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Posts posted by Tarkayne

  1. 34 minutes ago, Shadowwyrm said:

    Each server uses 3 ports and the seemlessDataport has to be forwarded also.


          "port": 57555,
          "gamePort": 5755,
          "seamlessDataPort": 27000,


    This can be found in the ServerGrid.json

    I used CMD and executed the command "netstat -a" to see which ports opened when I started the server.

    Hope this helps!

    Never had an issue with my ports?

  2. Okay, been looking at this all day again... And I have the fix!!


    What i needed to do was ensure my Atlas Server images was as the below;



    Once this was done, i needed to ensure my images on my client side was as the below;


    This has now fixed my issue and im sure all you guys struggling can use this to help as im sure some people are only needing to change the "ServerGrid" images fo rit to work where as some have to manualy copy the images and rename as i have above.

    If any questions feel free to message me x-)

  3. I just started a new server to see what could be an issue, it seems that C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ATLAS\ShooterGame\Saved\MapImagesCache is always empty the server doesnt have any Maps to down? Although i have images located in C:\AtlasServer\ShooterGame\ServerGrid for the server.... Some where its not letting anyone (myself included) download the maps and run them

  4. Didnt work for me, whats everyone elses Server launch bat file command?

    mine is this, im sure its not right?

    start C:\AtlasSrv\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\ShooterGameServer.exe Ocean?ServerX=0?ServerY=0?AltSaveDirectoryName=00?ServerAdminPassword=XXXXXXXX?MaxPlayers=25?ReservedPlayerSlots=2?QueryPort=57555?Port=5755?SeamlessIP= -log -server -NoBattlEye

  5. Is the below correct? @Sparky81 or do i need to add RCONenable=True?RCONport=27020

    start C:\AtlasSrv\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\ShooterGameServer.exe Ocean?ServerX=0?ServerY=0?AltSaveDirectoryName=00?ServerAdminPassword=RABBIT?MaxPlayers=25?ReservedPlayerSlots=2?QueryPort=57555?Port=5755?SeamlessIP= -log -server -NoBattlEye


    A;so thi sis the only mention i can find for RCON; image.png.9052706420311de91f213bfa9a9647be.png

  6. 5 hours ago, ikes said:

    Was having same issue with map. What I did to get it working was to

    1. Go to Atlas/Shootergame/Saved/MapImagesCache and make a new folder named your server id

    2. rename MapImg to WorldMapImage and CellImg_4-4 to GridCellMapImage_4-4 and so on for each grid you have

    3. Place these images in the server id folder

    Hopefully your map works 

    I tried this and it seems to have Semi worked, but not in game. before i enter i can click "Show Atlas Map" and it shows the mini map, the fog here isnt an issue and is a quick fix but ingam eis where the issue is its blank again yet shows some sort of path? is this a command in the .ini files maybe thats keeping fogofwar on?



  7. Okay, so i have tried pretty much tried everything (which good ol' google can provide) to get my in game map to work and remove this foggy and missing map when you press i and goto "Atlas" to see the overal map but nothing, so far the only thing i was able to get working was MapIMG.jpg by hosting it via Dropbox and pasteing the link in the ServerGrid.json file, I did try the same with the 4 grid images but no luck at all, the closest i came to was a white fog on my mini map which when i moved it de-coloured it slightly (Like a trail, but not as thick as the rest) I have hard re installed 3-4 servers using other peoples methods and created new maps etc.. changed jpg to PNG and vice versa with no luck still. I have downloaed the updated verson of the ServerGridEditor too to my knowledge.

    I have also tried to manually move the files, deleted Local and saved folders, I have also left everything and just removed the lines Map Image URL and MetaWorldURL but still same issue persists. I think it is something to do with the Redist transfering the images over as when i log into the game after removing my saved and Local files so i can redownload the images when joining the server i get no images at all so to me something is missing but what i have no idea? I asumed it would defualt to the server directory for the ServerGrid folder but i guess not? 

    Is this a issue with 2x2 servers overal? Do i need to make all 4 grids have the same SeamlessPort "27000" or do they have to be different? I'm lost been trying to look at guides for fixing this but most guides are 1x1 (1 grid is one image so its simple..) but i have 5 images, 4 for the grids and 1 for the whole server.

    please someone try to help me I am lost everything else works, moving grids powerstones ghost ship custom game.ini etc.. just the issue with the Map ingame! Thanks in advance!

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