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About Adalwulf

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  1. I understand the whole idea of aging and its roll in a survival based game but this is just ridiculous. First there's no single player to Atlas and now if you hit age 100 you have a penalty to all your stats and eventually plan to kill people off and make them start over if they reach 100 from what i hear. But wait if you can get to the fountain of youth you can reverse these penalties and turn them into bonus stats awesome... but wait there's more, there is level 100+ enemies that are blocking the fountain of youth including fire and rock elementals and archers of the damned not to mention the ants and bats inside that can all one shot you. which makes it almost impossible to do unless you're running in naked and willing to die 70 times just to click the fountain on the off chance you do make it inside. So basically long story short if you are a casual player or a lone wolf good luck playing this game sorry bout your luck. better luck next time.... Honestly does wildcard/Grapehsot even care about the casual players that dont have time to sink into this game like people that dont have to worry about certain things in real life such as a family or job etc. when this was first announced I was excited as could be since this is basically the only pirate game out there with this level of complexity. but i spent 4 real days sailing on a raft because all land was taken. so i was forced to join a company which is full of great people and all but they all play when i am unable to. and then next thing you know before i can even build my own ship im being penalized because im over the age of 100. come on guys. youre losing a player base with the route youre taking. i spent 45 minutes trying to get into the cave for the fountain and most of it was spent dying like everybody else. This mechanic needs to go or be made a crap ton easier so that casual players can have a chance.
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