatlipoca said:

    No announcement on the forums? Or did i missed it?

    After Genesis has been postponed to February, the next delay follows.
    Why do I have the bad feeling that they're just kidding us all?

    this is what happens when you share resources between different projects, you constantly fail in keeping your word in both of them.

    • Thanks 1

  7. 10 hours ago, PeglegTheAngry said:

    Factions man... factions. Im telling you. Also.... MOST PvE players seem to be really happy with the game when they aren't getting griefed.

    Like I said before, sailors didn't want to spend all of their time at sea. While I agree there is a poor balance here, land raids and building/visiting friendly settlements was essential too pirate life. Certain aspects of ship maintenance could only be done while moored. Plus, having big ass period accurate manor kicks ass (from the outside anyway, all of my bases are just barns lol)

    Also, no one is "making you farm" its pirate game. Go steal shit.

    well ofc i dont want to be at the sea 24/7, is only logical to go back to land to refill supplies or even raid, but gathering to refill takes too much time and raiding is not efficient with the current game settings, you go raid a place and you have to do like 20 trips just to transport the metal they had, i used to raid near the coast to minimize that time but it was still far better to just gather in my base with using my mounts, imo the ships are too small to fit the animals you need to do stuff properly, for that reason i built a galleon, but is expensive to maintain and the turning...omg the turning, i usually prefered to kill sotd and leave the loot on the sea than to go through the hassle of picking it up with a galleon, imo they should reduce the costs of everything or its weight or increase your weight capacity by a lot.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Whitehawk said:

    I think a solution to some of the problems pvp and pve have would be to give us the ability to lower the anchor in any water, shallow or deep, shore or mid of sea. For one it would be more realistic anyway, and it would also mean people could literally live at sea. (until someone or some force sinks them o course). In sea of thieves they use the anchor all the time.

    i wanted exactly that, for me the land is for famers and sea is for saillors, anyone could chose what the prefer. but no, they had to force sailors to spend most of the time at land while they made the sea boring and teidous, like do they even know the theme of the game is about sailing and being a pirate and so? but not only that, we are forced to live under someone else, like wtf, if i wanted my hardwork to depend on the psychological state of another person i would rather get one of those hot but crazy girlfriends.

  9. 24 minutes ago, Chucksteak said:

    There is actually no real problem with the way it is now. The PvE crowd often forgets that this game was designed for PvP. It was not redesigned to facilitate PvE. They just turn off PvP ability and bam, there you go, a game mode that is simply an afterthought so as to include more people into the target demographic.

    Regaurdless,  my solutions are what I would do. Your solutions are what you would do. The main difference being I dont need devs or other conditions to be met for my solutions.

    well we have to be consequencial here, there are PvE servers since day 1 for a reason, so if there is PvE servers then those should not work in the same way PvP servers do, thats the real problem, the developers were so lazy but at the same time greedy that they misslead everyone by promising what the people wanted to have but never delivering, and in such a contradictory way that is rly hard to even understand, if they had sided with pvp players i could understand it, if they had sided with pve players i could understand it too, but they tried to appeal to both and pleased none of them, like WTF are they even doing?

  10. 13 hours ago, Chucksteak said:

    1. Blow it up.

    2. If you cant blow it up, switch to PvP server, or accept that you agreed to play peacefully and enjoy your neighbors and thus have no recourse except to block them in too.

     or make it so boats dont have collision with other boats at x distance from the shore? or make it so players are forced to park in specific spots if they want to lower anchor? or create decks where people can park their shit? or from the 70 billion other solutions the one you like the most?

  11. 17 minutes ago, PeglegTheAngry said:

    The person I replied to was ranting about how GS is "repeating all the same mistakes with breeding as Ark" even though its

    1. Quite the contrary. Breeding is far easier in Atlas
    2.  Absolutely not necessary as carbines and a good ship are needed to progress.
    3.  Breeding is boring when there are alternatives and no need to actually do it.
    4. Ark has better breeding mechanics for people who cant be online 24/7 or absolutely need their imprints

    now you have expressed your opinion in a perfectly ordered, justified and respectfull way, like this your arguments gain alot more credibility, see? it wasnt that hard ^^

  12. 22 minutes ago, PeglegTheAngry said:

    u fuckin wot m8? who the hell are you?


    Because its not going to get improved in a timely manor and this game is not about breeding, its about piracy and sailing. Seriously, you have to be a special kind of sensitive to get angry at someone suggesting to not preform an unpleasant activity that doesn't actually improve the game in a meaningful way.

    It's conformist and mediocre to say "don't do the things you don't like" in a VIDEO GAME?

    Is that what you are telling me? This is some clown shit.


    angry? why would i be? dont tell me you are the hypersensitive type, we are having a debate mate, makes no sense to get angry.

    its is, simply because they do like it, its you the one who unilaterally decided they dont to fit your arguments.

    while is true they shouldnt and most likely wont prioritize it talking about it wishing for improvements and sharing suggestions havent hurt anyone...like ever... except you it seems

  13. 13 minutes ago, PeglegTheAngry said:

    What is there to be open minded about? The player isn't enjoying breeding, they should stop doing it. 

    It's not hard to figure out.

    so why improve something and make it more appealing if you can just tell people take it or leave it? thats the most conformist and mediocre attitude i have seen in quite a while

    7 minutes ago, DocHolliday said:

    What bizzaro world is this?  I am rooting for The D Legacy to drop the hammer on the new d-bag.  

    sorry but...who are you?

    • Like 1

  14. 1 hour ago, PeglegTheAngry said:

    Could like, like try to capitalize and spell properly? lol.

    That aside,breeding is actually really easy compared to Ark in this game. Like... REALLY easy. The person I replied to was literally complaining... just to complain about something that isn't actually a problem.

    Moreover, there is no need to breed in this game, yous said it yourself.

    Its clear you are just trying to be smarmy while accusing me of it.

    - why tho? this is a game forum i am not writting an essay, not worth the effort, also i am not native english speaker so you will have to bear with my typos.

    - that is you opinion, and that is his opinion, what makes you think that you can voice your opinion but he cant?

    - i wouldnt care if there was no breeding at all, yet i dont mind if there is either, thats the difference detween being open minded and being a totalitarian

    - you are rather confused i am not acussing you of anything, i am suggesting you to be more open minded.

    • Thanks 1

  15. 13 hours ago, PeglegTheAngry said:

    Not really white knighting bro. Just sick of the entitlement and silliness I only see from this gaming community.

    Game has 12k+ daily players on Steam, plus however much from Xbox that doesn't get reported. Game is alive and thriving. Don't listen to forum chuds.

    steam doesnt agree with you:


    average players throughout this month 5969


  16. 12 hours ago, PeglegTheAngry said:

    All of the actual content of the game is at sea, under the sea, or, requires you cross the sea to get to. If you focus on tinkering with your farm equipment all day you aren't going to have a very good time in this game. That's just how it is. It has nothing to do with me dictating to someone else how to play the game or "interpreting the devs words" get out of here with those mental gymnastics.

    How else do you want me to say it? Breeding sucks, it's jive, its not funky fresh, breeding is not cash money, breeding blows chunks.

    If you are playing this game to breed animals, you are going to have a bad time. Its a literal full time job to do that, on top of all the other upkeep.

    You don't need to breed to enjoy this game to it's fullest. Breeding anything outside of bears, is largely for luxury/convenience. All of the actual content for a solo or PvE player in this game is done with cannons, carbines, and swords. Mind you, I'm an advocate for keeping mounts and tames in game, I like them too. I used to fall into the trap of breeding... not anymore.

    So sorry it offends you both that I don't join the circlejerk about all the terrible things the devs do. Also, consider, I'm not really here to convince you, or any of the other people who just come here to complain; it serves people who are trying to enjoy this game to see posts that dissuade them from breeding or doing other un-fun activities that are gonna get nerfed and changed as time goes on.

    once again thats you opinion about the game, and worry not you dont offend me since i actually believe this game should be more about the sea and less about tames as you said, i have probably tamed about 6 creatures in the 700 hrs i played the game, BUT that doesnt mean that every player has to have fun the way i do, ATLAS is very big, and has place for everyone , from tamers or sailors to pvpers, what i believe the problem is here is that a feature (taming) is not working properly, is not designed properly and should be fixed and reworked to whatever fits the developers vision of taming in ATLAS.

  17. 1 hour ago, PeglegTheAngry said:

    My words are taken straight from the devs, mate. This isn't Ark. Stop wasting time with breeding unless you are breeding for OP combat tames or income. Considering the devs intend to causalize and lower the amount of breeding and taming it's a futile and temporary endeavor with very little to gain.

    This is a game about sailing.

    your words reflect your personal interpretation of the devs words, all interpretation is biased by the personality of the interpreter hence i could read the same thing and interpret something different, in the end you coont tell someone how to play the game, it they can play it like that and want to play it like that they are entitled to do so.

  18. 13 minutes ago, Kummba said:

    I dont know about dimentions, but i dont see what you see. And as a pirate you just wait at hotspots where people have to go through to get into a fight.
    Also i see alot of areas where the wind will confuse the sailer alot.
    Also a full map of low wind 🙂


    - this map is only an example

    - you play a pirate game but you dont want to get in a fight? then play the pve servers perhaps?

    - that map has been made by the community, in reality you cannot see those currents just as in atlas you cannot see wind arrows in the map

    - this map is the current's map not wind's map, black desert has both winds and currents

    - what part of an arrow is confusing? lol

    -what you see is not low winds but low currents, you still have to add the wind, as a result if you are against the current but you have positive wind you can still move nicely, if you are against wind but with positive current you can just fold your sails and move nicely again, if you have both against you then you simply change your route and if you have both, positive wind and positive current you move rly fast.

    in other words you have a solution for every possible situation you find, unlike atlas in wich if you have wind against you....well....better luck next time. 🙂

  19. 12 hours ago, PeglegTheAngry said:


    i was sold a work in progress, not a work on hold, i bought and played the game knowing it was not complete but i was never told they would diminish their work in atlas to minimums to focus that work force in side projects such as the xbox release

  20. 13 hours ago, PeglegTheAngry said:

    Actually, it does. "Not able to enjoy this game to its fullest." You aren't meant to tame and breed all day. You're meant to do maps and kill SoD, farm gorgons, do the trenches.

    Remember: Atlas is not Ark. Atlas is not a reskin of Ark.

    I understand imprinted bears or tigers for maps and PvP, imprinted Razortooths for PvP. Literally everything else just needs to be tamed to be useful as possible. Breeding bigger and better giraffes or whatever is for pure pleasure (and a testament to why breeding them shouldn't have been enabled to begin with.)  If you derive your fun from being a dedicated breeder, cool. We need you. But, what I said still stands: breeding is not the focus of this game. If you arent "enjoying this game to the fullest" because you are focusing in breeding; a task with only minimal gains... that's on you; not the devs. 

    well thats YOUR opinion, you have no authority whatsoever to decide what the game was designed for, actually is quite arrogant to pretend you do.

    • Like 1

  21. On 1/24/2020 at 10:50 PM, PeglegTheAngry said:

    Taming is not the point of this game. All of the end game content is done with guns and ships. This is your mistake..

    your statement has nothing to do at all with what he said, you should stop being a prick to players who are only stating their concerns and voicing their opinions

  22. On 1/24/2020 at 10:46 PM, PeglegTheAngry said:

    Keep in mind they only have a handful of two people and a HUGE release with Ark soon. Stuff will get dealt with, soon. I am sorry this is happening to you guys.

    In the meantime you may wish to switch to Non-Dedicated and invite your friends to the same sessions. Wild Pirate Encampments are tons of fun!

    so is our money worth less than ARK's players?

  23. On 1/13/2020 at 5:18 PM, Dragon RedDawn said:

    We have all been there — you traveled across the map with the wind at your back with ease in search for treasure, but the trip home took 5x as long due to an unfavorable wind direction. 


    The perfect solution is here:

    Alternating wind directions! With alternating wind directions, if you’re getting bad wind — no problem. Just cruise north or south to the next server to get a wind direction more favorable.

    It could work like this: When wind is eastbound on A1, wind is westbound on A2, eastbound on A3, and so forth. The wind direction could alternate with each server number (or letter). Wind direction could still change over time as it does now, but alternating wind directions would help experienced sailors get to their destinations within a reasonable time-frame and avoid the dutiful, chore-like slogs of sailing for long periods of time against the wind.


    What do you think? Please share your ideas and like this comment if you would like to see alternating wind directions implemented.

    there is something called currents in  black desert online, they work like this:

    as you can see you can almost always have positive currents if you take the right route, i guess thats to complex for ATLAS devs

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