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Posts posted by prepyemoninja

  1. Alliance Chat:

    Since you are able to create different alliances there should also be a tab or a way to type to each alliance. For example, I currently have 2 alliances that I created. One for my grid (N6 Allies) and one for Trades (Trades). 

    When anyone that is in "Trades" types into alliance chat everyone regardless of what alliance they are in can see. So then everyone in "N6 Allies" is now lost when I reply. Thus only seeing half a conversation. 

    Really what is the point of having multiple alliances if you cant toggle chats with each one? So that you are not confusing other people.  There should definitely be some type of toggle to be able to chat to a specific alliance. 

    The whole alliance option is really lacking luster. 

    Alliance Access:

    There should be a way to allow an ally to use a bed and cannons. For example, I do not always want to take 2 ships to travel for one reason or another. Such as looking for a friendly mermaid. When an ally and I plan a trip together it's super stressful for the one that is not in the company that the ship everyone is on. Say the first mermaid you find is not so nice, and the ship is not in your company so if you die you are done with the trip. That's not fun. That's annoying. 

    When I went with an ally to find a whale. I not only was restricted to one life (ya know if a shark got me or the whale), but I was also unable to use the ballista turret to help take the whale down. I only had my bow and arrows on my person (which did a whopping 22 points of damage per shot). That is also NOT fun. That is also ANNOYING. 

    Either allow an ally to place a bed on an allies foundation or give the option to open a bed to an alliance. With a lock/unlock feature or pin code. This would also only be optimal on a PvE server. 

    Also instead of putting a pin code on everything, you should just be able to have an option to "allow ally access" on a smithy, storage chest, mess table, even tames. A pin code should be for anyone not allied. It's difficult to come up with a pin that everyone knows and can remember. Also not so easy that someone you don't want to open a chest can guess. This would also only be useful on PvE. 


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