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Everything posted by KORBATRON

  1. when i didn't see the sign or find out about till after i was banned nah cant say i did
  2. hes not racist just a dick who thought that was funny but tell me what i believe in some more
  3. Yes i would have and yes we did me and a buddy got a ban for no reason were all talking right now. And how do u know what i did please explain they haven't got back to me yet. i came here to point out to ppl they can be banned for something someone in their crew writes
  4. I know because its an irl friend and he told me what it was. He was leader also. And i was out of state came back and got banned 2 days later. Also im trying to see exactly what it was but haven't got an answer from anyone but he mentioned the sign.
  5. i figured im just heated over this ark is my favorite game and this is basicly the only game i was playing now its all gone for the actions of someone else
  6. who are you to judge my character i had no control over this and if i did it wouldn't of happened i know this kinda stuff happens i wouldn't of put in 100 plus hours
  7. he was on alone writing a sign we didnt see so idk how to stop that and in a dif server then our home you dont know me dude
  8. first off i was out of state. second its not like all he said was racist remarks im supposed to know what he wants to write on a sign. third i built all the ships 2 brigs and a gally and im supposed to leave that behind because i might get banned for someone else writing something come on man a sign its one person who did this randomly its not the klan im playing with dude
  9. Well it happened soooo we were a 3 man idk if that made it worse for me
  10. Ya for who actually did it not for a whole company
  11. Well im telling you the whole story im a reasonable person if i felt i deserved this i wouldn't of even made an account or post i just think its crazy one person can get a whole crew banned for writing something the game doesn't even censor. Its not like the game has a profanity filter and he got clever with symbols its straight up allowed to be typed and yet i can never play again with no warning for something i didn't do
  12. This isn't in-siding i'm not allowed to play ever again i didn't lose mats and a few ships i can work to get back. If you cant see how this is different then idk man. it was 3 of us... how is a personal ban not a thing this likely happened when i wasn't even logged in
  13. There was no chance to leave i came online and was globally banned and found out why after the fact it's an irl friend and he told me about it.
  14. Why would a whole company be banned for one person writing a sign? If i make an account and join a large crew and spam racist signs i can get all those players banned for no reason how is this fair? Can't racist/offensive signs lead to not being able to write in game anymore over not being able to play. To just get a perm ban with no warming for being in a tribe seems harsh. Why is there no profanity filter in place? Handing out a perm ban for writing something that the game is letting you say, no matter what it is, just seems unfair even more so to ban a WHOLE company for it.
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