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Posts posted by gumbyc

  1. Yes a lot of entertainment for the buck. It's unfortunate that some of the bugs that are still not fixed in Ark are in Atlas. That's the point so when it's said

    16 hours ago, Willard said:

    Bugs like these will be here for few months, accept it. It´s early access. They do a lot of fixes, don´t act like they are inactive

    I don't agree with that but can understand why someone would think that. Atlas seems like a pirate remake of Ark. After playing ARK for so long you see the new stuff come come out and wonder why many of the bugs are left behind. I hope they start paying attention to all the little bugs that afflict Atlas. Many of the game play bugs that are contributed to the game play like the dying babies and temperature swings are taken care of where those similar to ark, are not. The other thing worth re-mentioning is the fact that it was said with the Anarchy update we could build anywhere, well maybe it's just me but I can't. I would not call that an EA problem.  So..ooo I guess I'll just wait till it get 6600 hrs on Atlas and re post 🙂

    As far as the game play that first week, it was Terrible. It wasn't just a little hick-up,  it was unplayable, in addition to the disconnects.

    The thing about building anywhere states

    Anarchy Update

    With our planned changes for March, the game will be heading into a more rule based system, so for the next few weeks we’ll be making some changes to experience what it would be like if we took an alternative route.

    We’ll be releasing an update tomorrow which includes the following changes:

    • 6x Rates - Harvesting, Taming, Experience, and Gold.
    • Claim flags will no longer prevent enemy building. You can now build anywhere, and only structure build radius will prevent it. This is a non-default, which will be enabled on our PvP Networks. Unofficials can also use this as a custom server-side config.
    • All servers, other than Golden Age Ruin servers, can be set to home servers, allowing players to respawn at them.


    Game.ini: [/script/shootergame.shootergamemode] bDontRequireClaimFlagsForBuilding=1 bIsLawlessHomeServer=1
    I suppose you can say it's just for PVP, but if so Why should that be the case. I read it the other way. I guess you could place the script rewrite in both.

  2. 4 hours ago, Realist said:

    That is just what they do. Happened for over 3 years with ark.

    I know I have over 6600 hours on ARK. Then they make stupid decisions like doing away with classic flyers, along with others. But this isn't an ARK forum.


    4 hours ago, Willard said:

    Bugs like these will be here for few months, accept it. It´s early access. They do a lot of fixes, don´t act like they are inactive 🙂

    I wish that was true, however last time I played ARK (which wasn't that long ago) it still had bugs. Identical to some of the ones on ATLAS because it's the same game play.

  3. It seems like every patch, new problems appear. Other than finding yourself in the ocean after you log back in from a ship, we know have rubber banding when you never had it before. The tame can follow you, and you can do anything else, but not on the animal. It started out slow but then gradually got worse. 

    I feel like all efforts are now about the PTR, new features, islands and wipe, and not fixing any other problems. When you report it, nothing happens. (what's the sense, it will all gone in a week).

    In addition, log 22 said we could build anywhere but get the message "Requires placement within a territory claim of yours" . You love this game and try to put up with all the little bugs, but there is a point when you just want to give up. The DEV's appear they are willing to put out bigger and better stuff, but not fixing the old bugs.

    I do acknowledge the DEV's have corrected many of the things players have complained about. Remember no trees, heat killed babies, stone structures, gold weight, cyclones, and many more. I hope they continue to listen to the players and not just go "Full Steam Ahead" . Signed your loyal but frustrated player.

  4. Yes, if your not part of a settlement, I guess you have no anti-griefing recourse. That's why it's important in PVE to own your own land with a claim and have it so no one else can build on it. Boats are a different problem.

    Ikarirain: yep

  5. I was replying to DOCHOLLIDAY's questions regarding being able to destroy things pass the initial period. My quote answered that. The PVE statement dosen't change that.

    Ya, it would have been nice to post the entire statement, but I see too many people re-posting enormous sections for no reason. I try to be conservative. 

  6. I like what some other player said in that when you start the game you get a claim flag. Make the claims square not round. Make it so you can buy other claims at Freeport. Other that that, other details can be worked out.

    I hope the DEV's are reading all the posts. Their decisions affect hundreds of players in game and out.

    • Like 1

  7. Stated in last Captains Log

    "Claim owners will be able to demolish structures (via the pinwheel) on their settlements temporarily as long as the structure has been placed within the last 12 hours. After the 12 hour period has passed, they will not be able to demolish the structures using the pinwheel, and must manually destroy it."

  8. I don't like the idea of one owning the whole island and required to be a game monitor at the same time. Too much control over others. Regardless my question is when someone builds on the settlement with no borders to their base, what happens when one person encroaches on someone else's base? 

    Lets face it, some of the island are huge and the owner/owner's will be playing the game and not too concerned with destroying structures or too involved with player to player squabbles. In addition to the 12 hours window or destroying thing manually, it going to require a lot of play time to manage. Also, if the owner of the island is a company with many players, are those powers going to given to all the players in that company? If so chaos.

    The other thing that pisses me off is no alliances in PVE, because they can "game the system" , whatever that means. They are allowed in PVP but not PVE. Really don't under stand that.

  9. With all the problems ( and there are many ) I don’t think anything is as important as having a place to build a base and start sailing. I wish there was more discussion on the claiming system which   It is said you can’t please everybody however it seems with the new claiming changes you can’t please any of the people all of the time. I don’t know if anyone will like the changes. 

    If you do, tell me why. 

  10. As an alternate plan or in addition to the PVE system consider:

    I believe everyone wants land they can call their own. They don’t want someone else to be able to destroy any of it and don’t want ruthless players to be GM’s. If there are no land owners and settlements, there is no need for taxes. Everyone will be tax free so their hard work doesn’t go to someone else, or even the common good.  If there are those who want to be in a community let’s make  one or two of each lawless section a community build area where there can be smaller claim areas, which can be turned into towns, and have elected town leaders.

    All claimed area will be square. Not round. This will prevent overlap to protect and useless circular build areas.

    When you join the game for the first time you get one claim flag to use where you want (except lawless). Part of your claimed area must be on land. Your claimed area can overlap with someone else earlier claim however the part that overlaps is not usable by you. You can un-claim the land and receive another claim flag to be used somewhere else, when you do that, all structures in that claim area becomes harvest-able and that area can be re-claimed by someone else. You will have a resource box on the claimed lands which upon lack of use the structures will start to decay. You cannot build on someone else’s claim and in PVP the only time you can attack or raid that area is when that player is anywhere in game. After a predetermined time limit not in game all structures including boats owned will decay rapidly. 

    If someone wants to expand their claim they can purchase additional claims at a Freeport vendor, for say 50,000 gold each. The overlapping rules still apply to the purchased claim. 

    Players can have alliances. If that alliance wants to unite together in a new area, all the individual claims will go to the alliance and the claims previously owned by those players will be un-claimed. I would limit the number of company alliances to maybe 5 to 10. The new alliance, if by 10 players, 10 claim, the alliance can temporarily claim 10 adjacent areas (if available) in a new location. This allows for sharing of resources.

    To prevent Griefing like TANCHYON experienced recently, allow boats to pass through anything, except islands (from MR PUTTS). I would add except shipyards and other boats. If someone blockades someone by boat or boats, the boats can be pushed without damage to any, to make way and to escape. All of the boats that are pushed will return to their original position. I would also suggest as another player mentioned a long time ago to extend the reach of anchoring to any 1st blue area around an island for galleon and brigs. This would allow boats to anchor beyond the areas that structures can be built from the bottom up.

    I know there are smarter people and planners out there. Help us to come up with better ideas, and post them.

  11. Can someone explain to me the need for a tax system? Who likes to pay taxes? For someone/company to own an island and create a settlement there must be a tax bank? Again, why?

    I understand there must be a cost for someone to buy an island. Normally this would be required to prevent someone/company from owning too much at little cost to them, however there is going to be a limit on the number of claims they can have.  Why on PVE is there a need for a settlement when there is no raiding?

    Please explain the rationale behind the need for taxes. If someone wants to buy an island, let them pay for it, don’t change me just for living there. Pirates are outlaws who don’t obey the laws. Aren’t they supposed to rape, pillage and plunder? Plunder = The violent and dishonest acquisition of property.

    Please excuse my simplicity of the subject. I’m a simple man with a simple plan.  

  12. Again, great summation of the problems and weak links. I submitted a ticket on the "X" in the map. Hurray they fixed it and made it bigger and brighter.......unfortunately they undid what they did as they usually do by adding all the different colors on the map. Now its even hard to see the outline of the island along with the "X".

    • Like 1

  13. WOW...it's hard for me to wrap my head around everything in your post. I wish I had the capacity to make suggestions on everything that's a concern with the proposed changes, but I have a difficult time just trying to come up with ideas that just affect me. I hope the DEV's take time to read it.

    One area that hit home for me was the PVE claiming system. I want to have a piece of land that I can claim, build my base on and not have to worry about foundation spams. I want the ability to expand by base within my claim area if I want to. If you find that piece of unclaimed land and build your base, what happens when someone claims the island ?  Do you now become their slave and forced to pay  taxes ?  I don't want to have my hard work gathering to go to a bank in the way of taxes. I hate the idea of taxes

    The idea to not allow alliances in PVE really prevents small companies from sharing resources and making life easier.  Sharing the use of a giraffe or rhino in stead of spending time and effort to tame additional ones is a big help to the small companies.

    I wonder if the DEV's even spend time playing this game and understand it. It seems like many times when they come up with a solution to a problem, their answer only makes the situation worse. "organic paste".

    • Like 2

  14. 10 hours ago, Enki Anunnaki said:

    i think there is a song you can play on your accordion that will speed up the repairing

    We have 61 canons on our galleon. I didn't do the math but it seems we had to use all of our upgrade on additional crew members to fill all our open spots. Even with the increase in levels to 52, we only have a few upgrades left. I like the idea of the repairing shipyard, however for those of use that go to sea for extended battles, we still need something to easily repair everything when away from our base.

    • Like 1

  15. I hate the fact that after a battle, or worse yet go through a cyclone, you have to check Every plank, cannon, mast and sail for damage. Do you know how many planks are on a galleon ? It would be unrealistic to have it receive no damage, however repairing every plank is so time consuming.  Is there a better way to identify damage ? Maybe have a notice pop up when something goes below a predetermined percentage point,  set by the player. Maybe have things change color or tone similar to the ceiling planks ? IDK.

    I recently went through an ocean storm with the increased strength. Unfortunately  I went into two of the individual cyclones and after the storm passed I took an assessment of the brig and found damage to every item on it. The panels alone went from 6000 to 4000 health. I don't mind repairing stuff, however maybe there is a better way to do it. I'd like to know what everyone else does and if they have any better ideas on repairing the big ships.

  16. 5 hours ago, Abysian said:

    I find claim flags in pve needed, this secures a spot for you, and you're able to make sure that some resources will be preserved. 

    I agree with you we need a claim system in PVE. I don't like the idea of any type of tax. Why do we need any type of tax system? Unlike PVP, your paying taxes for the good of the settlement. Kind of like for the good of all and their protection. Limit the number and I would also like to see a square claim section vs a round one. That would eliminate having to over lap areas. We have square grids, square buildings why not square claims ? Maybe a combination of both by player option. IDK, just a thought. Pirates don't pay taxes.

  17. The number of claims a player or company could have as stated by the Dev's is "possibly 20". Does that mean if they have the resources they could claim 20 islands ?  Top ten companies, 20 islands each = 200 islands. Not plausible but possible. Where are the checks for the megs companies.

  18. Unfortunately this applies to PVP also. The so called redo of the claim system still seems unfair. In PVP one player or company claims the entire island, and others are held hostage by that player or company and the ranking system. Required to pay into the island they don't own, and the owners can "freely damage characters and structures on the island" . Not sure how that will work if they only want their buddies on the island. If any spamming goes on, the settlement owner gets to decide what to do.

    On the PVE side, we are back to the "lets fill the island with foundations so no one else can build" scenario. At least we had a chance at our own space before. Now it appears it's going to be all like lawless, decay timers and all. Granted I don't know how the "new auto-repair structure" is going to work. If somebody knows, please tell me. How is that going to prevent players from laying foundations everywhere to prevent players from building or expanding their bases ?

    I acknowledge I don't know a lot about what's going to happen, and I'm most likely not alone in that. I also believe thing are subject to change based on the PTR play goes. Such a big change and so many questions. Lets plan for the worst and hope for the best.

    • Haha 1

  19. OK...I'm one of unlucky few that have no land claims. I've been looking for weeks and have come across many flags and companies. Once in awhile I'll come across a negative timer on a claim. Seams I can't do anything with it. I can't place one of mine, all I can do is leave a message. I know there will/may be a patch on this next month, but do I have to wait till then, or can I do something to claim land now. Also if you can explain the different color fags and the messages you get at the flags, I would appreciate it.

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