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Posts posted by labatts

  1. On 2/8/2019 at 8:59 AM, Bad News Bear said:

    Dont build by the coast if you dont want to invest in gold-fetching to maintain latge defence crews. Build high on mountains or far inland. Most raiders wont bother to raid something they cannot reach with a boat.

    Generally you get raided inland if people hold a grudge against you or want to clear you to control the land you are on.

    a good way to keep a chunk of land that keeps your base from mortar attacks is to make small puckle shacks forcing players to destroy infrastructure just to advance to offensive positions.

    I agree if you build a base by the coast ur asking to get attacked by anyone just passing by. I live on a lawless island and have not been raided since game has started and I play solo. The reason is because my base is in the middle of the island where it cannot be hit by ships. Yes it can still easily be raided but hasn;t been touched. By building inland people have to take a slightly little more risk with setting up a cannon etc where randoms can get to them. I don't know why everyone thinks they have to have their base right on the coastline. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Dosomething said:

    This discussion is really about maintaining a solid player base with new players having the capability to survive and grow, at present the game lacks on main that and people are expressing this in vast numbers to try to assist. I personally like the game but in its present form i believe the main servers will die a horrible death, everything should be attackable at any time, i do not disagree with that, just some things should have more protection given what is at stake, and what is at stake is not res/ships/bases etc it is the player base that is at stake, making a game a relentless grind/reset/grind/reset at the start appeals to a few but not many. defences are poor and easily overcome. Again, new players go to lawless where someone can park a cannon with great ease at their doorstep and obliterate them. who are on lawless? new players mostly as it is designed that way as the large companies spam flags everywhere else(there should be a cost to this as well to deter it, or something especially if they can then gain tax from those said flags). perhaps it gets collected(tax from flag count) and put into a massive ghost ship on a monthly basis that everyone can hunt or something. would encourage some water activity and a few wars on water, everyone chasing the same thing..oh wait..that happens now in the form of the fountain but not on water eh.. hmmz nevermind.. 

    There is also an unhealthy reference to ARK here in responses, ARK was land based, this should not be that. I think a lot of players still think like that in relation to this game which will doom it. Beat the ARK out of it, not about bases, its about ships first.

    My last post here for a bit, i do hope you resolve the issues devs, good luck!

    I do like your post only part I would disagree with is when you say it should not be land based i believe it should be 50/50 land, sea. Also The SOTD should only have like 2 per server at a time with way more loot. This creates a hotspot for ship PVP and would actually make the SOTD worth fighting in my opinion. There should be some kind of upkeep or overall tax on land claims to stop people form claiming entire islands / servers. Also maybe even getting rid of Fast travel to a certain point and make ships little faster would also encourage more ships out on the sea which could also mean more PVP. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Searven said:

    Introduce a company primetime. Every company has to set a daily 8-12h (number tweaks yay) window where their stuff is raidable. Only works for land claims and structures placed on them, no ship protection, no claim protection. If you dont have a sleeper or npc in your claim area and someone claims it outside your window, you deserve it. 

    Stop with this stupid daily raid timer. It will completely ruin the 24/7 pvp we have now.

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  4. 43 minutes ago, Talono said:

    Ahh no freeports are ok for player vendors.

    Dont need all these 12 year old ganker heroes when i go shopping.

    You are still going to have gankers waiting for you that follow you out of server to kill you and take your goods you just bought. How about this make freeport like any other area where pvp can happen but put NPC guards / ships in that server zone for protection. Hey look at that we added content for the wanna be pirate / hostile people and created a somewhat safe way for people needing it. Its not 100 % safe but still gives that risk and reward we all like on pvp correct. On top of the NPC guards etc you could now have players also offering their service to protect you while in that server zone even more content for the ones that want to be the good guys sounds like win win. 

  5. 43 minutes ago, Captain Jack Shadow said:

    Anything would be better than the present..."Oh, we want to go raid, but don't want to be retaliated against, so let's change our name to go raiding, then change it back when we are done.  Not cool at all.

    Stopping people from changing company names will not do anything. People are just going to use an alt account that's not in the company.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Kaelath_The_Red said:

    The easiest answer is to straight up remove the ability to offline raid, the company i'm in in J13 has lost a galleon that we had to babysit for 2 months straight because the top 3 guilds on NA Krakenmaw constantly every single night would come in and barrel our ships, this is one of the 3 companies with 100+ people coming in and raiding a company of only 30, our company barely manages to keep 20 people on per day because people have gotten tired of being raided 24/7 by these large companies who are openly duping resources, blueprints, gold, and ship parts and BRAG ABOUT IT on twitch, one of the people doing it literally had a dev in their channel watching them do the duping and have had nothing happen to them.


    Companies like mine are sitting in our bases playing legit with dwindling players while these large companies freely cheat their way to ruling the game, and I hate it because we went from being a game with 50,000 people per day to 1 month later being a game with only 11,000 players across all official and unofficial game servers. Jat and the rest of the dev team need to focus on wiping the entire official world servers and using that wipe to instantly and easily catch the duping players and banning them en-mass I've stopped playing the game as of 2 nights ago when my company lost our galleon that we had over 200 pvp kills to a douchebag in a large company glitching firejars and fire arrows onto a ship from in the ocean and sinking the gally before returning 12hrs later with a zerg of 150 people who proceeded to server lock  our zone causing crashes and rollbacks every 10 minutes for 14 hours which thankfully ended in our 30man alliance fighting off the 150 man crew. Not a single part of that experience was fun nor was it something I wish to experience.


    This isn't ARK SURVIVAL EVOLVED but the developers are treating this like a HARDCORE SURVIVAL SIM which this was never advertised as, it was advertised to us as a fucking 40,000 player per server pirate themed MMO where we could go into towns filled with AI, fight mythical monsters and other players on the open seas on ships that we built.

    Instead we get ARK where we grind for days on end to build a ship, have a cheating company come by when we're sleeping, delete our ships and steal our small plot of land in a few minutes by glitching flags and forcing all of us who play legit to respawn in a freeport and start the entire nightmare over again. 

    And if you actually manage to join a company you get to enjoy being told what you can build, how you can build it, and being told you're never allowed to touch the resources in the resource chest of the base because those 6 different materials you spent week after week farming nonstop are only allowed to be used by the admins to make their own personal battleships with personal medium, large, swivel cannons with masterwork decks and sails. And you're never allowed to leave the base because youre now the the company slave, your job is to farm all day, sit in a tower guarding their ship, and if a tame or ship gets sunk while you're taking a piss or getting something to eat you get to enjoy hearing them scream at you that it all your fault and if you ever do it again you're kicked out of the company.



    All of this had made me not want to play the game anymore after 553 hours of gameplay. And in all reality the devs don't care because if they did care  CSTG, No No No! SoV would all have been banned from the game for being dupers, hackers, racists, and griefers using exploits to put barrels inside ships to blow them up.


    But instead anytime anyone ever complains on the reddit or these forums the posts and threads are instantly deleted which tells me I should have gotten a refund on the game the night it came out because I cannot support a company that doesn't honor it's Terms of service.



    No to the of offline raiding idea. Coming up with a different solution to it yes but to simply remove damage while offline in this game would be exploited and ruin the 24/7 pvp.  The game is still EA its more of a beta than anything in my opinion so the exploits bugs people are abusing will hopefully get fixed. till then a wipe would be almost pointless because it would just happen all over again. Also if Jat was in that stream watching good let the streamer show all that crap maybe Jat will take it back to the other devs and they can look into fixed or preventing the stuff like whats been happening. I agree there are a bunch of companies out there ran by kids or people with the you work for me mentality but there are also some really good ones out there as well you just have to look around.  Plus the game description says ultimate survival so most people probably take that as hardcore survival.

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  7. 44 minutes ago, MisterMyztik said:

    Of course, but why bring it in at all? It seems like they keep making this MMO smaller and smaller.. "You wanna be a solo pirate?" "SURE THING" 




    Hey but if you wanna solo it? Go ahead.

    Thats what happens when devs start to cater to all these people crying saying the game is to hard, or that they need some sort of protections.

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  8. 1 minute ago, znasser said:

    I was just watching on twitch how three guys and a couple of bears were destroying hundreds or even thousands of hours worth of work in EU D15 because there was nobody to defend against them. I don't know what they expect is gonna happen when those guys log in today after work and see all they've done the last month gone because they can't play at 9 am on a work day, but i bet most of them will quit.  This design is just stupid tbh.

    If you dont like it then leave and come back later one if they decide to fix it. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Sklex said:

    Eve does PvE in a special way. Even though it's safe it's really not safe. Here PvE means the game mechanics stop you from hitting each other. In Eve the Concord (aka police) stop you from hitting each other. Just like in real life where you can choose to break the law acknowledging that actions have consequences you can attack players in the High Sec areas. But as soon as you do your days are numbered. Concord come down on your like a bat outta hell. 

    But... with the right amount of players and the right amount of logistics and resources... the players were able to prove that anything was possible. 


    I have no idea whats going on in this picture and i absolutely have no interest in it or EVE. 

  10. 21 minutes ago, Sklex said:

    It could be though. It could be a hugely successful and thoroughly enjoyable experience for everyone. 

    The very significant difference with Ark is they can turn servers on an off as the demand increases or lowers. That's not how Atlas works. If they turn off servers here they are directly impacting on the experience of everyone. 

    In Eve you can transfer game-time. Effectively real hard earned money. And pirates they can blow up your ship and take that game-time and use it or sell it or loose it again.

    Ever read about the guy who pulled of such a large scam that he made enough money to put a deposit down on a real house?

    The point being that Eve creates PvP that people enjoy reading about. It creates PvP that people want to be part of. Can Atlas or Ark make similar claims?

    Just because you can hit something when no one is there does not make it hard-core. 


    The game can still be hugely successful and not have to follow EVE footprints. Its still EA there is alot they can do and many ways to do it. And I'm sure there has been some epic battles and pvp in ark and even at this stage of Atlas which for the current population i would say is pretty good. Would I like it to grow of course but before that happens the devs need to put a ton of work in. Cant even have more than 50 people on a server without having massive lag atm. I picture hardcore as being no holds bar everything goes no form of protection as in PVE area where people can hide or an offline protection, which EVE has. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Sklex said:

    Ark is a multi-player game with significantly less cost to keep the power on. This is an MMO with significantly bloody high costs to keep running. 

    The two are not the same thing even if they look like it on the surface. 

    You can be sure of one thing though. The hard-core PVP players are not going to have the numbers to make it worthwhile for Grapeshot Games to maintain the servers. This game needs players and in order to do that something needs to be done to attract players and you do not attract players by appealing to the hardcore. They are the minority. It's why there are so many more 'carebear roller coaster' MMO's versus HC Sandbox MMO's. Publishers follow the $$ and the money is in the masses. 

    Go do some research on how Eve works, open your mind to the possibilities and then come back and tell us why you think it wont work in this game. That will be a discussion worth happening. 

    All the Eve players I've seen are frothing at the mouth with the potential here and that should say something to the Dev's given they launched with the whole "We are taking a lot of inspiration from Eve" line. 

    How many world wars have you had in Ark? They wrote a book about the Eve ones. 

    This is not EVE. Just because the developers said they were inspired by it does not mean its going to be EVE 2.0 pirate version. And the reference to ark was about how they added content and it evolved into more as time passed. I did not mention anything about hardcore PVP.  Just stated that there are a ton of reason as to why the population has decreased.  And I could care less about EVE and the world wars lol. You say significantly less cost to keep ark running how so ? Last I knew Ark had way more offical servers than the ones combined on PVP and PVE for Atlas. 

    3 minutes ago, Sklex said:

    Oh and to be clear. 

    We are not recommending Eve's design because it's a care bear roller coaster MMO. 

    It's about as hard-core as they come... but they made it work. They made it so the different demographics of players can co-exist and in doing so were successful. 

    If it was as " hard-core as they come " it wouldn't have any kind of offline raid protection.

  12. 1 minute ago, Sklex said:

    Just take Eve. Analyse it. Implement what they have done in similar but acceptable ways for this setting. 

    Everyone stands to win this way. The game will recover its numbers. PvE players will play the game. PvP players will hunt them. More PvP opportunities will be created. 

    Just look at their numbers. This is player count over the years. This is a game that got the design right. But unlike Eve, Atlas cannot be called a spreadsheet in sea game and stands to do a lot better if they get it right. 


    There are several other more important reasons as to why people are leaving this game. Give the devs time to fix and patch the game and add content its still early EA. Look at ark for example how far that has come in just a few years just have to be patient is all. 

  13. 10 minutes ago, Fiil said:

    EVE logs (or killmails), show everyone who participated in killing you (anyone who did damage to you in the event that killed you, or your structures), you can then click on the listed participants and see what corporations they are in, and what corporations they have been in, in the entirety of that characters life).

    So what you know in EVE, is who did it, and what groups have they affiliated with, and you can always look them up later, to see who they are affiliating with later, if that changes.

    In my opinion, this makes for much more hardcore PVP, as you can always choose to be the villain, but doing so, will follow you, maybe nothing will come of it, but it does make you think twice before going on a killing spree.

    I mostly spent my time in EVE as a pirate, so i won't say it outright deters people, but you always know you cant hide from your actions.


    This game (and ARK for that matter), is a kiddie version of PVP, where nothing you do will ever really haunt you, and it feels very catered towards 10 year olds, that cant grasp their actions "means something".

    I like all that except the part where you can look them up later and see who they are affilitated with at that point. That would still make it so you could not really hide at all. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Fiil said:

    The devs should really look towards EVE-Online on this issue, sometimes the log in this game doesnt even show who offline raided you, PVP is great, but i lacks meaningful consequences, if you add a log that works somewhat like in eve, there would be no hiding from your actions.

    That doesnt stop you being able to raid, it just gives the victim, who is often the little guy anyway, a chance to respond.
    As it is now, you can get raided, and you won't even know if it was your neighbour or someone from 7 grids away randomly sailing by.

    I agree that the log is lacking and needs to show more detail who destroyed what and so on. What does the EVE logs do differently ? 

  15. 15 hours ago, vaylain said:

    So says you, the almighty GOD and savior!!! I see YOU get to dictate exactly how this game should be played.

    If you want to claim  land  then fight for it and take it or try to sneakily take it from someone. Or how about you form and alliance with a company that has it and im sure they will share I know quite a few companies that do this already. Where in my last post did I dictate how the game should be played ?They were suggestions not demands.  And personally I have had way more fun on lawless servers than I have on ones where you have to claim the land. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Talono said:

    I dont need crabs and stupid fancy new armors.

    I need offline protection for my ships and bases. I need stone HPx10.

    I need explosive damage nerfed by factor 10. I need cannon damage nerfed. I need oil jars strongly nerfed.

    I need auto turrets like in ARK for my bases.

    I need AI control to be removed from cart swivels.

    Don't post while on Meth.

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  17. 15 hours ago, BastionK said:

     I sincerely don't know why people are still playing on officials....go to GamingOGS servers on unofficials...you will not regret it...we moved over a couple weeks back and it actually saved me from deleting this game...Don't get me wrong, we still get offlined occasionally, but increased gathering rates and taming rates make it so much easier to rebuild.  In Na-PVP we struggled for weeks to get a single claim flag, grew it to 4 whole flags before some mega decided that they wanted the territory to grow turnips on or some BS.  Now we own an entire island on a 5x10 map and could have more if we wanted....Seriously , before you give up the game, give the unofficials a try.  To try the one my group plays on just type GOG in the search and make sure to join their discord...the admin are very active and there are a few rules you should make sure you know.



    because my issue with admin abuse. I have a very aggressive play style and most admins do not like that and end up banning me or using their powers in an abusive way to set me back. On to of that having a blast in official server where its challenging and populated. Most unofficial servers have jacked up rates that make it pointless to do anything. 

    15 hours ago, EvilBoy said:

    you cant play official servers with family share

    No. But its not hard to have a 2nd account and its only another 25$ to have. For some thats not much money to spend on a game if they are putting in hundreds if not thousands of hours into it

  18. 12 hours ago, Smartie said:

    I agree with Vaylain 100%. What i'm wondering is why people don't agree, do you honestly play Atlas 24/7 to the point you don't sleep? Or maybe  you haven't experienced being griefed because you're in a big clan that likes to terrorize people in game even though they pose no threat. There is a difference between PvP and griefing. I've had such a bad experience with NoNoNo  that I cant even stand to play NA PvP anymore, I hate it now. "Im gonna make sure you hate this game and never play again." is what it feels like they're saying. You could be building a little hut and out of nowhere they appear and kill you steal your stuff, then you're back a square 1, make your metal tools. Half of us have to live on lawless lands because all big companies are too egotistic to share their land and they'll still go out of their way to go to lawless lands say its "theirs" and unleash. I cant express how frustrating it is... I dont care if its PvP, there is a boundary.


    Its like why don't you go pick on a crew your own size. Or do some treasure maps, bullies.

    Yes I have experienced griefing and i have meet up with NoNoNo. The griefer i griefed back and they ended up moving to another server. As with No clan i just went around their territory. As for me playing 24/7 no i only play a couple hours a day and am enjoying the PVP server with no limitations to the raiding, and also live on lawless land. I am not against having an offline system where bases and ships have a structure Buff where it will take way more explosives etc to break in. I am against 100% offline immunity where if a company is offline their structures and ships take 0 damage. And in a PVP i belive there should be no safe zones, yes I know there is now and wish it would change which unfortunately wont happen. Also the map is huge why not move away from Nonono company and try again. And you complaining about large companies owning / claiming all the land that is what this game is meant to be. You as a solo person shouldnt have the RIGHT to own it if you want it take it by force or make a deal with another company. I know several companies out there that will let you build on their island with a tax of course. 

  19. 4 hours ago, Rovalis said:

    SWG is not even close to an apples-to-apples comparison. Establish pre or post pub 9, talk about your combat medic shenanigans, talk about how many Jedi that didn't care about TEFs that were helping you. Besides, SWG was a completely functional game and you weren't dependent on your faction warfare bases to participate in the rest of the content of the game.... Try again. All you're doing is trying to keep your offline-raiding gravy train rolling.


    Offline raiding is not gameplay. It's basically time-theft when you stop and consider what's going on. If they advertised this game as time zone musical chairs for boats then nobody would play it. Obviously it's early access and these mechanics are, again, obviously, not concrete. If you think this is working as intended then you're just delusional.

    You're just assuming how some kind of offline protection would work. It doesn't have to be offline = invulnerable. Have you not played any other games? EVE online sorted this out a decade ago. There are very functional, viable ways to handle ORP that aren't just invulnerability. And in that case your assumed scenario is just nonsense.

    Thats because 99% of the people asking for ORP want the total immunity when offline. Alot of us on the PVP server do not want it modified to the point you have to travel all over the place just to find the 4 people in your server you can raid or PVP.  Offline raiding is gameplay one its a way for a solo person to take down a much larger company that would have no chance at doing so with them all online. 

  20. 17 minutes ago, Willard said:

    You cant outsmart them. Currently there are no means how to stop offline raiders thats it. You can have puckles, swivels, cannons, multiple honeycombs and u still get raided easily 😉

    And im not telling them how to play. I just consider them pathetic 😉

    I agree puckles need a buff of some sort. But i also think alot of the issue with those are lag. And there are still ways to keep valuables hidden so people cant get your loot.

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