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Everything posted by AceNinja420

  1. PVP is dead...and i have finally given up after sinking almost 7k hours into this game...the current meta is to exploit everything...multiple armored shipdocks that take a nuke to destroy right next to island flags so capping them is nearly impossible...or wait "it is" impossible considering there are not enough people playing this game anymore to accomplish what needs to be done to counter these cheap tactics...and that is just an example, with plenty more cheap tactics that are abused on a daily basis that im not going to bother listing...but thats what the dev team of this game has allowed...I can only remember the good old days of fun pvp, where taking down your opponent was actually possible, and where we had in game dev moderators....those days are long gone, the game is a standstill of nothing more than a shit talking competition due to the fact that people who should be banned from the game are still allowed to play and exploit...it has literally killed the population of this game and the devs are too scared of punishing them because they would lose half of the 300 players that keep this sorry excuse alive....what they do not realize is that if they did punish them and promote fair equal opportunities for players they would more than likely have a growing population as opposed to a dying population. The players are helpless, and they almost never get a "real" response to their problems....just some automated copy and paste garbage...i love this game, and it has potential but until the dev team actually starts playing their own game in order to understand the problems they have created all hope seems to be lost....until then im walking the plank....farewell me maties! Cheers! Also i will be posting this message on multiple forum pages because im sure the devs will try to silence the reality of what this game has truly become, so good luck, steam, reddit, and many more....here i come
  2. Im sorry im not buying that crock of shit, I know countless xbox players that I have personally witnessed purchase the game...play it for 2 days if that.....and then drop this crap like the sack of shit it is, if devs actually knew what was going on with it thier own game and wasnt "fixing xbox crashing" (even though xbox still crashes)....this shit might be enjoyable for more people, but with the lack of knowledge for issues concerning thier "own title" and absolutely no communication as to wtf is currently taking place in this game it makes it very hard to not be pissed off, and I dont blame the players who have already moved on to playing other games, like i said before.....pathetic...
  3. Dev team.....long story short, you suck at your job.....wtf is going on right now??? do you even know??? care to enlighten us??? Oh you dont??? and your probably wondering why you are losing more and more of your playerbase.....tighten up...get your shit together this is pathetic...
  4. Yes me as well, and after creating a new character deciding to throw in the towel and not wanting to deal with wait times of support tickets, the same thing happened to that character as well, sooooooo looks like im back to creating a new character...again...yay!...this is fun...buy atlas...tell your friends...GG...RIP...#$%*!!!
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