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Posts posted by gumbyc

  1. Hey,....When your on an unfamiliar island you need the map to find your way. It's almost impossible to see the small red X when the entire island is covered in red claim areas. Please change the color of the red X to something that will show up better...Please

    • Like 1

  2. Here are the facts, you decide. Brig 40med plates 432 X 40 = 17,280. 3 decks 246 X 3 = 738. Two speed and 1 handling sail 1,536. That's a total of 19, 554 pieces of wood. That doesn't count the 1,960 pieces of wood you need to build the shipyard. Grand total is 21, 512.

    My metal axe can harvest 40 to 82 wood a tree. Using the highest number of 82, that equates to cutting down 262 trees. That does not count all the other materials you need. Metal, fiber, thatch, hide.

    Bottom line is I want to spend more time sailing, exploring and killing SOTD, than hacking on a tree for 3 - 4 hours. ??

  3. What makes it even worse is the stupid Taxing system someone came up with. You get less of what you gather. I've seen 30%. And don't talk to me about tames doing your work. An elephant may harvest more if it doesn't have to stam up every two trees, and I can harvest thatch better with my metal pick axe. The only decent tame is a bear for fiber. 

    Ya....2x to 4X sounds good to me.

  4. This so frustrating. Can someone explain how you can come across a flag that Has a negative expiration and you can't do anything.

    Can anyone explain these when you look at or try to place a flag ?

    Can't place territory claim flag: You can not make claims at this time

    Other company PVE claim Flag upkeep expires in 19:......

    Can't place territory claim flag: other nearby company pve claim


    The entire redo of the claim system is very confusing to me.

  5. I'll admit it, I'm a lousy player but I started playing the first day. It took me awhile to figure out how to get out of freeport. Once I did, we went to a lawless island and struggled over the 10 trees on the island (remember no trees) to build a sloop. In the mean time others were spamming flags all over the oceans and islands and claiming. Once we were able to get around there was no land to be found. How can you justify players with 100's, 1000, or 3000 claims ? The tax system is stupid, what kind of pirate pays taxes ? Just because you got there first ? They need to fix the claiming system and free up more land. It's a mess now and I don't know how they are now going to take claims away from some that have way more than they need. I've also been to island where there is plenty of land away from the shore, but again it all flagged.

    I also think the 21 day expiration system is way too long. How about those of us that play every day ? These land grabbers can play and only log in for a minute every 20 days and keep the land tied up. This even happens on lawless. It's funny, on the islands where all the land is taken with 21 day timers there is nobody playing. Nobody is around for the most part, why ? I love this games, I love sailing around and exploring, I just wish there was land to claim for ourselves. For those of you that are land barons who want to rent I say thanks. In many ways, your the exception. Even though I hate the idea of paying taxes I thank you for trying to help others while you help yourself through their hard work, gathering resources. Just MY opinion from a lousy player. Don't hate me for being one and telling you how I feel, be it right or wrong.

    • Like 2

  6. I'm sorry I was playing and traveling across the grids and came across this claim flag. I hope this doesn't violate and posting rules, but this needs to be seen.



    How can someone have 1,047 Claim Flags ? !!! This is also on "The Frozen Reef" a small island. in G9. The answer is obvious, they are not all there.

    • Confused 1

  7. Well I'm amazed. Thank you IVAH for the heat map. Very interesting but will take some time to find out how best to use the information, other than the obvious. My problem is I like to play not spend time strategizing, but times are changing. AND how does the average player even find out something like that even exists ? What else is out there that we don't know of ?

    The other thing that Meatsammich brings up is a great point. With round claim circles you have to overlap several  to protect your area. WHY are they round ? We have a square map, square grids, and for the most part, square buildings. Would it make more sense to have a square land claiming system ? Does anyone plan their base on a round area ? Here's a newsflash DEV'S, MAKE CLAIMING AREAS SQUARE, NOT ROUND.

  8. Isn't it obvious that people/companies can put down too many claim flags. Otherwise they wouldn't be wasting them on useless  open water. The first step would be limiting the number of claims per. I realize bigger companies need more land but I don't know how you would set that and allow expansion beyond a set number.

    In a dream world I would allow big companies to ask for their own island. The DEV's would add a small island (size dependent on company size) and let the company have sole possession.

    As much as I love sailing the open seas, there is a lot of area to add islands. This would free up a lot of claimable land. I would also take some of the Lawless and make it claimable. In my dream world I don't know what to do about the spamming of foundations in lawless.

  9. There is a reason why so many players are complaining about the current claiming system. It's because there are too few islands and too many players for the available places. Sure, you may be able to rent a spot and pay taxes, and enjoy your little sliver of land, but why. I don't understand why the DEV's are ok with this except the fact they want big companies to be on the server. Bigger companies, more players and MORE MONEY. What about the other 95% that arn't in a big company. I really wounder if the DEV's even play the game. Something is wrong when players claim vast amounts of open water that is useless. claim.jpg.99576477c9a4dfaa00b9601c39e68934.jpgclaim2.jpg.ac5d47541267e7ef540eb4fbffb76dc2.jpg

    This mess has to be cleaned up. There is no reason for it. On the other side there is the Lawless regions, where people can't claim land. Instead they do this to prevent others from obtaining land. foundations.jpg.45b956886f07ff0803d5315f66775c03.jpg

    On other islands I've been to some use pillars to protect their space. SAME problem as ARK. No place to build. I think the plan was for players to stop in the Lawless lands, gather resources, and set off to settle on their own piece of land. Good plan gone terribly wrong. No land to claim, so they settle in the lawless and have to be content with the unfair decay factor and other players that place foundations everywhere around you, so you can't expand to one of those big companies, even if you wanted.





    • Like 1

  10. It's stupid the way it is now. I agree it does nothing to game play. The buff is nice along with the satisfaction you get by getting it. I'm sure the DEV's envisioned one sailing there, completing the task and sailing away. What has happened is players re spawn at Freeport, ramshackle to the island, abandon the boat and spawn back to their base. The end result FOY.jpg.08615ac2b115fc534732592764b1b6dd.jpg

    This only shows one angle, there are ships lined up along the coast, packed tighter than this making it impossible to sail in. You end up swimming 5 minutes to even get to shore. Something needs to change. Brighter minds than mind can think of a solution.

    Running naked, dodging crocks, jumping over cobra's and hoping someone in front will clear the way makes for a funny video, but surely there is a better way. I vote to end the aging thing all together.

    • Like 3

  11. It's gotta be one damn idiot at the top making these decisions, or someone so smart they don't have common sense. Houston....we have a problem.....too much lag, too many big buildings. Houston....."lets make it harder to make stone".......later...."well that didn't go as expected.........I can't go back on my decision, it will make me look like an ass (too late), so lets cut the requirement a bit for the stuff they are complaining about. That will satisfy them pain in the arrses."

    JUST LIKE ARK, when they are forced to do something one of two things happen. 1. Half ass repair or    2. Ignore it because they know better.

    Instead of all this new content, how about concentrating on fixing the problems already in the game like animals coming thru wall or tames and players dropping out of sight into the ground or through a boat, or not being able to tame elephants. Now that would showing how smart you really are. Never did fix that floor thing  in ARK after 4 years. See what we got to look forward to !

  12. Soooo, now they are going to make wood the required building item by making stone too difficult to make. In that regards what animal can we tame to get wood easier. At least on ARK, there was always one tame or another that helped in what ever you wanted to gather. Herewe have an ostrich and giraffe, both of which are USELESS. I use my metal hatchet and out gather both combined.

    Again. I ask all to post your thoughts on your own thread. Dev's are not going to read all these posts. At this point we are just talking between ourselves.

  13. On a single wall structure they have added the need for 32 metal and 20 organic paste. As stated before, many of the islands do not have a lot of metal. Now to add insult to injury the organic paste requires sap. Many Island DO NOT have sap trees. A stupid solution to an obvious problem of over building which could have been fixed in other ways. 

    My suggestion is for every player (that wants it changed back) is to start your own thread to make sure the DEV's get the message.  I doubt they are going to read all 600+ replys on this one. They will never see my post for sure.

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