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The D Legacy

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Posts posted by The D Legacy

  1. 3 hours ago, [GP] Guybrush Threepwood said:

    I'm not being hostile.

    Someone asked if this update will involve a wipe, he basically just said "yes". All i've done is say he's scaremongering. But if that's hostile then the real world is, well I don't like to think about it.

    well the world is hostile, it has always been, but this whole debate probably doesnt belong here, so lets leave it at that.

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  2. 1 minute ago, [GP] Guybrush Threepwood said:

    It is scaremongering though, because you have stated there is going to be a wipe with this summer update adding new islands, when you have nothing but assumption. So by you saying to people yes adding new islands will come with a wipe is scaremongering. 

    I understand that there has been talk about wipes before, and yes they may happen, no-one is denying that. But what hasn't been confirmed is a wipe with the summer update.

    yea as i said you were indeed correct about that, but if you were writing a tesis about something using the exact words to describe something is a must, but we are playing a game, and he is just stating his opinion, being that opinion prescise or not i believe there is no need to be hostile about it.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Cpt.Yarrr said:


    All wipes are announced by Jat.

    Wich I am cool with, I'm not going to lie or twist words. Wipes ARE going to happen. This game is IN early acces and will be tested DURING this.

    I'm not that naieve in thinking and hoping it will not happen, because it will. I don't care that much for them, it's all for the better.

    It's only the fact we don't see bugfixes. But Sherlock NEVER gives an answer on those.


    yeah, i mean they did say there would probably be more wipes, what i think he means is that this one in particular was not pre-announced like the last one (i think) in anycase the best idea is just to stop playing while EA ends and then analyse if the final game is actually appealing, at least in my case i wont play the game as long as there are wipes or decay.

  4. 3 hours ago, Martyn said:

    I've noticed that people who use the term "toxic" to describe others, are infact the toxic ones.   I may get angry at the devs at times, but I fully support this game and it's developement.

    I run a company on Eu Pve called The Free, 6 members so far, if I was a toxic person, you'd think noone would want me to be their mate, eh?

    there is proof all over the forum of you attacking people just because their opinion differs yours so yeah try to fool me again but this time try harder.

    there is also videos all over youtube from toxic youtubers who created a company in atlas disrespecting their members and treating them like shit (it doesnt mean you do the same tho but it does prove your point is invalid)

    i dont care what you do and dont do in the game, but if you dont want to have a toxic person reputation in the forums, learn to be tolerant and respectfull towards people with different opinions.

    3 hours ago, Cpt.Yarrr said:

    Too funny.

    he is actually right, there is no shame in admiting if you missread his post or something.

  5. 1 hour ago, Kidori said:

    Because that's a part of their vision for the game, and we were told about it before any of us purchased the game. 

    I respect them having a vision for the game, BUT they never gave the details about the claiming system, so they failed (intentionally?) to give us the full idea of what they actually wanted the game to be in the future, i can guarantee you that if they had said islands would have 1 owner who could on a whim destroy your estructures if he wanted or that there would be a decay system i would have never bought the game


  6. 18 hours ago, UDO said:

    i make a lot of post while sailing between grids , so whats your point ? 

    thats exactly my point, if the game allows such a big inactivity window as to "kill time" in the forum when it should be constantly and continuosly requiring player's keyboard inputs (when not in a "rest" area) even if it is only to direct the ship, adjust speed, turn sails, avoid enemies etc i simply cannot find that something mentally stimulating and therefore fun (wich he stated it was) and also i consider it a game design flaw.

  7. 18 hours ago, UDO said:

    look at lawless population compared to the other grids , most lawless areas at peak times have 2-3 times more players then the other grids , so yes a very very large percentage of the player population does indeed not want to settle on islands fully owned by other 

    indeed, i dont understand why devs are so obssesed with imposing a lord system.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Winter Thorne said:

    It's even weirder because the devs have said more than once that it's a play style they support.

    Just because you're a solo player doesn't mean you don't play in groups.

    Solo players want the ability to own a piece of land.  They want to be able to share resources and crafted items with their friends.  They want to be able to communicate with each other so they can group up and do things.  The game hasn't made any of those things very easy.

    indeed, and to be honest i doubt they will anytime soon, 4 months after release and we dont even have a stablished set of core mechanics yet, if the game was not directly linked to my steam acc i would just sell it to someone else.

  9. 43 minutes ago, Winter Thorne said:

    That's not "what I want to do".  That's is how I'm telling you solo players play.  We go along doing our thing, and run into people we like, and a group forms and we hang out together in the game.  You seem to think people who aren't in companies never group up to do anything, can't do this content or that content.  That they play all alone never speaking to anyone.  All the solos in the forums keep telling everyone that's not how it works, but nobody listens.  It's got nothing to do with hick towns and not getting out enough.  Everything to do with game mechanics that don't support groups.

    There are many problems with trying to do this in the game.  Until recently, you couldn't board each other's boats, for example.  The alliance system provides you all a way to communicate with each other, but it also needs to allow a much wider range of permissions for anything lockable.    How do you all get together to build some big building when only one of you has access to the storage cabinet.  (Without having to risk the pin code hackers).    Having the alliance chat works again for pve now, but damn, it's a struggle trying to get even the devs to understand how that's used and why it's needed.  It just shows that nobody really understands or considers solo or small group play, even when they say they want to.



    sadly this game is not directed to solo play at all, not even in PvE wich to be honest is weird, you could advance several times faster in a group of 5 than solo, hell you could even play casually and just show up the day of your company's quests or events like kraken and achieve everything the game has to offer. as of now only pvp servers can offer some kind of entertainment and only if in a group.

  10. 8 hours ago, Willard said:

    Because its their game and they decide what to implement?

    so? does that automatically makes anything the implement perfect? i think you are totally missing the point here (probably on purpose)

    on a side note i am curious, where are you from?, it must be a hell of a country if what you are taught is to be a conformist and renounce at the possibility of improving something.

  11. 8 hours ago, Jack Shandy said:


    Why do you have to be the sole person in charge, They've set up a governor and tenant system, with lawless for people like you. Thats the game, it's fit's the pirate theme you want in the game, it fit's the real life south sea's of that era. Why would they not try to replicate it in thier game?

    it's fit's the pirate theme you want in the game??? do you even know the definition of a pirate?

    " Piracy is an act of robbery, criminal violence of other war-like acts that are committed at the sea by private parties that are not affiliated with any government"

    in the game a tenant/governor is the equivalent of government so.....

    also i cant imagine a pirate religously paying his taxes in due time, you can call this game several things, but at least in PvE this is not a pirate game, is more like a sailing/taming simulator, sailing is not even encouraged, Sea of thieves does a better job at pirate themed game than this

  12. 2 minutes ago, Willard said:

    Jesus. So much words for nothing 🙂 what I especially like is that all players left because of claim system 😄 you sir made my day. Thank you.

    i see you are a simple men with a simple brain, as it was once said in the greek congress: risus abundant in ore stultorum (laughter abounds in the mouth of fools), you are welcome.

  13. 2 hours ago, Willard said:

    No it wasn't ignored. Maybe your feedback ( if it was feedback, not whining on forums ) was ignored but that doesn't mean anything.

    I like how people come into conclusion player's feedback is ignored 5 days after new system 😄

    I personally like this new claim system. U see? 2 people, 2 different opinions. How about whole playerbase. What to choose if you are developer ? 😉 

    If they don't shape the game according to your opinion doesn't mean they don't listen. It just means they listen to someone else.

    ohh so you are that type of person, basically if you like something it is perfect and should not be changed because YOU like it and since you are the "validation tool" of everything the game implements if you think its ok it simply is, haha funny.

    "No it wasn't ignored. Maybe your feedback ( if it was feedback, not whining on forums ) was ignored but that doesn't mean anything."

    also please learn to read i never said MY feedback was ignored i said feedback was ignored and its plain simple to see since there were tons of proposals in the forums (mine were only 2 at most) i dont rly mind other feedback being implemented and checking it out but none of what i read was implemented, none. the only "feedback" they considered was "we dont like the current claim system" but thats not feedback on itslef thats simply a unpopular feature

    "I like how people come into conclusion player's feedback is ignored 5 days after new system"

    do you need 5 days to test something as simple as placing a flag and analysing what it does? hmmm ok? 🤦‍♂️

    "I personally like this new claim system. U see? 2 people, 2 different opinions. How about whole playerbase. What to choose if you are developer ?"

    well i would certaily choose to try to retain the 78% of people who decided to leave the game https://steamcharts.com/app/834910#All

    "If they don't shape the game according to your opinion doesn't mean they don't listen. It just means they listen to someone else."

    once again: this is not about me. i wouldnt mind who they listen to as long as that fix the game and make it fun, problem is they didnt, the game is still plain, boring, tedious and unrewarding. 🤷‍♂️

  14. 23 hours ago, Sydhart said:

    So basically you're just making up statistics that aren't based on any facts to further your own agenda and crying game? You should just stop now.

    you are very dense arent you? let me draw a map for you:

    you need to use steam charts a lil bit more before crying because you are unable to accept the game you like has flaws: https://steamcharts.com/app/834910#All

    "So basically you're just making up statistics that aren't based on any facts"--> up to the 60k people who bought the game only 13k is still playing

    that on itself is 21.6% wich is quite inferior to the 50% i proposed and that is a fact, it means 78.4% of the people who played the game at some points literally stoped playing

    i mean is quite evident that you are the type of person who is dumb enough as to think vaccinations are complot created by the government because if "you cant see it it must be a lie", right? well i am going to have to ask you to keep out civilized conversations if the only arguments you can bring to the table are 15 year old kid's "arguments" --> "to further your own agenda and crying game". for the sake of your own dignity you should stop now before half forum realises the type of person you are.



  15. 1 hour ago, Sydhart said:

    Yeah, I'd like to see your source on this as well.

    My company owns a 53 point island and we have multiple settlers on it. We also have outposts on others settled islands for resources that we need and move resources back and forth for trade. Overall, I think the island owning part is coming along very nicely  in most cases. 

    The lawless part on the other hand, well, they need to figure out a better decay/upkeep system. The pillar and foundation spam in some areas is horrendous. You don't need to "own'" a big area in lawless. You need to be able to build a spot for yourself and not have some a$$hole grief you by building right on top of you. I'm sure they could figure out some way that for each connected piece, you get a larger area of influence where people can build around you. For pieces not connected, they should have an upkeep/repair cost or degrade over time or something.

    i am not gonna write it all over again, i replied to him already, feel free to read that response.

  16. 3 hours ago, Jack Shandy said:


    I'm quite happy to be a tenant, the island we aimed for had a cost higher than our company had. When someone turned up and claimed the island, i just asked if our being here would be ok, they said yes. It's been fine ever since.

    +1 for current system, Needs a few tweeks in my opinion but good so far.


    if you are talking about the 50% data thats just the equilibrium average as to not have biased opinion. however if i were to state my sources the 50% point of equilibrium would actually be quite less than 50%, specially taking 2 considerations, one: the fact that out of all the core systems the game has the claiming system is the most important one by far, and second: out of 60k people who bought the game only 13k keeps playing it (23%) so even if 100% of the current active players were happy with the current system (wich is not the case) that still means only 23% of the total player base likes the current system, ofc there is several more considerations to be taken, but hell if i am gonna waste my time writing it all here.

  17. 1 hour ago, globytheoldpirate said:

    Got a small island on H5 (36 points), I have ~5 companies + mine on it.
    Same on other islands near me, a lot of people come to owned island.

    My settlers are really happy, cuz we work together, we got a discord to speak, when someone make an expedition, he takes things for other during his journey.

    When Owner and Settlers work together, the system is just awesome ^^

    while i am glad to read thats your case i am pretty sure thats not everyones case, not even 50% of the population's case, sadly.

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