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Posts posted by gumbyc

  1. 3 hours ago, Winter Thorne said:

    One wacky decision after another from this bunch.  Finding out that NA pve was going to be down for a couple or a few weeks just to spin up hardware was the last thing I thought I'd see this morning.

    It's gotten to the point where you can expect almost anything.

    Ahoy, Pathfinders!  We are taking all the servers down for a month to add our new feature - rocket ships which can launch you to a whole new planet where you can claim land based on your height!  Short people get a grid, tall people get a rock!  And check out these new skins!  Dress like Pee Wee Herman, or a tiny pterodactyl!


    I'm with you to be on the first rocket ship out of here.


    4 hours ago, Henrique said:

    After waiting so long I have 2 options: 1) Try to play on the European server and who knows how lucky to find an island. 2) Give up the game and look for something else.

    I don't think any of the regular players will be able to own an island. It's going to be worse than the PTR,  islands are going to be grabbed up so fast that 99% of players won't have a chance.

    • Like 1

  2. 3 hours ago, awakatanka said:

    Yup check tax before land.....

    Just set it low till you have enough people on island then raise it to 50%.

    Tax is just stupid. If they use taxes then max of 10% is enough. 

    100 gold/resources then max 10 goes to landowner. If you have more people on island you still get more.

    Tax should be enough for upkeep. This should be a automatic system and not be set by a landlord.  

    YES, YES, YES, Taxes are stupid along with the claiming system. Taxes should be JUST for upkeep, not to line the pockets of the owners. Let the upkeep be automatic and take the owners out of the tax system.

  3. I may be wrong, so tell me if I am. The PVE players have had a NA server to play on until the launch, even though it was in part the PTR. If the PVE players don't want to start again on the EU and then again on the NA, what do we have to play on for the next few weeks ? This along with the claiming system, proves the DEV's don't really care about the PVE community. We paid the same and deserve the same treatment, however welcome to EA, good excuse for everything.

    I agree with unknownsystem, they will drop the empire and give us the remains. 

  4. From Captain's Log 24
    ATLAS 1.5 will feature three unique game modes:

    Large-scale PvP Mode:
    ATLAS: Empires

    ATLAS: Empires will honor the original ATLAS system with which players are familiar whilst incorporating some small adjustments to the claiming system to address issues players were experiencing. To clarify, ATLAS: Empires’ claiming system will be very similar to the traditional claiming system, but adjusted for maximum speed (increased rates) and no “anti-size” scaling. This will be the go-to hardcore mode for those looking for sandboxy high risk and high reward on a grand scale. We will not be limiting large companies, there will be no scaling based on members and there will be no pvp windows or war system.

    Mid/Small-Scale PvP Mode:
    ATLAS: Colonies

    ATLAS: Colonies will be more structured and will utilise the new claim system we’ve announced. It will include hard company and alliance limits, the war system, and raiding hours. This game mode will be survive-and-thrive, targeted towards smaller and medium sized groups. We will be seeking to incentivise players to fight in the open world and on the sea whilst maintaining the options to raid bases and seize territory from enemies for those dedicated to doing so.

    PvE Mode:
    ATLAS: PvE

    This game mode will be spooling up with changes and the system will be based upon details discussed in the last Captain’s Log. We will monitor our PvE mode in the PTR and beyond and continue to iterate on it as we move forward.

  5. The Dev's dont care about the North American PVE community. Why dont they launch the NA PVE and make Europe wait another couple of weeks (or longer). I dont want to go to EU and restart again on NA. This really pisses me off.


  6. Worst release ever. Again the NA PVE is put at the back of the line. Why do we have to wait another couple of weeks (at least) to play. I don't want to play the EU PVE, even if the ping is OK, I dont want to have to start OVER AGAIN. This PVP is priority is crap. 

  7. That’s why I ask most of the time for players who like the tax and claiming system to explain why and why there is a need for taxes on pve. I’ve only had one or two but even with that there is no explanation for the need for either one. 

  8. Our harvesting shouldn’t make someone’s else’s gameplay easier just for being the first one on an island with the stuff needed to buy it. This is not a fun system for solo or small groups of players. 

    • Like 3

  9. I understand that we are in a test mode and the harvest rates are high, however there is no need for settlement owners to tax at 50%. If it's 20X or 2X's harvesting, taxes still take half of your gathered resources. I also don't see the need for taxes in PVE in the first place. If there is anyone who likes the claiming system and the taxing structure on PVE, I'd like to hear from them.

    • Like 2

  10. You can not install ceiling panels after the gate is installed. It is obstructed. I did not try to install ceilings first to see if you can then install the gate.

    I'm in B4 on the na PVE server. I lost both my schooner and the Brig I had under construction. I had both when I logged off yesterday. I had a npc doing maint on the schooner and plenty of items in my repair box. My company log said the ships were removed by company but I did not remove them because I was off line.

  11. In the Captain's Log 23 dated 3/8/19 it stated the claiming system will be a modified version of the PVP system.

    With the Mega March update, the claim systems on PvE will change from being lawless-esqe servers to the following:

    • Use the same claim system as PvP, but remove the raidable hours and war aspect. This means that players will be able to claim islands, and anyone can build on those settlements. Each settlement will have an upkeep cost which is based on a variety of factors such as the islands ranking, the number of settlements that company has, and how many different companies are building on the settlement. Settlement owners will be able to set a tax rate, and also players will be able to place their player run shops on the claimed land.

    However, we are planning some PvE specific changes

    • We’ll be imposing a hard limit of Claim Points equivalent to one small island for single players.
    • Companies will be able to own multiple settlements, but there will be a hard limit and it will be based on Island Points and the number of players who are currently in that company. This means that larger companies will have access to more ‘Claim Points’ and are therefore able to settle on more islands with higher rankings, however, we will still be imposing a relatively low cap.
    • Company alliances will no longer be enabled on PvE servers. We understand that there are some legitimate use cases, however, in this sandbox environment, we believe they will primarily be used to game the system and get past company rules/limitations. We recognize that this may impact how trading communication takes place on PvE servers and we are looking into an alternative option for players.


    I believe most PVE players do not want this type of claiming system. It's tailored for the PVP game play and is most likely too difficult to have two different systems to program. I just want land to build on and not have to pay taxes, land upkeep or whatever you call it. Just give every player a token for a land claim which they can use, sell, or give away and most would be happy. 

    If there are any PVE players out there that want the settlement owner claiming system, please let me know why.

    • Like 1

  12. 2 hours ago, Fefu said:

    So following your proposals, a 3 man company would have 3 flags. Each flag us owned by one of the player's in the company. Now assume one player leaves or us kicked out for valid reasons, say the one having the middle claim leaving the other 2 separated. Not as simple as you might think.

    Limit the flags but it has to be by company using company man count thresholds. 

    Make it so you can unclaim. The middle one leaves so it gets unclaimed then the one on the end unclaims his and claims the middle one. Allows players to move around. 

  13. I'll admit it, I'm a PVE'er, that being said I believe the game was planned as a PVP game and to increasing players they added PVE, without having to redo the entire program. That's why we're getting the same claim system as you. Another example is the change to the SODT ship. All of us will now have a fleet of the to battle. You attack one, you attack all. There is going to be Brigs and Galleon SODT. I thought the red ships were hard enough for PVE. Anyone win a battle against a level 60 ? Don't like that change also , But o'well.

    BTW..what's up with the spamming. Another hack attack here.


    • Like 1

  14. Another good alternative to the settlement claiming plan. 

    Their inability to keep dates for changes will cause players to loose confidence in them and stop playing. I use to play everyday now I’m loosing interest. 

    Not to mention the spamming of these forums. 

  15. I believe everyone wants land they can call their own. They don’t want someone else to be able to destroy any of it and don’t want ruthless players to be GM’s. If there are no land owners and settlements, there is no need for taxes. Everyone will be tax free so their hard work doesn’t go to someone else, or even the common good.  If there are those who want to be in a community let’s make  one or two of each lawless section a community build area where there can be smaller claim areas, which can be turned into towns, and have elected town leaders.

    All claimed area will be square. Not round. This will prevent overlap to protect and useless circular build areas.

    When you join the game for the first time you get one claim flag to use where you want (except lawless). Part of your claimed area must be on land. Your claimed area can overlap with someone else earlier claim however the part that overlaps is not usable by you. You can un-claim the land and receive another claim flag to be used somewhere else, when you do that, all structures in that claim area becomes harvested and that area can be re-claimed by someone else. You will have a resource box on the claimed lands which upon lack of use the structures will start to decay. You cannot build on someone else’s claim and in PVP the only time you can attack or raid that area is when that player is anywhere in game. After a predetermined time limit not in game all structures including boats owned will decay rapidly.

    If someone wants to expand their claim they can purchase additional claims at a Freeport vendor, for say 10,000 gold each. The overlapping rules still apply to the purchased claims.

    Players can have alliances. If that alliance wants to unite together in a new area, all the individual claims will go to the alliance and the claims previously owned by those players will be un-claimed. The new alliance, if by 10 players, 10 claim, the alliance can temporarily claim 10 adjacent areas (if available) in a new location. This allows for sharing of resources.

    To prevent Griefing like TANCHYON experienced recently, I would extend the reach of anchoring to any 1st blue area around an island for galleon and brigs. This would allow boats to anchor beyond the areas that structures can be built from the bottom up.

    • Like 1

  16. I believe everyone wants land they can call their own. They don’t want someone else to be able to destroy any of it and don’t want ruthless players to be GM’s. If there are no land owners and settlements, there is no need for taxes. Everyone will be tax free so their hard work doesn’t go to someone else, or even the common good.  If there are those who want to be in a community let’s make  one or two of each lawless section a community build area where there can be smaller claim areas, which can be turned into towns, and have elected town leaders.

    All claimed area will be square. Not round. This will prevent overlap to protect and useless circular build areas.

    When you join the game for the first time you get one claim flag to use where you want (except lawless). Part of your claimed area must be on land. Your claimed area can overlap with someone else earlier claim however the part that overlaps is not usable by you. You can un-claim the land and receive another claim flag to be used somewhere else, when you do that, all structures in that claim area becomes harvested and that area can be re-claimed by someone else. You will have a resource box on the claimed lands which upon lack of use the structures will start to decay. You cannot build on someone else’s claim and in PVP the only time you can attack or raid that area is when that player is anywhere in game. After a predetermined time limit not in game all structures including boats owned will decay rapidly.


    If someone wants to expand their claim they can purchase additional claims at a Freeport vendor, for say 10,000 gold each. The overlapping rules still apply to the purchased claims.


    Players can have alliances. If that alliance wants to unite together in a new area, all the individual claims will go to the alliance and the claims previously owned by those players will be un-claimed. The new alliance, if by 10 players, 10 claim, the alliance can temporarily claim 10 adjacent areas (if available) in a new location. This allows for sharing of resources.

    To prevent Griefing like TANCHYON experienced recently, I would extend the reach of anchoring to any 1st blue area around an island for galleon and brigs. This would allow boats to anchor beyond the areas that structures can be built from the bottom up.

  17. v23.2 makes my point. In part this fixes invisible SOTD ships. The other is the correction to the ship sails. IT WASN"T BROKEN. Why do they keep fixing stuff that's not broken and cause more problems.

    I understand the process but hate the fact that they make dates then change them. It's like they don't know what they are doing. In the process they are pissing off a lot of players. I have over 648 hours on Atlas and gave up ARK for it with over 6600 hours. With all that I'm disgusted with the delays in the wipe. Why play? Many have given up. I may soon join them. I also hate the direction PVE is going. Don't tell me to play something else if I'm not happy. You can be a dedicated player and be unhappy at the same time


    4 minutes ago, Willard said:

    Ye they wrote that it´s on PvP servers. They wrote nothing about PvE. 

    They didn't specify it didn't. And why would they not include PVE?  Also in the script you could add to the ini program, it dose not exclude PVE. I know I'm reading between the lines on that one but I think it's a valid agreement.

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