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Posts posted by Strategos

  1. I'd be surprised if this hasn't been suggested before but I couldn't find it. Edit: (Since posting It's been suggested a bunch of times )

    EVE online obviously is the inspiration here, as it is for many aspects of Atlas. But it seems to be that Atlas is really missing the tensions and drives that make a game like EVE so great. Emergent behaviour, risk, freedom. You give the players a robust set of tools and they will create more excitement and content than a team of designers ever could.


    Lets break it down:

    1: Using the grid based server system double the size of the map - (i'm assuming here that this is possible based on my understanding of how it works) Edit: (or double the number of grids say 20x20 see post below)

    2: Create a central circular region approx the size of a circle in the current map that is PvE. this is where carebears live. 

    3: Create a band around this which is a hybrid. The exact methodology here could be something like PvP at sea. Safe on land. An area where traders are at risk from pirates. NPCs in this region could include navy ships that attack pirates based on their infamy.

    4: Finally the band around the edges of the map. Full PvP. this is where the player wars happen. 

    5: Add a contracts and trading system like EVE which enables people to create transport companies, companies that provide escort services. Etc. Ship builders and other manafacturing services would be possible.

    6: Add an imfamy system. Bad guys can't even get into the PvE area eventually.

    7: Distribute NPC content, resources etc in a way that encourages trading and for certain high end stuff wars for control in the PvP regions. 


    Points 3 and 7 need considerably more detail than this to flesh out properly, but this is just a quick summary. Those of you  with EVE online experience will immediately understand the advantages of combining this. player traders getting sunk, players rushing to find and kill the pirates in their area. Companies warring for precious resources. Solo players sneaking into the PvP zone to try and get out with valuable resources at great peril. And those that want to PvE sitting in the safe zone providing lower level services, maybe ship building and animal taming. Those with a bit more chutzpah venturing into the middle zone to bring back good to sell to the central area. Bounty hunter chasing down famous pirates.

    The possibilities are endless.


    Obviously there are some serious issues that also need to be resolved for the game to work, claims, griefing etc. But I genuinely think that the game would work better for everyone with a fundamental overhaul like this.



  2. 14 minutes ago, Realist said:

    That fine, I am sure some people want that. That is just dangerous though, because I’ll be raiding anyone I see after my bases are done. Pirates loved going after trading companies.

    the hard part will be figuring out trade routes but once we do it will be good.

    Well I play on PVE so that doesn't effect me. But on PvP it would improve things because there would be people travelling to trade for you to pirate. 

    Someone above mentioned EVE online, their contract system is a great example. You immediately get players setting up transport businesses. Then they get pirated, so you then get people who get paid to protect them.  The possibilities are endless if you give players the right set of tools.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Realist said:


    If they did an auction hall/player shop like WoW, trading would be 100% safe. You just show up whenever you want and buy anything that 100’s have people have put up in the shop. Would be great 

    That's fine for freeports, but Id like something that players can use when they are out and about to trade with each other directly. The more player driven content is the more emergence you get.

  4. I'd like to see a trading stall you could build. Place it down. Two people put items in, if they BOTH click accept they get the other persons items.

    This way anyone can set up a trading post and have safe (or at least safer) transactions. 

  5. That's complete bullshit ! We have pegged out a small area around our base just to try and stop people trolling us and to allow us to expand out buildings a bit. The mechanic makes sense up to a point but it needs to be severely limited.

  6. On 1/26/2019 at 4:23 PM, Wh33ls said:

    We've thought about elevating our pen. But, that brings up other issues such as tames clipping into and through the floors on server restarts. Gets expensive having to replace floor tiles just to get a tame moving again. 

    I think I've solved this problem, If you build a floor underneath it seems to stop stuff clipping through. 

    So If I sleep on a floor that's supported by columns etc, I wake up on the ground underneath, likewise animals tend to drop through. But If I place another layer of ceiling tiles (another story) and sleep up there I'm fine, same with the pets.

  7. And why do we age so fast ?! Its ridiculous. If you are going to put in ageing make it feel like we are getting a life time out of it. My character is 75 years old and has been in existence for about 3 years in game time. 

    Edit: I know re-spawning ages you, my mate has overtaken me despite starting after me and is now 100. It heavily penalises new players learning the mechanics and forces them into end game content if they want to avoid their debuff WAY too early. 

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  8. I'm not a big fan of the submarine we've got coming. I don't want to see this going down the ARK route where we have more advanced technology. Make something that is at least a little bit more in keeping with the pirate setting please.

    I've seen some really good suggestions.

    1: Diving cages. 

    2: A winch with storage for you to fill up and winch back to the diving platform.

    3: Improved armour / visibility for the diving suit.

    Any of these or a combination of these would be fine.

    If you really want something more I'd go for a Diving Bell. Lower it from the platform and use it as a temporary base for mounting undersea expeditions. Return to bell for oxygen / restocking / storing loot. Winch the whole thing back up when you are finished.


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